Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
08 Dec 2015, 4:27am
Is it possible to include the cost of the modules in the price of the ship ? It would be nice to see the full cost in overall assets.

Last edit: 08 Dec 2015, 4:54am
08 Dec 2015, 11:33am
ArtieKurotama: Yeah, it's always the problem with lot of stuff around. I was thinking about some solutions like different approach for top menu (drop-down lists) or customizable shortcuts bar there, but still not sure which will be the best. I will probably go with a way of shortcuts (there are less problems with it), but any other ideas or possible restructuring tips are always welcome.

I got one: a separate Shipyard tab on the top would be welcome.
08 Dec 2015, 12:40pm
New layout burying pilots logs...

One disadvantage of the new layout of the News page that's recently been put in place is that recent pilots logs are now buried somewhere near the bottom. It seems like a lot less "Shiny!" upvoting is happening on people's logs, so I have to think that this is causing far fewer people to read them. I really like the pilot's log feature - could this be un-buried, or perhaps go back to the old layout where they were near the top so they get more exposure?
08 Dec 2015, 2:17pm
ZyntheriusIs it possible to include the cost of the modules in the price of the ship ? It would be nice to see the full cost in overall assets.

Where exactly? In you personal ship/fleet? You can set the ship full cost there...

Kurotama I got one: a separate Shipyard tab on the top would be welcome.

Yep, also Outfitting may be good there. But I will really keep that to the shortcuts bar, it seems that everyone has different preferences.

Mack WinstonNew layout burying pilots logs...
One disadvantage of the new layout of the News page that's recently been put in place is that recent pilots logs are now buried somewhere near the bottom. It seems like a lot less "Shiny!" upvoting is happening on people's logs, so I have to think that this is causing far fewer people to read them. I really like the pilot's log feature - could this be un-buried, or perhaps go back to the old layout where they were near the top so they get more exposure?

It's on the top of the page as usual, at least on desktop/higher resolutions. It is right that on low resolutions (mobile) it little bit low, but that's just few percents of traffic so it shouldn't affect "shinies" too much. But, I will try to take a look on it...
08 Dec 2015, 4:41pm
ZyntheriusIs it possible to include the cost of the modules in the price of the ship ? It would be nice to see the full cost in overall assets.

Where exactly? In you personal ship/fleet? You can set the ship full cost there...


Oh, thanks. I didn't know that it's need to set rebuy cost.

Sorry for maybe another stupid question, it's hard to me to sort out, cause my english is bad. Is there on this site possibility to calculate exploration data. For example i check which stars and planets i scanned, and get value of my scans?

Last edit: 08 Dec 2015, 4:47pm
08 Dec 2015, 10:18pm
Alright, back for my usual whines. As usual, thanks for the excellent site, and I apologize for bringing up the same kinds of problems again and again.

Our very large organization (Diamond Frogs) is undergoing a complete restructure. Can we please make it possible to display inactivity on the selection for a flight? I am grouping our inactives into a reserves squadron.

Additionally, are we still ruling out bulk changes in the roster? I would like to make my inactives recruits, but unfortunately to do so requires me to go to roster, filter by activity, click one guy, change him to recruit, reload page, filter by activity . . . we have 367 members, this is a tedious solution.

Also, I have had to melt all of my squadrons and most of my flights as a result of the restructure, so I cannot delegate much of this work. The bottom-up structuring, where I must make 3 wings and then fit them together before I can make a squadron, is another problem. It would be much easier if I could make the structure, then slot people in, rather than building it from bottom up. I realize that changing this probably requires a major overhaul of the UI, though. =/

Thanks as always for your work.
08 Dec 2015, 10:47pm
ZyntheriusIs there on this site possibility to calculate exploration data. For example i check which stars and planets i scanned, and get value of my scans?

It's unfortunately not possible at this moment, there is no complete database for all celestial bodies within each system.

Paramemetic Our very large organization (Diamond Frogs) is undergoing a complete restructure. Can we please make it possible to display inactivity on the selection for a flight? I am grouping our inactives into a reserves squadron.

Currently there is activity displayed for each flight member. If there is red triangle next to his name in a flight, it has also tooltip with how long he was inactive. Any major changes to structure logic like going from top to bottom instead of going from bottom to top aren't unfortunately just about UI changes, but also it also needs major internal changes how is structure integrity checked, must be differently handled what to do when structure is not complete and so on. But, I can do following, which can help you with the structure changes:
- I will add member activity and rank to list of members in flights edit
- I will add auto-demote button to roster edit, similar as current auto-promote.

So that way you can demote all members inactive for X days to recruits at once, check that in your flights and replace all recruits there with other active members. I expect it should make restructuring much easier, without going back and forth.
08 Dec 2015, 11:53pm
Paramemetic Our very large organization (Diamond Frogs) is undergoing a complete restructure. Can we please make it possible to display inactivity on the selection for a flight? I am grouping our inactives into a reserves squadron.

Currently there is activity displayed for each flight member. If there is red triangle next to his name in a flight, it has also tooltip with how long he was inactive.

This only displays for members in flights on the menu. All of our flights have been melted, so the only other place to see it is on the roster.

Any major changes to structure logic like going from top to bottom instead of going from bottom to top aren't unfortunately just about UI changes, but also it also needs major internal changes how is structure integrity checked, must be differently handled what to do when structure is not complete and so on. But, I can do following, which can help you with the structure changes:
- I will add member activity and rank to list of members in flights edit
- I will add auto-demote button to roster edit, similar as current auto-promote.

So that way you can demote all members inactive for X days to recruits at once, check that in your flights and replace all recruits there with other active members. I expect it should make restructuring much easier, without going back and forth.

Does everybody see this here? This is a guy who is awesome. Thanks again Artie. You rock and own hard.
09 Dec 2015, 2:15pm
So it's there, also with other improvements like count of member posts overview and join request notes in wing history. I originally planned that for the next update, but it's safe to  upload this partial change right now.

Just member list in flight edit looks "too much full" now, I will improve that later.
09 Dec 2015, 2:38pm
Hey everyone,
Where do we find the .log file for the non-steam version? I'd like to plug my flight data into Inara. Thank you.
09 Dec 2015, 2:55pm
ArtieSo it's there, also with other improvements like count of member posts overview and join request notes in wing history. I originally planned that for the next update, but it's safe to  upload this partial change right now.

Just member list in flight edit looks "too much full" now, I will improve that later.

If I might suggest a solution for the "too much full," a filter dropbox up top that redraws the pilot selection dropbox within parameters might be a way to do that. "Only show flight members in flight leader timezone" "Only show active flight members" things like that. It's not perfect, but it would help with the fullness of the "eligible flight member" drop list.

Your improvements are awesome and I appreciate them. I noticed you'd already done this because I saw the "seen" in one of the dropbox options, but most of them are too long and not visible. Still, your work is fast and the other changes are awesome. Thanks a ton.
09 Dec 2015, 3:03pm
ZombieKarshHey everyone,
Where do we find the .log file for the non-steam version? I'd like to plug my flight data into Inara. Thank you.

Make sure hidden files are visible on your system. Then, it should be somewhere around C:/Users/WhateverYourUserNameIs/AppData (that's the hidden file)/Local/Frontier_Developments (mind the underscore)/Products/FORC-FDEV-D-100 (or something similar)/Logs

The flight logs start with "netLog". Happy hunting!
09 Dec 2015, 3:04pm
Horizons Release Date: Tuesday 15th December
09 Dec 2015, 3:13pm
If I might suggest a solution for the "too much full," a filter dropbox up top that redraws the pilot selection dropbox within parameters might be a way to do that. "Only show flight members in flight leader timezone" "Only show active flight members" things like that. It's not perfect, but it would help with the fullness of the "eligible flight member" drop list.

I will make a better formatting there, so it will be easier to orientate in the list. I have already a solution for that, I just need to do some changes and tweaks there.
09 Dec 2015, 4:39pm
ZombieKarshHey everyone,
Where do we find the .log file for the non-steam version? I'd like to plug my flight data into Inara. Thank you.

Game folder (C:/Program Files(x86)/Frontier/EDLaunch/Products/FORC-FDEV-1010/Logs/)

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