Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
13 Oct 2015, 7:03pm
PlatinumWolf93How do you get the "Inara Supporter" Rank?

by suporting INARA
13 Oct 2015, 7:08pm
PlatinumWolf93How do you get the "Inara Supporter" Rank?

by suporting INARA

xD seriously, how do I go about supporting INARA?

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 13 Oct 2015, 7:14pm
13 Oct 2015, 7:10pm
There is a link on main page about half way down on right.
13 Oct 2015, 7:12pm
PlatinumWolf93How do you get the "Inara Supporter" Rank?

by suporting INARA

xD seriously, how do I go about supporting INARA?

sorry , couldnt resist that.

there is a paypal link tuched in just below the radio (right hand side) on the news page
13 Oct 2015, 7:13pm
Schway, thanks guys
13 Oct 2015, 7:20pm
NeldasiArtie i have a question/request? Is it possible to open external links in a new browser tab?

You mean links in discussions and logbooks, right? It may be good, I will take a look on it...

i agree with the freelancer definition . tho surely any PvP + freelancer would by the same definition include CQC

That's why there is explicitly CQC in game style and also role "Gladiator" intended to mark those interested in CQC. So any other role is not CQC related and simply said - when no CQC set in preferred game style nobody can deduce you are interested in CQC at all. So for example "PvE and PvP" and "Freelancer" means that "I do whatever, but don't bother me with that CQC nonsense" and setting "CQC only" and "Gladiator" means "I am hardcore CQC fan, I don't play anything else!"
13 Oct 2015, 7:48pm
i agree with the freelancer definition . tho surely any PvP + freelancer would by the same definition include CQC

That's why there is explicitly CQC in game style and also role "Gladiator" intended to mark those interested in CQC. So any other role is not CQC related and simply said - when no CQC set in preferred game style nobody can deduce you are interested in CQC at all. So for example "PvE and PvP" and "Freelancer" means that "I do whatever, but don't bother me with that CQC nonsense" and setting "CQC only" and "Gladiator" means "I am hardcore CQC fan, I don't play anything else!"

a ''CQC , Gladiator'' would only be interested in CQC and not the main game agreed
but a '' ( PvE / ) PvP , freelancer'' might sitll do a little CQC once in a while. due to the variety of jobs from the term freelancer. so unlike the CQC it is not exclusive - unless the ''all'' option is there as well
13 Oct 2015, 8:00pm
Anyone else having Instancing issues!?!?! I used to able to instance with a friend all the time now we cant ever since release for xbox on Oct 6
13 Oct 2015, 8:00pm
Well, if we take it that way (to the extreme, in my opinion), the main problem is - how to nicely name the role that will fit "anything but no CQC"? I have no idea at this moment.
13 Oct 2015, 8:07pm
ArtieWell, if we take it that way (to the extreme, in my opinion), the main problem is - how to nicely name the role that will fit "anything but no CQC"? I have no idea at this moment.

''freelacer'' covers it as long as there is an ''all / anything / everything'' option as well , without the need for a direct ''whatever but no CQC'' (even tho you have that the other way around )
13 Oct 2015, 8:10pm
Alright, so both options are there.
13 Oct 2015, 8:11pm
ArtieWell, if we take it that way (to the extreme, in my opinion), the main problem is - how to nicely name the role that will fit "anything but no CQC"? I have no idea at this moment.

''freelacer'' covers it as long as there is an ''all / anything / everything'' option as well , without the need for a direct ''whatever but no CQC'' (even tho you have that the other way around )

or add ''only'' on the end of the double options in ''prefered game style'' where you have ''any'' as an option already for all 3
13 Oct 2015, 10:46pm
NeldasiArtie i have a question/request? Is it possible to open external links in a new browser tab?

You mean links in discussions and logbooks, right? It may be good, I will take a look on it...

yep and thanks and one more thing, maybe it's me doing something wrong our not but often when i log to inara my current possition is G 240-11 / LEHTONEN ENTERPRISE while i never been there, so is het me or is het just de default?
13 Oct 2015, 11:20pm
Hey guys,

My system information in the market says that Imperial Slaves are prohibited and will not let me update them. They are, at present, not prohibited to be sold, they cannot be bought though. How do I update the market to show this?
14 Oct 2015, 12:41am
Vale MacRorie Would there be any chance of adding a section, perhaps on the market page, that would show the nearest systems with a RES?

Yes, that may be handy for miners and bounty hunters. Adding it to my ToDo list. Anybody knows some existing and valid current list (google doc, forum threads, etc.), that may help to pre-populate this?

I'm not sure if there's anything that's up to date. I know at least one site, and probably a thread or two on the forums attempted to do something like this. I wonder if it might be possible for Frontier to lend a hand there? A simple text file with the system name and planet would probably do, though I admit I have no idea how things work on your end.

If nothing else, a thread on the forums asking for folks to list which systems and planets they know have a RES might be useful. If all RES locations are static (meaning they don't ever change over time) then we could possibly even refine it further to specify what type of RES is at that location. It's not uncommon to find 3 or more at one location, though they don't always include each type.

Probably getting ahead of the game, but it can't hurt to kick some ideas around for later, right?

I'm going to try to remember to make a note of all the RES locations I come across, even if all I do is screenshot them with FRAPS for later.

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