Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
06 Dec 2015, 12:53pm
Artie I would rather do it as predefined options, otherwise there may crazy combinations appear (like "Chief of Staff - canteen" ).

showing my age i guess , yeah , internet and names ... and canteen would be if we were lucky

off the top of of my head , covert ops , recon , mechanic (re: outfiting) , events , leason , promoter
im sure given a day or 2 the sugestions will make a decent selection
06 Dec 2015, 1:17pm
I would rather do it as predefined options, otherwise there may crazy combinations appear (like "Chief of Staff - canteen" ). I am not sure if Chief of Staff should have additional options like "Tactics", it seems to be off-role. But Operations Officer is "wide" enough to have this. There may be "Personel" and "Tactics" as you proposed, any other ideas?


Operations Officers should be Distinguishable from one another
06 Dec 2015, 2:02pm
Kotto Okiah
Kurotama While that feature isn't here yet, you can find it on

Yeah thanks, that is where I ended up looking to find out. Just a suggestion for this site as well. This site does a great job of giving me most of the information I need while in game. Since I found out about it I have gone from 4-5 browser tabs open at a time, to only 2.

Okay then, all good Just for myself, though: while I do agree that Inara does a great job putting everything in one place it can get unwieldy trying to look for specific info, which is why I still end up relying on EDDB for really basic, on-the-fly stuff
06 Dec 2015, 2:28pm
So i was thinking maybe you guys could add a Roleplaying thread to discussion?

i was thinking what the thread could be is a giant galactic chat room..none of us are in the same physical place IC but we are all communicating using this chat room from wherever
06 Dec 2015, 2:39pm
Kurotama: Yeah, it's always the problem with lot of stuff around. I was thinking about some solutions like different approach for top menu (drop-down lists) or customizable shortcuts bar there, but still not sure which will be the best. I will probably go with a way of shortcuts (there are less problems with it), but any other ideas or possible restructuring tips are always welcome.

Tobias: It may be good to have, I will add something there.
06 Dec 2015, 3:47pm
Great to hear I'll pipe up if I think of something
07 Dec 2015, 12:09am
arti , i seem to be doing something wrong ....

the value shown for my ships is way too low

example :-
Type 9 heavy
coriolis values at 135,673,570
inara claims 76,555,840

EDIT : found most of it ... i have to enter the insurance value for each
there is still a diff between inara and coriolis on these values , seem coriolis has a higher insurance cost that in game

Last edit: 07 Dec 2015, 12:33am
07 Dec 2015, 12:36am
Hmmm... are you sure there is correct buyback value entered? Respectively, are you having correct insurance type set? The difference between standard insurance and alpha backer insurance may be roughly at the value you are expecting to see.
07 Dec 2015, 9:30am

The Inara-shown value seems to be the basic cost of the ship when you buy it.
That's far from the actual cost of our ships with all their currently installed modules.

Differences between theoretical prices and actual ones might also appear because also of :
- Temporary schizophreny with game values, such as FDL in ED Shipyard allowing a size 6 Plant, which is true for Beta but not yet for the real game. This makes the possible jump distance false, etc.
- The fact that you might have bought some or part of the modules with a discount (and maybe the ship itself).

Best regards,

07 Dec 2015, 9:55am
Would it be possible to add some notes to the systems ?
As there is a growing number of changes because of emerging player factions and power play, it becomes more and more useful to know where to go for Imperial/Federal Ranks Grinding, where Resources Sites and War Zones are, etc.
For example, If I want to buy a Cutter asap, I'll want to go to BH or Trading I'll do in a system with at least 2 or 3 imperial factions (as more of the the missions will be more useful to my Imperial progression).

My current notes about systems look like :
Malanner : 3 Fed factions
LHS 6050 : 2 Fed on Stations (can go there with big ships)
LP 410-81 : 3 Fed factions , 2 weak RES, civil war
LTT 9821 : 2 Fed factions of which 1 wars a neutral faction (won't lose empire rep when CZ), 1 outpost, 1 CZ strong intensity
LTT 8648 : Zemina (better for BH), 2 ring planets rich metal, 1 Agricultural station nearby sun
Other info could be about discounts/availability on stations, and maybe about the type of missions which come (some places are great for charity, others for pirates hunting missions, or asking a lot of metals...).
I am wondering if the "owning" faction is served by *trading* even without missions, which may affect influence and our reputation as a consequence. So telling it in the notes might be useful when searching for our next trading loop and before flying dozens of LY to see that we lost lengthy travel time to just be able to harm our reputation progression.

It would be cool if we could have some private and public complementary info and notes about systems, and what they can be *useful* for. Checking what other players noted recently before going over 100+ LY if the place is still useful for what we would like to do there...
If we could find places where we can collect empire rank grinding missions while doing a few trade loops, this site would be more paradise than it already is !)

Best regards,


Last edit: 07 Dec 2015, 10:02am
07 Dec 2015, 8:55pm
Sidenti Taalo
ArtieKotto: Hello, there is probable it's some of the older stations (some station names were changed during one the game patches during spring/summer this year). Please double-check if the station isn't really in the game and it can be eventually removed via Station edit. But, as I see, Sanctuary station has market prices updated a month ago, so it seems to me more like it's rather missing on eddb and Sanctuary is really in the Robigo system. I will try to check this when I get into the game, too.

I've been to Robigo as recently as two days ago. The only station is Robigo Mines.
Is this for PC/Mac. I will check Xbox and see if its there.
07 Dec 2015, 9:10pm
HMS ArchAngelIs this for PC/Mac. I will check Xbox and see if its there.

PC/Mac. I owns no consoles.
07 Dec 2015, 9:11pm
how do you add someone you accidently denied?
07 Dec 2015, 10:56pm
SilentThunderhow do you add someone you accidently denied?

You mean to friends? I think you just re-send invite and maybe send PM with explanation.
08 Dec 2015, 3:30am
how do you add someone you accidently denied?

Totally apt usericon.

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