Inara updates, bug reports, requests
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:
Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.
Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
28 Oct 2018, 11:53pm
2. Find issues on it.
3. Edit the new post.
4. The second post with pre-edit content pops up.
1. Make a new post.
2. Find issues in it.
3. Edit the new post.
4. The second post with pre-edit content pops up.
Edit: Refreshing doubles the post's content.
28 Oct 2018, 11:58pm
Nixon Campbell1. Make a new post.
2. Find issues on it.
3. Edit the new post.
4. The second post with pre-edit content pops up.
Ive seen this happen in Squadron Promotions with another faction
the guy edited it and it made two additional posts
28 Oct 2018, 11:59pm
ArtieNixon CampbellFor some odd reason, when you edit the new post you just made, the second one appears after the edit. I think you should peek at that, pretty please.
It seems the new post is added a few second later. Do you can describe precisely your steps, please (including button presses, reloads, etc.)? I am unable to replicate it, so it will help...
Didn't happen to me either when I edits my post to add
"Oops used the wife's account HA HA was trying to clean up her fleet when I read that"
29 Oct 2018, 12:07am
29 Oct 2018, 12:19am
ArtieHmmm... still unable to replicate. Aren't you reloading (F5) a page after the edit is made and sent (which will re-send the original post again)? It's the only explanation I have (and that case should be really handled better)...
This one I could replicate easily. I couldn't replicate the stuff myself, tho. But as you can see, it repeated on Discussion and Lore tabs.
29 Oct 2018, 12:32am
Artie for all you have done for the Players of Elite in my humble opinion you need no explanation. ....
Thanks for the kind words.
Nixon Campbell
This one I could replicate easily. I couldn't replicate the stuff myself, tho. But as you can see, it repeated on Discussion and Lore tabs.
Alright, thanks for the details. I believe this issue was fixed right now (you just may need to enter the page without a reload, in a case you have reloaded this discussion page recently), but if it will appear again, please let me know.
29 Oct 2018, 1:48am
29 Oct 2018, 10:04am
Artie for all you have done for the Players of Elite in my humble opinion you need no explanation. ....
Thanks for the kind words.
Why your welcome is my split personality confusing you yet LOL
29 Oct 2018, 1:37pm
Seems to me the whole concept of Wing/clan/squadron, whatever it may be called, was born from your vision and effort. FD have taken over two years to recognise the potential and act. So you could claim to be two years ahead of FD :D
No mean feat, you and your site are woven into the fabric of Elite. Without it the player base of Elite would be so much poorer.
29 Oct 2018, 10:57pm
Love the new Components by type Tab, definitely makes life easier.
If I am going to be a picky prick (Hey I have spent time as a software tester so it is in my blood) it could afford to be a bit tighter.
The top section only needs to be 2 lines, and could afford to have the little graph that is on the normal page.
The Raw materials section only needs 1 line for the name (But if you are using a common value to define this I see why this may be a PITA)
The Maximum width could be decreased to tighten it up a little.
And Lastly… I know it is the theme colour but that is a little too much of that brown, could a grey or blue be used?
But as I said at the beginning that is being a picky prick, it is great as it stands, and oh so usefull.
30 Oct 2018, 4:27am
Possible to have different 'tabs' on your Commanders page, 2 platforms on your selected choosing (i.e, Xbox and PC). Upon selecting tab, let's take the Xbox tab for example. It shows your Xbox page how you would normally see it with all your ships, achievements, logs, etc. Or vice-verse if you click the PC tab it shows your PC page. Just so that people with multiple accounts can be shown at the same time. Would limit the amount of people creating multiple INARA accounts.
1) You can have the possibility of using or to switch between Commanders.
2) You can set which Commander if your Main account. Then have a secondary option for your secondary Commander.
30 Oct 2018, 4:42pm
Myself, I would play multiple characters if not the fact Xbox One limits you to one character and I don't really want making second Microsoft account.
31 Oct 2018, 3:55pm
VeshengoHey Artie
Love the new Components by type Tab, definitely makes life easier.
If I am going to be a picky prick (Hey I have spent time as a software tester so it is in my blood) it could afford to be a bit tighter.
The top section only needs to be 2 lines, and could afford to have the little graph that is on the normal page.
The Raw materials section only needs 1 line for the name (But if you are using a common value to define this I see why this may be a PITA)
The Maximum width could be decreased to tighten it up a little.
And Lastly… I know it is the theme colour but that is a little too much of that brown, could a grey or blue be used?
But as I said at the beginning that is being a picky prick, it is great as it stands, and oh so usefull.
Thanks for the comments.
Yes, there is some unification as I do not want to make exceptions in a code unless it's absolutely necessary (one/two liners). But there will some minor tweaks in the next update(s) though. For the colors I have some brief plan to try a color distinction of a material by type/rarity, which may help with a readability of missing components list, etc. and can be used there as well (but that all needs to be tested first).
Possible to have different 'tabs' on your Commanders page, 2 platforms on your selected choosing (i.e, Xbox and PC). Upon selecting tab, let's take the Xbox tab for example. It shows your Xbox page how you would normally see it with all your ships, achievements, logs, etc. Or vice-verse if you click the PC tab it shows your PC page. Just so that people with multiple accounts can be shown at the same time. Would limit the amount of people creating multiple INARA accounts.
1) You can have the possibility of using or to switch between Commanders.
2) You can set which Commander if your Main account. Then have a secondary option for your secondary Commander.
I have something written on my ToDo, there are basically two approaches:
A] Allow to quick change the accounts - it basically just needs some account pairing and a small menu for account switching, but has its disadvantages.
B] Allow multiple commanders under the same account - it require a significantly more work and better separation what data are account-related and commander-related, but is a more "clean" solution.
At the moment, the multiple Inara accounts aren't prohibited as there are many valid reasons why to have them (multiple commanders in the game, RP characters, etc.). But, there are also reasons why it shouldn't be encouraged, like fake accounts for squadron spying, pretending to be somebody else and similar. So, the B] option mentioned above seems to be a better approach as it can handle the first case and make the second case less comfortable, but it require more work that needs to be done, so it won't be soon.
01 Nov 2018, 5:53pm
Found it once, but have since lost it.
Happy Daze
Edit: I found it under my Account Settings. Then I found it in News. I guess I need new glasses!
o7 HD
Last edit: 01 Nov 2018, 6:04pm
01 Nov 2018, 7:06pm
First:-When your surface detector say that there are some spot of Samarium Platinum or anything else, it might be cool to find those resources on the designated spot unstead of finding 40 to 70% Bertrandite Ateroids for exemple.
Second: -I had some bugs traveling the codex/discovey, i was stuck on a page, even the game menu won't open.
Third is a suggestion, maybe you could replace Prospector Limpet by prospector Scanner for scanning Asteroids around and show results on the HUD while Sonar is enable. And add some demolition limpet to blow up some asteroids
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