Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
30 Jul 2015, 7:09pm
I think the argument is over the difference of the word "percent" and the word "percentile"

I've always viewed the stats as a percentile rank.
31 Jul 2015, 3:26am
SigsyHi there, is it possible to submit our wing emblem so it can be used in the signature generator similar to the Mobius one?

Emblem/icon in the signature is more intended for large groups (let's say hundred and more players) than wings, but I possibly add some automated solution for wings, too. Doing it manually on request for each wing may be painful over time...

That's cool man, on behalf of the 6th Interstellar Corps, what you have created with INARA is absolutely fantastic. It's brilliant.
Have you ever considered adding a paypal donate link or anything?
31 Jul 2015, 3:38pm
Sigsy That's cool man, on behalf of the 6th Interstellar Corps, what you have created with INARA is absolutely fantastic. It's brilliant.
Have you ever considered adding a paypal donate link or anything?

Well, I was not initially considering this, but... it's something that has been requested from time to time, so I really should realize it. Few bucks extra for server rental fees are always handy.
31 Jul 2015, 8:58pm
Sigsy That's cool man, on behalf of the 6th Interstellar Corps, what you have created with INARA is absolutely fantastic. It's brilliant.
Have you ever considered adding a paypal donate link or anything?

Well, I was not initially considering this, but... it's something that has been requested from time to time, so I really should realize it. Few bucks extra for server rental fees are always handy.

I agree with Sigsy.Everyone from GS are grateful for your work. Thank you
01 Aug 2015, 3:29am
Sigsy That's cool man, on behalf of the 6th Interstellar Corps, what you have created with INARA is absolutely fantastic. It's brilliant.
Have you ever considered adding a paypal donate link or anything?

Well, I was not initially considering this, but... it's something that has been requested from time to time, so I really should realize it. Few bucks extra for server rental fees are always handy.

Completely deserved, if you were to add it there would definitely be a few bucks thrown your way.
01 Aug 2015, 10:46am
Agree, add the donate link...I would like to show my appreciation for this site as well as say how fantastic it is....
02 Aug 2015, 12:57pm
Thank you for support, guys! That option is here now...

There is another update...
  • New feature: Shipyard in Galaxy section - shows ships information, default loadouts and more importantly - nearest known shipyards. Station shipyard now can be edited (in Market), too.
  • Ship configuration in your Fleet now accepts exports, there are also made some other improvements. If it is not working as expected for your current EliteShipyard exports, you need to remove any excessive content you may added here (plain copy&paste works fine).
  • Star system information (in market and other places) improved with system economies and population data (great thanks to CMDR Bidabug for providing reference list!).
  • Powers page now display border systems (there is also rumour that you can find conflict zones here often).
  • If do you wish to, you can now also support Inara with any sum (banner on news page), which will be used for Inara maintenance (server fees) and additional improvements.
02 Aug 2015, 1:22pm
ArtieThank you for support, guys! That option is here now...

There is another update...
  • New feature: Shipyard in Galaxy section - shows ships information, default loadouts and more importantly - nearest known shipyards. Station shipyard now can be edited (in Market), too.

  • Ship configuration in your Fleet now accepts exports, there are also made some other improvements. If it is not working as expected for your current EliteShipyard exports, you need to remove any excessive content you may added here (plain copy&paste works fine).

  • The coriolis exports is nice but the shipyard thing is a bit of a godsend. I mean sure half the time I still run to whatever system has the ships on discount but nevertheless knowing where ships could be located near me is rather nice.

    Probably too much to ask for but hopefully eventually in the far future knowing where I can find modules :p
    Even so I'm more interested in the conflict zones while galnet does list them it only gives you 10 and the only way to find the others is word of mouth or searching yourself, there doesn't seem to be any good way to actually search for conflict zones.
    02 Aug 2015, 1:30pm
    Yep, when there will be Frontier API or any other automated way how to get modules availability, I will add it here too. Manual edits for modules will be crazy, exhausting and due that almost nobody will be filling it.

    Conflict zones are more complicated, there are some online services for it, but once again - people are usually lazy to fill in the data, so the lists are often outdated and/or incomplete, so I am looking rather for some automated solution. Galnet news aren't complete, new Border systems in our Powerplay section doesn't guarantee there will be conflict zones, but at least something...
    02 Aug 2015, 2:01pm
    Impressive update Artie!! the Ship finder!!

    I'm a bit slow this morning....where do I find the support link?
    02 Aug 2015, 2:50pm
    On the news page right side, below the radio (or in the Settings, eventually).
    02 Aug 2015, 4:01pm
    Found it...Thanks....let me know if it worked....
    02 Aug 2015, 4:16pm
    Donation given
    02 Aug 2015, 6:18pm
    Nicely done! Small donation sent...

    BTW is there a way to see all commanders in rankings?
    02 Aug 2015, 8:17pm
    Thanks, guys

    About rankings paging - not for now, as I want to see if there will be any official or possible ranking for CQC first (which may enhance our current ranking), but it's planned definitely.

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