Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
05 Aug 2024, 2:05pm
Sampi Ogonek
ArtieShould be up, also with some other improvements for the pre-engineered modules.

FINALLY. Thank you so much, Artie.

It's still not perfect and it won't detect some less used pre-engineered modules entirely correctly (where their blueprint name in the journal match a regular blueprint), but as it already has some annoying exceptions which I hate, I guess there may be possible to improve that further (it depends, I didn't investigate it much yet).

Shg56Hi Artie, would it be possible to update the search for the nearest-bodies-materials with geo present or not? Thank you

Hello, possibly. To be honest, I didn't investigate it earlier and I am not collecting the geo signals at the moment (but I think something for it is in the journal), but I will put that onto to-do list.

TenuousHi. I've got a bug where my data isn't updating properly. I use EDD to submit to both EDSM and Inara, but with Inara my updates show location but not hyperspace jumps, distance travelled, species sampled, etc.
I've checked my API, all ok. Strange to only get partial updates.

Hello, as those statistics are written into the journal only at the game session start, you may need to exit to the main game menu and then back into the game. EDDiscovery should submit the stats via API to Inara then. You can also import your latest data/journal via "Import game data" button on your commander page.

HekatehI hereby officially decry the blatant Anti-Imperial narrative that CMDR Artie is pushing via Inara news. The article about how the NMLA is behind these "righteous" attacks gets vast news coverage, front and centre; while our article about how the attack is unlawful, horrid and an attack on our glorious Empire gets shadow-banned and buried. But the reckoning is coming soon: once Elon Denton Patreus buys Inara News, all voices can and will be heard equally. No more censorship! /s

Well, the solution is simple - make your propagandaobjective reporting article longer, so it will appear on the front page as no censorsautomated news publisher will be able to hide it.
06 Aug 2024, 5:01am
Hi Artie,

I see you're taking requests, here is mine:

The "Bodies" search is a fantastic tool. I use it when I want to scan for ELW, etc. It gives a nice list of nearby ELW, along with the all important distance from arrival star so we can skip those that are too far.

It is very useful as is, but it would be much more so if it had an option to 1) limit how far we're willing to travel within the system (ie: <2000 ls) and skip those system and, 2) sort the list by a "route". That is, create an efficient route starting with the reference system so there is no (or little) looping or jumping around.

Probably bad timing for this request since update "Type 8" is incoming with all sorts of new stuff to handle regarding engineering. No urgency, of course, it would be nice to have.

07 Aug 2024, 11:35am
The "Bodies" search is a fantastic tool. I use it when I want to scan for ELW, etc. It gives a nice list of nearby ELW, along with the all important distance from arrival star so we can skip those that are too far.

It is very useful as is, but it would be much more so if it had an option to 1) limit how far we're willing to travel within the system (ie: <2000 ls) and skip those system and, 2) sort the list by a "route". That is, create an efficient route starting with the reference system so there is no (or little) looping or jumping around.

Hello, I can add some distance limit there, but no routes are planned at the moment. You may want to try Spansh for that, too. It's a very nice tool for planning exploration and exobiology trips, with a route planner and profits.
07 Aug 2024, 11:50am
Inara was updated for the Type-8 game update with a new ship added, personal equipment upgrade/modification crafting costs updated, and so on.

A major change was made to the crafting lists. As the engineering rolls per grade are now based on the engineer's access level, Inara will pick the most suitable engineer for you automatically and recalculate the rolls and crafting costs as your access levels change. But, if you want to force a specific engineer access level instead, you can do that, too. There was also an overhaul for the personal notes, and they should be more comfortable to use, you can have multiple of them, etc.

Enjoy the game update, fly safe, and if you spot any discrepancies, please let me know.
07 Aug 2024, 12:15pm
ArtieInara was updated for the Type-8 game update with a new ship added, personal equipment upgrade/modification crafting costs updated, and so on.

A major change was made to the crafting lists. As the engineering rolls per grade are now based on the engineer's access level, Inara will pick the most suitable engineer for you automatically and recalculate the rolls and crafting costs as your access levels change. But, if you want to force a specific engineer access level instead, you can do that, too. There was also an overhaul for the personal notes, and they should be more comfortable to use, you can have multiple of them, etc.

Enjoy the game update, fly safe, and if you spot any discrepancies, please let me know.

Thanks a million for the quick turnaround, Artie. Inara has been updated before the actual game lol. Time to renew my Inara support ;-)
07 Aug 2024, 4:26pm
Crikey Artie, I was thinking about asking here when you would be able to update all that, but you were too quick for me
Thanks for all you do 07
07 Aug 2024, 6:16pm
It would be nice if the Blueprints Crafting list allowed you to add the blueprint grade from/to 0 (zero), or simply add "blueprint none", in case you only want to track the cost of the experimental effect, which was possible before the (otherwise awesome) changes you added for ED 18.08
07 Aug 2024, 6:31pm
BL1PHello Artie.
I was wondering if you could do a Collection comparison thing or a collection badge.
It would be great to click a button and see what items I am missing compared to what items are thought to exist.

I know its a niche thing so no worries if not

Yes to this! Especially since the game FC INV is not in any order. I am missing 3 rares for my collection but it would of been a nice thing getting to this point, as well as testing items in places.
07 Aug 2024, 6:52pm

GoldenGnuIt would be nice if the Blueprints Crafting list allowed you to add the blueprint grade from/to 0 (zero), or simply add "blueprint none", in case you only want to track the cost of the experimental effect, which was possible before the (otherwise awesome) changes you added for ED 18.08

Ah, I completely forgot this may be a thing, thanks for mentioning it! It was adjusted, so there is now possible to set zero for grades.
07 Aug 2024, 7:34pm

Hi there,

super excited to see that Inara has a Starfield section, was just wondering if a similar process will be made to upload player data to the site just like how you can with ED from the servers... but with SF maybe pull the data from save files ?

Last edit: 08 Aug 2024, 12:20am
08 Aug 2024, 11:32am

Hi there,

super excited to see that Inara has a Starfield section, was just wondering if a similar process will be made to upload player data to the site just like how you can with ED from the servers... but with SF maybe pull the data from save files ?

not so easily as for Elite - as the save games can grow quite large and there is not good enough documentation for the format, parsing save games doesn't seem to be the best way. A more comfortable and bullet-proof way seems to be an option of custom .dll in some mod (probably also requiring Script Extender) sending data to Inara via API similar as EDMC/EDDiscovery/EDDI does for Elite. The problem is that somebody must write it, test it and so on and although there is quite a lot of Starfield players around here, they are using Inara differently, so I am not sure if it does worth an effort at the moment. But if somebody will be able to make a good-quality mod that will handle things on the game's end, I can certainly take a look on the API on Inara's end.
08 Aug 2024, 8:28pm
A suggestion: Advanced commodity search.
A "Buy this / sell that" cross reference option. by station or system.
example. i have gold in my carrier, but need fish.

Might also work as Advanced Trade routes search.
if this is already an option some place i have not found it.
08 Aug 2024, 10:51pm

Hi there,

super excited to see that Inara has a Starfield section, was just wondering if a similar process will be made to upload player data to the site just like how you can with ED from the servers... but with SF maybe pull the data from save files ?

not so easily as for Elite - as the save games can grow quite large and there is not good enough documentation for the format, parsing save games doesn't seem to be the best way. A more comfortable and bullet-proof way seems to be an option of custom .dll in some mod (probably also requiring Script Extender) sending data to Inara via API similar as EDMC/EDDiscovery/EDDI does for Elite. The problem is that somebody must write it, test it and so on and although there is quite a lot of Starfield players around here, they are using Inara differently, so I am not sure if it does worth an effort at the moment. But if somebody will be able to make a good-quality mod that will handle things on the game's end, I can certainly take a look on the API on Inara's end.

I made a very detailed request today on the starfield mod forum page on nexus, and they did not approve it ... no feedback as to why.
EDIT: I think the reason for not approving it the first time was because i added the inara email address in the post , to contact you directly... but i posted again with out it and it didnt give me any "needs approval" warning

Last edit: 08 Aug 2024, 11:04pm
09 Aug 2024, 9:19am

I made a very detailed request today on the starfield mod forum page on nexus, and they did not approve it ... no feedback as to why.
EDIT: I think the reason for not approving it the first time was because i added the inara email address in the post , to contact you directly... but i posted again with out it and it didnt give me any "needs approval" warning

Thanks! Let's see if anybody will be interested in making it.
10 Aug 2024, 4:35am
Please put the lowest influence faction sorter back on the expansion tab. The change was bad and just makes planning expansions more tedious...........

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