Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
02 Dec 2023, 12:50pm
IowaSurvivorI keep running into a problem where trade values are off by one decimal point.

For example, I'm in Chelgit at Humboldt Hub. Inara says that the price to buy Imperial Slaves is 1,705 and Indite is 1,003:


However, the markets at these locations are off by a whole decimal point; Indite is 9,886 (close enough to 10,030) and Imperial Slaves are 16,837 (close enough to 17,050). I know that there's market variability, but I think someone's data scraper is misconfigured by one decimal point.

Can someone fix this? The only trade routes that show up for me on Inara are these supposedly wildly profitable routes, but they're not real.

The values are correct (for the Live galaxy), but I see you may be playing on Xbox? In that case you are in Legacy galaxy and this game version is no longer supported (partially for technically reasons, partially for a lack of updates). Although some more or less static data may still be the same, more dynamic stuff like market prices or minor faction influences may be very off.

M. DuPreI'm just is the "War Hero" on the Conflicts page determined?
Is this because interceptors have more weight in the calculation than scouts or rescues?

Yes, the interceptors have a bigger value than scouts as they are harder to kill. But generally, all the activities should be balanced to each other (timewise).

markdThe carrier le gallilie at Pyraleau KX-F c24 is no longer there and refrence needs updating.

Thanks, it should move to the actual location once somebody will spot it there or once its owner will import the data.
03 Dec 2023, 8:38am
Is it possible to add the days of draws in conflicts to the overview in the system? I think the number of days in a draw should be part of the JSON.
04 Dec 2023, 4:55am
Merely out of curiosity - and as I’m kind of in need of the information to build an alt’s RP background - is there any way to review the allegiance of systems (or their history/which factions are or were there through the years), but are currently Thargoid controlled?

Mostly looking at ones around the Oya Titan/Maelstrom within that initial (roughly) 15 ly capture radius(it’s not Inara, sorry - that would be a little too cheesy, don’t you think?) of when it arrived, if that info is available.
04 Dec 2023, 5:39am
It appears to retain the information. I think this is because they are persistent locations. Whether they are abandoned or not is irrelevant and it appears they hold onto the factions for each station. Just looked at a system within your threshold and found it to be holding the info
04 Dec 2023, 10:35am
Kasumi GotoMerely out of curiosity - and as I’m kind of in need of the information to build an alt’s RP background - is there any way to review the allegiance of systems (or their history/which factions are or were there through the years), but are currently Thargoid controlled?

Mostly looking at ones around the Oya Titan/Maelstrom within that initial (roughly) 15 ly capture radius(it’s not Inara, sorry - that would be a little too cheesy, don’t you think?) of when it arrived, if that info is available.

You could try the EliteBGS app, there is a long back history available there. I have researched system histories a good few times that way.
04 Dec 2023, 4:53pm
HekatehIs it possible to add the days of draws in conflicts to the overview in the system? I think the number of days in a draw should be part of the JSON.

In the journals are just the days won (the score, basically), there is no information about the conflict duration or days with draw for the conflict. As determining a start of the conflict can be unreliable (for example with scarce updates for the particular faction), there is no number show, but you can get an estimate from the graph on the minor faction's page, when the state changed.

Kasumi GotoMerely out of curiosity - and as I’m kind of in need of the information to build an alt’s RP background - is there any way to review the allegiance of systems (or their history/which factions are or were there through the years), but are currently Thargoid controlled?

Mostly looking at ones around the Oya Titan/Maelstrom within that initial (roughly) 15 ly capture radius(it’s not Inara, sorry - that would be a little too cheesy, don’t you think?) of when it arrived, if that info is available.

Well, I am not showing the history as there are no minor factions present in the lost star systems, so the EliteBGS site may help with that, as Silver Taffer said.
04 Dec 2023, 7:14pm
Hello Artie,
I have noticed that both the Spire Refinery Compound and the Contaminated Spire Refinery Compound are missing their descriptions. In English, they are as follows:

Spire Refinery Compound
A bio-mechanical component found in the upper region of the large spires at certain Thargoid planetary locations.

Contaminated Spire Refinery Compound
A sample of the spire refinery compound which has been deliberately tainted. It is designed to sabotage the refinery process occurring at Thargoid spire sites.

By the way, the Contaminated Spire Refinery Compound page incorrectly states “Location: Thargoid site”. These are, in fact, mission rewards (unlike regular Spire Refinery Compounds, which are found at Thargoid spire sites).
05 Dec 2023, 4:45pm
08 Dec 2023, 9:27am
Hello, on the star system page of Starfield/Carinae ( the moon Carinae II-a appears below the planet Carinae I (not II).
08 Dec 2023, 1:07pm
Jane VanceHello, on the star system page of Starfield/Carinae ( the moon Carinae II-a appears below the planet Carinae I (not II).

Hello, thank you, I will fix that.
09 Dec 2023, 6:46am
Not sure about where this post should go.
I discovered a little problem with EDSM and INARA today.
Been using both for a long time.
Today both EDSM and INARA showed latest information for 4 May 23. First tried to update EDSM and imported the journal. EDSM shows current data for today, with nil between 4 May 23 and 9 Dec 23. INARA shows exactly the same now.
Any advice or pointers to where I might get help.
09 Dec 2023, 1:05pm
OpaAussieNot sure about where this post should go.
I discovered a little problem with EDSM and INARA today.
Been using both for a long time.
Today both EDSM and INARA showed latest information for 4 May 23. First tried to update EDSM and imported the journal. EDSM shows current data for today, with nil between 4 May 23 and 9 Dec 23. INARA shows exactly the same now.
Any advice or pointers to where I might get help.
Hello, are you talking about the commander data or something else? If it's about the commander data, I am not sure how EDSM, but Inara fetches the data about 2 weeks back and any older aren't fetched (also, because the journals older than four weeks may not be present on the Frontier's server anymore). So there is entirely possible you may have some "gaps" in your commander's history, when not updated regularly (although I see that at least credits and ranks were updated between those two dates).
10 Dec 2023, 11:26pm
I was wondering how the Trade routes get updated? Is there something I can do to help keep them up to date, and not just trade routes, but anything and everything that may be off by the data the website has to whats actually going on in the game. Any way I can help keep things up to date?
11 Dec 2023, 12:45pm
RittersI was wondering how the Trade routes get updated? Is there something I can do to help keep them up to date, and not just trade routes, but anything and everything that may be off by the data the website has to whats actually going on in the game. Any way I can help keep things up to date?

Run EDMC whilst playing Elite. That's all anyone can do. The data is shared with lots of 3rd party sites, such as Inara.

The more people that do that the more accurate the data is for everyone. It's a big galaxy, but many hands make light work.
15 Dec 2023, 7:47pm
Hello, I don't fight interdictions from NPCs. I submit and either jump away or kill the pirate.
My Combat Log shows the interdictions but not the kills.
I also killed a NPC pirate attacking me after I scanned a Megaship for a Mission. That kill isn't showing in the Combat log either.
In fact, the Combat log shows the last ship I destroyed was back in 2020.

Is this correct behavior?

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