Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
29 Nov 2015, 3:47pm
StrangeJust stumbled across this site on google. It's the best ED companion site I've come across. - Well done! This is excellent work!

However, I am trying to purchase a Viper Mk IV. The Shipyard info page says the only known location to buy this ship is the Neto system. Unfortunately having just travelling 157 ly to get there, there's none for sale

Still, great site full of good info. Best looking companion site too!

Mk IV will be part of the 1.5 release, which should drop around December 16 or so alongside Horizons.
29 Nov 2015, 6:07pm
I just discovered this site via Mobius, but I have a question (dunno if it's been asked before...):

Does data from ED auto-update the various fields here as you play, or must you manually keep things up-to-date on your profile here?
29 Nov 2015, 6:21pm
Vince WillisI just discovered this site via Mobius, but I have a question (dunno if it's been asked before...):

Does data from ED auto-update the various fields here as you play, or must you manually keep things up-to-date on your profile here?

It's all manual as far as I can tell. I've only just started using it myself. I would be a little surprised if it auto-updated, as that would mean needing to log into your game account in this site to use whatever API does or doesn't exist. (I don't know that the game has an external API or not?)
29 Nov 2015, 6:26pm
Vince WillisI just discovered this site via Mobius, but I have a question (dunno if it's been asked before...):

Does data from ED auto-update the various fields here as you play, or must you manually keep things up-to-date on your profile here?

It's all manual as far as I can tell. I've only just started using it myself. I would be a little surprised if it auto-updated, as that would mean needing to log into your game account in this site to use whatever API does or doesn't exist. (I don't know that the game has an external API or not?)

It's all manual so far. Frontier hasn't released a developer API to integrate into anything yet, unfortunately.
29 Nov 2015, 6:30pm
Sidenti Taalo

It's all manual so far. Frontier hasn't released a developer API to integrate into anything yet, unfortunately.

How this works then?
It automatically updates my position on EDSM.
29 Nov 2015, 6:36pm
Mila Strelok
Sidenti Taalo

It's all manual so far. Frontier hasn't released a developer API to integrate into anything yet, unfortunately.

How this works then?
It automatically updates my position on EDSM.

Apparently, it uses an API from an iOS app. From the page:

This app, edce-client and EDAPI all use the "Companion" web API that Frontier supplies to support their Elite Dangerous iOS app. This interface isn't officially supported, so could go away at some time in the future.

It's one way to do things, but comes with risks for both the user and programmer. Clever application though.
29 Nov 2015, 6:44pm
Nice, maybe this website could use the EDSM API to set current location:
30 Nov 2015, 12:15am
Nip NipA relevant question as I hope to finally be able to afford to donate sometime in the coming weeks... I've noticed different colors of supporter badges (bronze, silver, gold), are these based on the amount donated, or something else? I like my shinies, so I want to get the shiniest of shinies when I can make the contribution.

Yes, on the amount donated.

DavarpeJust thinking, it would be nice to have a reset button for all of us who reset our account for any reason. Congratulations for the hard work, by the way, this site looks better every day.

Yep, it's on the list.

Mila StrelokNice, maybe this website could use the EDSM API to set current location:

It's just complicated, I don't think EDSM guys will be happy from spam of update requests. Better solution is to has it directly in Market Connector, if Otis will be willing to do that. I will try to talk about it with him when I make some API on Inara's side.
30 Nov 2015, 12:21am
It was just a suggestion do what you consider
30 Nov 2015, 12:35am
AymerithIt's all manual as far as I can tell. I've only just started using it myself. I would be a little surprised if it auto-updated, as that would mean needing to log into your game account in this site to use whatever API does or doesn't exist. (I don't know that the game has an external API or not?)

Sidenti TaaloIt's all manual so far. Frontier hasn't released a developer API to integrate into anything yet, unfortunately.

Thanks for the feedback, all. I play ED with borderless windows, so I'll just take some time out during my next session to capture all the current data and map it to my profile here. After checking out some of your profiles, I definitely see the value in being able to capture and track this sort of data outside of the game, particularly from a trader's perspective.
30 Nov 2015, 6:44pm
Hello, Artie!

It appears that when I copy-pasta from a spreadsheet (i.e., google sheets - yes, google sheets again!) that the WSIWYG editor translates some of this to include a font markup tag that doesn't get translated. as an example:

Dummy TextCell 2Etc.
Dummy Row 2Still TypingBroken

Any chance of getting that font markup to work?

Edit: Also, 

Background Colors
Would Be Nice

Edit2 : Alternatively have the WYSIWYG editor ignore fonts altogether. Perfectly acceptable solution (for me, anyway) as well.


Last edit: 30 Nov 2015, 6:50pm
30 Nov 2015, 7:21pm
No problem. Fonts removed/ignored.
30 Nov 2015, 8:12pm
Any thoughts about including available outfitting modules at a station on the markets page?  

I often find myself selecting a station, choosing galaxy, then outfitting, finding my module, clicking it, then (thanks to this great resource) hopefully finding it close by.  Sometimes, I have found what I'm looking for at the very same station!

This would save loads of time, refitting ships between exploration & combat, planning trade routes when you want to eek out that last bit on cargo space for a one way haul, and alleviate scrolling needlessly through that huge list of internal options ... especially sizes 5+.

Thanks for doing what you do.  You, sir, have created the best ED site by a wide margin.

i7! (Inara o7)

Edit: smiley got in the way on "E : D" (no spaces)
30 Nov 2015, 9:09pm
Sidenti Taalo
StrangeJust stumbled across this site on google. It's the best ED companion site I've come across. - Well done! This is excellent work!

However, I am trying to purchase a Viper Mk IV. The Shipyard info page says the only known location to buy this ship is the Neto system. Unfortunately having just travelling 157 ly to get there, there's none for sale

Still, great site full of good info. Best looking companion site too!

Mk IV will be part of the 1.5 release, which should drop around December 16 or so alongside Horizons.

Thanks Sid!
30 Nov 2015, 10:34pm
ArtieNo problem. Fonts removed/ignored.


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