Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
21 May 2023, 5:53pm
A.G.DuranWhen you deleting an item from crafting list after some changes and refreshing the page, the last edited bluepring will be doubled as new one (affecting required materials list).

Hmmm... I am unable to replicated it. Do you can write me a step-by-step procedure, please? (I tried multiple variants by your description, but with no success.) The only thing that comes to my mind is that you may have added some blueprint, then edited/deleted any blueprint and then reloaded the page and it asked for the form resubmission, was that a case?

Seems to be that's it.
22 May 2023, 11:54am
I was wondering how hard would it be to add count required to "used in modifications" on componentitem page.
To visualize what I mean see:
This would make deciding whenever to keep a material or not way faster
22 May 2023, 3:45pm
Corr "Morningstar" FelianPolaris on INARA's system summary is listed as not requiring a permit. In-game still shows as "Permit Required for this location".

Thanks, fixed, it was user's incorrect manual edit.

Seems to be that's it.

Alright, thanks for the clarification.

Jack'lulI was wondering how hard would it be to add count required to "used in modifications" on componentitem page.
To visualize what I mean see:
This would make deciding whenever to keep a material or not way faster

What is meant exactly, how many modifications is the material used or the material cost (so the listed modification X need Y pieces of the material)?
22 May 2023, 4:01pm
Jack'lulI was wondering how hard would it be to add count required to "used in modifications" on componentitem page.
To visualize what I mean see:
This would make deciding whenever to keep a material or not way faster

What is meant exactly, how many modifications is the material used or the material cost (so the listed modification X need Y pieces of the material)?

How much units of the item is required in that blueprint.
This could be problematic to display with weapon/suit upgrades though, could also show full cost of upgrading 1-5.
22 May 2023, 6:17pm
Does anyone know why fleet carrier black market stats aren't updating? Something funky with Fdevs API?
24 May 2023, 9:05am
Hi there,

Very quick question, there may already be an answer somewhere but no search has worked so apologies if I'm asking about something that is already posted.
How do I find my list of Stored modules on Inara? I've searched everywhere, even found an old posts saying they could be filtered on in the ship module list, but I don't appear to have the option. This could always be a case of it hasn't updated in Inara from ED market connector.
Anyway, any insight on where they are or how I determine what the issue is would be appreciated. Cheers
24 May 2023, 10:32am
Commander: Hanger, click ship modules. Shows all purchased modules Stored and equipped. Click on location and select Stored Modules to filter out your ships.

Last edit: 24 May 2023, 10:38am
24 May 2023, 12:00pm
JagsjHi there,

Very quick question, there may already be an answer somewhere but no search has worked so apologies if I'm asking about something that is already posted.
How do I find my list of Stored modules on Inara? I've searched everywhere, even found an old posts saying they could be filtered on in the ship module list, but I don't appear to have the option. This could always be a case of it hasn't updated in Inara from ED market connector.
Anyway, any insight on where they are or how I determine what the issue is would be appreciated. Cheers

You can find it in Commander -> Hanger -> Ship Modules. You can filter on location and select "Stored Modules".

Or click on this link.
25 May 2023, 4:09pm
So, I had my xeno-hunter badge jump from 591 to 947 just now after importing game data, even though all I did was run refugees and wounded out of a system under invasion(Jawul - 444 according to the stats I can see on the summary for it). Said summary page also still correctly indicates my actual progress for the badge.

That a thing related to the journals or the webpage itself?
25 May 2023, 4:17pm
Kira GotoSo, I had my xeno-hunter badge jump from 591 to 947 just now after importing game data, even though all I did was run refugees and wounded out of a system under invasion

25 May 2023, 4:24pm


I didn’t kill any Thargoids whatsoever. I was there in a weaponless Cutter and avoided collisions with anything. The only ones killing anything were NPCs in those instances.

And it was also in solo play.

25 May 2023, 4:34pm
Okay, then just bugs... But that's unusual. You can see broken kill logging, but that's directly opposite.. ?
25 May 2023, 4:37pm
No idea. First time this has happened to me and I was pretty active in U14, at least in the first two or three months of the war. Maybe has something to do with U15. But figured I’d ask here anyway and see where the problem might lie.
25 May 2023, 5:24pm
Kira GotoSo, I had my xeno-hunter badge jump from 591 to 947 just now after importing game data, even though all I did was run refugees and wounded out of a system under invasion(Jawul - 444 according to the stats I can see on the summary for it). Said summary page also still correctly indicates my actual progress for the badge.

That a thing related to the journals or the webpage itself?

I have started to import the value game is providing (is in the journal and also in the game's Codex) and it should contain your lifetime Thargoid kill number, thus the increase. I just didn't want to announce it yet as there was one issue with the game's value noticed yesterday and I wanted to investigate possible reasons for it, but I will announce it later on (with some extra details).

Manic MarvinDoes anyone know why fleet carrier black market stats aren't updating? Something funky with Fdevs API?

The black markets aren't processed as nobody cares about them much anyway. It's better to put everything into FC's regular market.

How much units of the item is required in that blueprint.
This could be problematic to display with weapon/suit upgrades though, could also show full cost of upgrading 1-5.

I see, thanks for the clarification. I have put it onto todo list.
25 May 2023, 7:42pm
I have started to import the value game is providing (is in the journal and also in the game's Codex) and it should contain your lifetime Thargoid kill number, thus the increase.

Oh, ok. Thanks. (I was probably only missing progress from that week where the Thargoids ruffled some feathers in Andecavi, and I started out in that activity. So not a huge difference to me.)

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