Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
09 Dec 2015, 5:29pm
ChrmHorizons Release Date: Tuesday 15th December

for Xbox one? And for free?

Last edit: 09 Dec 2015, 5:36pm
09 Dec 2015, 5:51pm
Sidenti Taalo
ZombieKarshHey everyone,
Where do we find the .log file for the non-steam version? I'd like to plug my flight data into Inara. Thank you.

Make sure hidden files are visible on your system. Then, it should be somewhere around C:/Users/WhateverYourUserNameIs/AppData (that's the hidden file)/Local/Frontier_Developments (mind the underscore)/Products/FORC-FDEV-D-100 (or something similar)/Logs

The flight logs start with "netLog". Happy hunting!

Awesome. Thanks a lot.
09 Dec 2015, 9:00pm
Salmanx 39
ChrmHorizons Release Date: Tuesday 15th December

for Xbox one? And for free?


1.5 for Xbox for free, 2.0 (Horizons) will be paid DLC in 2016

09 Dec 2015, 10:10pm
Salmanx 39
ChrmHorizons Release Date: Tuesday 15th December

for Xbox one? And for free?



1.5 for Xbox for free, 2.0 (Horizons) will be paid DLC in 2016

10 Dec 2015, 1:48am
How does one look up members in Inara? I've been trying to convince a group of people (The Katamari Group/we are also SC Backers) to join Inara as some of us have gotten refunds and are no longer able to access the ED thread on the SC forum and I thought this was the perfect place for us to relocate to. One has joined up already but I'm not sure how to proceed. Cheers
10 Dec 2015, 8:26am
OzramHow does one look up members in Inara? I've been trying to convince a group of people (The Katamari Group/we are also SC Backers) to join Inara as some of us have gotten refunds and are no longer able to access the ED thread on the SC forum and I thought this was the perfect place for us to relocate to. One has joined up already but I'm not sure how to proceed. Cheers

Go to you CMDR'S LOG and look at the friends and favorites section.
10 Dec 2015, 10:34am
OzramHow does one look up members in Inara? I've been trying to convince a group of people (The Katamari Group/we are also SC Backers) to join Inara as some of us have gotten refunds and are no longer able to access the ED thread on the SC forum and I thought this was the perfect place for us to relocate to. One has joined up already but I'm not sure how to proceed. Cheers

Go to you CMDR'S LOG and look at the friends and favorites section.

Thanks. Just figuring that stuff out now. Finally got some people to check it out. Hopefully we can be more involved as time permits. This site really is a stupendously useful resource.
10 Dec 2015, 11:19am
Ozram: You can point them to your wing page (give them URL) where they can put their join request. You can also try to write them a (mass) private message directly (names are auto-completed there), without looking for their profiles first. It's probably the easiest solution how to do that.
10 Dec 2015, 12:16pm
ArtieOzram: You can point them to your wing page (give them URL) where they can put their join request. You can also try to write them a (mass) private message directly (names are auto-completed there), without looking for their profiles first. It's probably the easiest solution how to do that.

I have and good success so far. I've only just started the wing and so far got almost ten crossed over already. I'm hoping they get to dive in and that we can start making this a bit of a second home. Also, we've been chatting in the wing only thread but haven't figured out how to do it in the "general" section.
10 Dec 2015, 1:04pm
hi there,

is there a way to send an automatic e-mail to someone who have been accepted to join a wing with a personnal message?

where we could write some advice to lead the recruit in the right thread and some other usefull informations and how we are organized
10 Dec 2015, 7:58pm
Ozram: I am not sure what do you mean by "general section", but in any case all threads in your wing are private and separated from the discussion here. You can also setup your own threads there.

Laynor: Do you mean real e-mails or private messages there? I am not very inclined to the first, but the second - why not. As it can be done also manually now, it will be just saving some work with sending.
10 Dec 2015, 7:59pm
Laynor Luna Lagoonahi there,

is there a way to send an automatic e-mail to someone who have been accepted to join a wing with a personnal message?

where we could write some advice to lead the recruit in the right thread and some other usefull informations and how we are organized

I'm sure someone with more experience (and likely on a different time zone) will answer this when they come online. I only just started a wing yesterday, but I'd advise to check the wing section and go to the edit option. I think there was something sort of like that there where you could write down a message etc.
Edit: Artie, thanks for reply. Yeah one of the other guys figured it out. I was just confused between private and general within the wing.
11 Dec 2015, 1:13am
Artie I'm sorry to always be a guy comin' on here causin' trouble, but at least this time it's not me.  My boys are all getting active since I've sorted them into active groups, but they're looking for a way to keep a discussion message between a flight that doesn't subscribe the entire wing to it (such as on the wing discussion board).  They were using PM but there's no way to add or take people out of a PM thread.  So they were wondering about either a discussion thread for each flight that doesn't subscribe the whole flight, or improvements to the messaging functionality.

Anything like that in the works or easily doable?  I know we're edging into "get an offsite vbulletin forum goshdang" territory here, but I was asked to ask.

I remain as always your thankful user.
11 Dec 2015, 3:02am
Artie, this site is really a wonder to behold. It's still less than 24 hrs since I've put up the wing and the crew from the other site (sc Katamari thread) continue to join. I'm really amazed by what's put up here. It's hard to believe this isn't an official site because the work is so professional and polished.  Thanks so much!
11 Dec 2015, 10:53am
Ozram: I am glad you like it here, guys.

Paramemetic: Yes, it will be possible as it is on the list for a while, I have it planned and partially done for the upcoming update.

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