Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
10 Nov 2015, 11:41pm
RudolphusArtie do you want to put the role Freebooter to roles, it is mention in the Elite Lore

Hmmm... is there any difference between pirate and freebooter by the Elite lore? Which one? (I don't know, just asking, also to eventually clarify it in the settings)

Jack Dekerdt
I DO have access to INARA on my Galaxy Note 5. My question was whether there was an app that was formatted specifically for mobile and/or tablet devices that was formatted to the small screen, for example, the excellent app for ED GallNet News.

Ah, I see. With the recent update there were changes to fit Inara better to small screens, so it should be improved now, but as more mobile-dedicated layout or app will need extra work and time to maintain with each new feature or change, there are no plans for it now.

'Honist'bobwould it be possible in the future to have a search function on the Wings tab maby by tags ie group 1 sets tags as pvp,open play ect ?

I was thinking about PC+Mac/Xbox wings filtering in the wings list, but open play/etc. may by also handy. So we will see...

Azaret/tanardhey !
It's possible to make a multi private message?

Not yet, but it's on the ToDo list.

Laynor Luna Lagoonawell, i don't understand why the possibility to see it directly in the website have been deleted ?
 what the point of doing that?

It was needed to clean up left column due layout changes on smaller screens where left column is transformed to top menu. As right column is usually pretty busy as is, there was no other suitable space for it. But, current solution may be improved in the future with some tooltip, so it won't be needed to click it. Of course, the list is still there (on click), just not on almost every page.

Last edit: 10 Nov 2015, 11:47pm
11 Nov 2015, 12:52am
can't simply display it on larger screen? and hide it on little one?
11 Nov 2015, 8:03am
The location I set keeps changing every time I click on a station / system link on the website.
11 Nov 2015, 10:09am
This mine reference from the Dark wheel Novella,

"To be a trader is to be two things: dangerous, and at risk. Dangerous because to survive as a trader
you have to know your weapons and how to use them in space combat; you need to be able to
recognise a pirate, or an anarchist, or a Thargoid invader, or a police trap when you might be
carrying any one of the thousands of prohibited materials.

And at risk for the same reason. A juicy Cobra, weighed down with minerals, or rare textiles, or
furs, or ore, is as tasty a target for a freebooter as any in the Galaxy."

Artie[quote=Rudolphus]Artie do you want to put the role Freebooter to roles, it is mention in the Elite Lore

Hmmm... is there any difference between pirate and freebooter by the Elite lore? Which one? (I don't know, just asking, also to eventually clarify it in the settings)
11 Nov 2015, 11:27am

From a mobile device perspective, just wanted to let you know that Windows phone (8.1) isn't good. At least on my Nokia Lumia 830. This is, of course, no different to most websites and most applications but I thought I would let you know.

On my device the top menu bar is truncated. In portrait I can see from 'News' to 'CMDR's Log'. In Landscape it's from 'News' to 'Gall' (not even the full word gallery). I can't scroll it or zoom it to see more, so no option to log in for me on that device.

Now, clearly it will all work magically when Win10 Mobile comes along.........
11 Nov 2015, 11:32am
Is it possible to make an app in playstore for this website? That would be so cool, more mobile and handy, because its difficult to surf this site on mobile browser.
11 Nov 2015, 1:26pm
is it just me or is not working on the radio section?
11 Nov 2015, 1:57pm
Laynor Luna Lagoonacan't simply display it on larger screen? and hide it on little one?

Maybe, I have other ideas how to utilize left column. But maybe it will be also customizable, so we will see...

TwinnMKIIThe location I set keeps changing every time I click on a station / system link on the website.

It is changing by market stations/star systems visited by default. But you can turn it off in your Settings.

RudolphusThis mine reference from the Dark wheel Novella,...

Hmmm, if there is no other reference and explanation, it seems to be used rather as synonym for pirate, so it will be confusing to has it there twice.

de Carabas
From a mobile device perspective, just wanted to let you know that Windows phone (8.1) isn't good. At least on my Nokia Lumia 830. This is, of course, no different to most websites and most applications but I thought I would let you know.

Thank you for report. If do you tell me which browser version are you using on your phone and which screen resolution your phone has, I can try to replicate and fix it...

DrankisIs it possible to make an app in playstore for this website? That would be so cool, more mobile and handy, because its difficult to surf this site on mobile browser.

No immediate plans for it. Just to clarify - is it difficult to use in what sense? There is too much info on the screen, too small fonts/buttons/links/etc. or the page seems broken in your browser?

'Honist'bobis it just me or is not working on the radio section?

It seems they stopped the radio completely, even their page is not working. If it is not just a temporal state, we will need to remove from the list completely, unfortunately (it was my favorite radio station, too).

Last edit: 11 Nov 2015, 2:06pm
11 Nov 2015, 2:25pm
How can I add my fleet value to the current asset ? Adding them in credit balance ?
11 Nov 2015, 2:50pm
Elya KruxHow can I add my fleet value to the current asset ? Adding them in credit balance ?

You can add each ship in the Fleet section. Add the ship, edit it's details. Here you set it's rebuy cost and what your insurance percentage is (example 95% for most people but 96% for beta backers). Once you save this then your fleet value is automatically added to your assets.
11 Nov 2015, 2:50pm
and for the friend list, can you add a rollover showing your online's friends, for people using a PC browser ?
11 Nov 2015, 2:54pm
Elya KruxHow can I add my fleet value to the current asset ? Adding them in credit balance ?

You can add each ship in the Fleet section. Add the ship, edit it's details. Here you set it's rebuy cost and what your insurance percentage is (example 95% for most people but 96% for beta backers). Once you save this then your fleet value is automatically added to your assets.

I did exacly this, it worked well for my first ship, but for my second I can see the correct value of my fleet, but in the total asset I only see the amount of the first one being added
11 Nov 2015, 3:04pm
Laynor Luna Lagoonaand for the friend list, can you add a rollover showing your online's friends, for people using a PC browser ?

Yes, that's the plan.

Elya Krux
I did exacly this, it worked well for my first ship, but for my second I can see the correct value of my fleet, but in the total asset I only see the amount of the first one being added

I just checked that and I do not see any issue there, total fleet value is added to credits entered. Do you can send me a screenshot of you credits page where is it visible (so with some credits entered) and also with exact browser version to I suspect it may be some weird javascript problem, but I want to see it first (also to see how are numbers formatted on the output).
11 Nov 2015, 5:37pm
'Honist'bobis it just me or is not working on the radio section?

It seems they stopped the radio completely, even their page is not working. If it is not just a temporal state, we will need to remove from the list completely, unfortunately (it was my favorite radio station, too).

It seems is down for the count - three days now and that website hasn't been reactivated. Sucks. They were easily my favorite, and I would have loved supporting their work had their only been a donation option.

Also, you might as well pull Third Rock's stream info too because their stream provider constantly changes the stream link so that people can't stream through the player of their choice. YAAAAAAAAAAAAY CAPITALISM WHOOOOOOOOOO
11 Nov 2015, 6:26pm
Sidenti Taalo
'Honist'bobis it just me or is not working on the radio section?

It seems they stopped the radio completely, even their page is not working. If it is not just a temporal state, we will need to remove from the list completely, unfortunately (it was my favorite radio station, too).

It seems is down for the count - three days now and that website hasn't been reactivated. Sucks. They were easily my favorite, and I would have loved supporting their work had their only been a donation option.

Also, you might as well pull Third Rock's stream info too because their stream provider constantly changes the stream link so that people can't stream through the player of their choice. YAAAAAAAAAAAAY CAPITALISM WHOOOOOOOOOO

That's a shame. I would always choose between and Hutton Orbital Radio when starting my session. I find they had the best music to my taste. Hopefully HOR will stay in business.

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