Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
15 Oct 2015, 1:11pm
Additional Discord channel should do the trick, thanks!
15 Oct 2015, 2:45pm
Just a note for wing officers: I discovered (and fixed) a bug which allowed to promote wing members to Wingman and Senior wingman ranks earlier than expected and described in rank descriptions. To keep things consistent I unfortunately had to remove these ranks from few members, but I kept at least highest rank possible for them. I am sorry for the inconvenience, but it was needed to do.
16 Oct 2015, 8:05am
Hello, I seem to be experiencing an issue with the wing functionality on the site. I applied to join a wing and i see an icon indicating an update but when i click the Wing tab i always go back to the Wing menu where they display the wings made on Inara.

Can someone help me out in solving this issue? Thanks!
16 Oct 2015, 10:37am
Avalon: Hello, I don't see any wing join request pending from you in the database, it seems it was not processed correctly. Please try to join the wing again, you should get also confirmation on the top of the page that your join request was sent.
16 Oct 2015, 5:01pm
I can't seem to unsubscribe from "General/game talk".. I don't want to be notified of posts in any of these forums. Likewise I don't want to be notified of new images in the Gallery, is there a way to unsubscribe from that too?

Ultimately it's that I have to compulsively clear those blasted numbers which appear at the top, and having to do so "bugs" me.
16 Oct 2015, 6:02pm
Mal: Unsubcribe for "General/game talk" seems to be working alright. But, please take a look to your Settings>Misc, there you can turn off auto subscriptions for Gallery and Discuss section as a whole. (I've added it right now, I will also mention it in notes during next update for others).
16 Oct 2015, 8:32pm

New to the site. So amazing and so much info I am sure it's going to take me a while to get it all down but what I do want to know is. Can you link your in-game user account so it populates some if not all of the stuff under Cmdr's Log, market and such automatically to this site / my account on this site?

I also see where they are talking about turning on verbose logging for the game. I went to the game install folder and I don't see the appconfig.xml file. I see an appnetcfg.xml in the userprofile\appdata\local\...\elite danterous folder. However I don't see anything in there about a "network' section either.

Is there any place on this site that has how-to write ups for making all the features on this site work?

Thanks in advance!

=705= Amithus
16 Oct 2015, 8:32pm
Hi people in charge!

First of all, this is a great site.  The Diamond Frogs, your third largest org, have used it as an organization tool, and it's really solid.

I'm writing to request a feature, specifically, the ability to add icons or patches for squadrons.  We use squadrons to organize our crews and build our identity, and we have some really great patches, like


Which we'd like to be able to upload next to or under the name of the squadron on the roster page.  Currently, you can include images under "see full history," but the "short description" does not take markup.  The actual images we'd be uploading for those patches would be avatar sized, not the fullsized images here, but closer to 125x125.

Thank you for developing and supporting this great platform!

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 16 Oct 2015, 9:31pm
16 Oct 2015, 8:39pm
ArtieMal: Unsubcribe for "General/game talk" seems to be working alright.

Not for me  If I click on "General / Game talk" then I see the following on the RHS:

I click "Unsubscribe" and it reloads, now I'm looking at "Updates, bug reports.." and if I click "General / game talk" again it all repeats.

ArtieBut, please take a look to your Settings>Misc, there you can turn off auto subscriptions for Gallery and Discuss section as a whole. (I've added it right now, I will also mention it in notes during next update for others).

Done, thanks!
16 Oct 2015, 9:50pm

New to the site. So amazing and so much info I am sure it's going to take me a while to get it all down but what I do want to know is. Can you link your in-game user account so it populates some if not all of the stuff under Cmdr's Log, market and such automatically to this site / my account on this site?

Hello, unfortunately it's not possible at this moment, at least until Frontier will provide some public API for such kind of information.

Amithus  I also see where they are talking about turning on verbose logging for the game. I went to the game install folder and I don't see the appconfig.xml file. I see an appnetcfg.xml in the userprofile\appdata\local\...\elite danterous folder. However I don't see anything in there about a "network' section either.

If you are playing Elite from Steam, it may be in different location like C:/Program files/steam/steamapps/common/game_folder. Try to take a look here, or use Windows search to find the file.

Amithus  Is there any place on this site that has how-to write ups for making all the features on this site work?

It's not, but I think after a while you will discover how everything works on your own. It may look a little bit overwhelming at first view, but generally nothing here is complicated (or at least is not intended to be complicated).

ParamemeticHi people in charge!
.... Which we'd like to be able to upload next to or under the name of the squadron on the roster page.  Currently, you can include images under "see full history," but the "short description" does not take markup.  The actual images we'd be uploading for those patches would be avatar sized, not the fullsized images here, but closer to 125x125.

Hi, it's not there yet, but definitely planned (it's not hard to do, but I am currently targeting on more urgent or more widely useful things at this moment).

Mal Reynolds
Not for me  If I click on "General / Game talk" then I see the following on the RHS:
I click "Unsubscribe" and it reloads, now I'm looking at "Updates, bug reports.." and if I click "General / game talk" again it all repeats.

Yes, that's how it works. You will click unsubscribe, it will remove subscription and forward you to default thread "Updates, bug reports...". Until you visit that thread again (which will automatically subscribe you), your subscription for this thread is gone. I am aware the fact it's not very clear and there is space for making it more user friendly, but for now it works that way.
17 Oct 2015, 7:31am
Hey hey Artie! Just noticed, its kind of bug? Im having cqc r17 and in game its amateur, but here showes me as helpless. But Im not! Not a close to just funny little thing. Can be fixed?
17 Oct 2015, 9:41am
Evgeny: It needs to be set manually, it's a pilot's federation rank same as trade, exploration and combat. As there are no known thresholds for it, there are three different options for CQC: CQC prestige (0-9), CQC rank (1-50) and Pilot's CQC rank (Helpless-Elite)
17 Oct 2015, 10:33am
Ah, I see now, thanks!
17 Oct 2015, 11:58am
I got some small requests,
any chance support openID logins / linking of accounts, namely STEAM, Facebook, Twitter, Google ?

any chance to support also browser based discord in the urls (not only the app?)
17 Oct 2015, 12:58pm
Dwarden: There are no immediate plans for OpenID and account linking, but I never say never.
I am not sure how is meant browser based Discord - as far as I know those links are leading to browser version, but there is possible that Discord app overtake these links when installed (I didn't tried it with app, but in browser it works well). If do you have some other info or tips about it, please tell me and I will improve it.

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