Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
17 Sep 2015, 5:02pm
Hi Artie, i do not want to make your already busy day more dificult, but i have a request for you...I do not know if it is posible to make some kind of a galactic time zone, or universal clock... as several people in my wing is in diferente timezones, so it is dificult coordinate a time for meetings... but if inara would set the same time for us all we could use that time as reference...

I was thinking in a banner that shows a universal standar time.. or some like that.. and that people could reference when setting dates. It is just a tought

Thanks for the wonderfull work and time put in this page...
17 Sep 2015, 7:38pm
Vacaendack: Easy stuff, will be in the next update.
17 Sep 2015, 7:52pm
Artie Koreldan: There are no plans for such exports at this moment. Just for curiosity - how it should be used outside Inara? The lost systems are recorded in the history, but, there is no general overview of those systems, just current systems. Maybe there will be something similar there in the graph displaying each power "performance" later...


the API would be useful for getting your info about PP letting other tools to update their data with them, like that shows PP bubble or

at the moment both Inara, powerplayreport and Eddb manually insert PP data by their own and only Eddb shares them.

A mutual integration would be great, like it is done with market datas.

Last edit: 17 Sep 2015, 8:06pm
17 Sep 2015, 9:32pm
Hey Artie,

Is it possible to implement another feature for messaging with users?Like group messaging?
18 Sep 2015, 11:36am
Zeph: Yes, something like that is planned.

Koreldan: Well, for now is easier to maintain it manually, it takes just few minutes each week and it can be done by any other site, so sharing just cycle changes doesn't worth the effort at this moment. There may be interesting to have some additional info like star system values for Powerplay, fortification/undermine progress, etc. and this kind of information may be interesting to be shared. But I am afraid that without proper Frontier's API it will be lot of manual work and it will be far from realtime.
18 Sep 2015, 3:37pm
Hi Artie,

Got a little problem with the new Wing section. I joined the "Order of Möbius" wing earlier, after doing so I thought I would start a new wing for another group I am with "Terran Trade Authority".

I was able to create the group and it shows me as the "Wing Commander", but I now can't edit the group as I was still a member of the Möbius wing.

So, I left the Möbius wing.

Problem is that the "Terran Trade Authority" wing page as saying that I need to join the wing, at the same time it displays that I am the wing commander!

If I send a join request, the request shows up but I can't access it.

Are you able to solve this problem in any way?

Many thanks - Fenris
18 Sep 2015, 6:02pm
Fenris: Hello, it seems you somehow managed to be in two wings, despite the fact it shouldn't be possible and it screwed few things. I am unable to replicate the problem with steps you described, do you can please specify if you was already a member of Order of Mobius or your request was just pending? How did you get to wing create page, do you had it opened before you became an OoM member or do you accessed it somehow later? Or there are any other hints how to do it? I tried all possible ways and still no success. In any case - you should be now able to manage your wing.

Edit: Ah, I just found the issue, will be fixed immediately.

Last edit: 18 Sep 2015, 8:14pm
18 Sep 2015, 8:52pm
In have no idea how it happened, I just did it as described above. I'm wondering if it was because I had the Inara website in two different tabs!?

Perhaps it was Thargoids

But many thanks for sorting it out. Owe you a beer.
19 Sep 2015, 11:37am
Gentlemen, is anybody near to Cemiess? There is new exploration community goal in Mackenzie Relay and it will be nice to add this goal with all the details there.

Fenris: It was caused by steps: request a join - create a new wing - have previous request confirmed. The only variant I forgot to handle properly.
19 Sep 2015, 1:17pm
Artie just looked at the market page with the round trips table and had another thought (sorry!). Would it be possible that when the table is sorted by profit that any items with the same profit be second sorted by distance. Just thinking as the closer the target system is the quicker it can be reached and the better the profit per hour (generally).
19 Sep 2015, 1:18pm
Artie Fenris: It was caused by steps: request a join - create a new wing - have previous request confirmed. The only variant I forgot to handle properly.

Excellent. They ought to put you on the investigation team for the Emperors murder. Soon have it solved
19 Sep 2015, 1:24pm
Lase: It's little bit complicated on server side, but you can at least sort it on your side by holding Shift key and clicking on "Dist" in the table. It works on any other sortable table there as well (you can sort the table by one column and with Shift add additional columns to multisort).
19 Sep 2015, 2:18pm
ArtieLase: It's little bit complicated on server side, but you can at least sort it on your side by holding Shift key and clicking on "Dist" in the table. It works on any other sortable table there as well (you can sort the table by one column and with Shift add additional columns to multisort).

Awesome didn't know that Thanks!
19 Sep 2015, 2:23pm
ArtieGentlemen, is anybody near to Cemiess? There is new exploration community goal in Mackenzie Relay and it will be nice to add this goal with all the details there.

On my way now

-edit- or I was until the servers died

Last edit: 19 Sep 2015, 2:29pm
20 Sep 2015, 12:43pm
It would be awesome if you could give comments and or groups to your profit changes.

It would be useful for tracking how many credits you used for fortifying or earned by supporting minor faction in CZ.

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