Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
02 Sep 2015, 9:37pm

Whats about a WebChat for Wings like a QuakeNet WebChat (or other) with a Box/Menu/Bar?

- Box: Left/Right
- Menu: In Wing Menu like Overview/Rooster etc...
- Bar: Like a Wing Chat dropdown
Many Opportunities but with a following Problem. Make the Chat Save the Content (Reload Page, Login/out, Last 25-100 Chat Messages)

EDIT: and maybe a "New" 1,2,3,4etc... like New Discuss 1,2,3,4etc...Gallery etc.. Nummber Display (So User can see if new Messages are in the Chat)

An Exaple:

xx:xx - User1: Hi
xx:xx - User2: Hoi
xx:xx - User9: Grüezi

Now a new User4 join the Chat and can see the last 25-100 Messages:

xx:xx - User1: Hi
xx:xx - User2: Hoi
xx:xx - User9: Grüezi
--------------------------------------------------- (New Chat before User4 Join)
xx:xx - User5: Mööp Mööp
xx:xx - User7: Whats Up?
--------------------------------------------------- (User4 Join Now here)
xx:xx - User4: Sorry Late her

Why the Idea? Maybe for a Quick InGame Wing making (Many are inGame Offline but on Inara Online) or Just a Friendly Chat (No all can/will use Teamspeak or no Member are in Teamspeak Online but on Inara Online)
02 Sep 2015, 9:56pm
Basically like a IRC but so it shows previous messages?
02 Sep 2015, 10:09pm
Will RinBasically like a IRC but so it shows previous messages?

Correct but without need an External Software/Site.
03 Sep 2015, 1:38am
Skynet: It's little bit complicated, as any chat may produce lot of requests to webserver, which isn't very good. Also with dedicated web-IRC client, as IRC is more suitable for chats, but has it's disadvantages (no history, shared channel).

But, if there is desire for it, I can establish IRC channel on QuakeNet for example and embed their web client there. It looks a little bit spartan, has very limited styling options, but works great otherwise.
03 Sep 2015, 1:57am
ArtieSkynet: It's little bit complicated, as any chat may produce lot of requests to webserver, which isn't very good. Also with dedicated web-IRC client, as IRC is more suitable for chats, but has it's disadvantages (no history, shared channel).

But, if there is desire for it, I can establish IRC channel on QuakeNet for example and embed their web client there. It looks a little bit spartan, has very limited styling options, but works great otherwise.

Thanks for the Answer

Yea the Problem about IRC is when you refresh the Site or going to other Site on the Site (lol) then IRC Force you to Relog and lose all History. And a other Problem is Chat-Snipe (Spying other Wing Chats).

A IRC, i think its only possible for a Global Inara Chat. But hey a bit Talking with other Players arround Inara its not Bad If you really want ad a Global Chat dont forget to _blank the Menu Point so user can Surf on Inara with a Second Tab with Chat without Lose the Chat (Only if Close the Tab)

So Maybe:


I Don`t know how other User will Welcome a Global Inara Chat but hey what we can lose?
03 Sep 2015, 10:25am
the filter for reordering the roster by "member for" x days doesn't work
03 Sep 2015, 11:02am
Skynet: I will take a look on it.

Laynor: It works for me, which browser version was used?
03 Sep 2015, 11:10am
ah it's not reordered on server side?

edit: i also tried on google chrome, same result.

from the top, it show
10 days
24 days
9 days

while i excpet to see something like :

9 days
10 days
24 days


24 days
10 days
9 days

Last edit: 03 Sep 2015, 11:20am
03 Sep 2015, 12:56pm
Ha, found the issue, it should be fixed now.

And.... experimental chat using IRC is there, use the button on the left side. We will see how it will be used...
For now it will be placed there, link will be moved to main menu later eventually.
03 Sep 2015, 5:21pm
is someone know if it's possible to export our exploration data?

would be cool to have a huge data base where we could have the planets and their composition in every system
03 Sep 2015, 6:18pm
Laynor Luna Lagoonais someone know if it's possible to export our exploration data?

would be cool to have a huge data base where we could have the planets and their composition in every system

This should be built into the game. There is this website but it is all manually entered data as far as I recall.
04 Sep 2015, 1:02pm
i have a problem with my roster list :

Cannot execute SQL query...
04 Sep 2015, 1:12pm
Laynor: It should be OK at this moment, I was doing a minor internal update right now.
04 Sep 2015, 3:25pm
Excuse me but I got a dumb question: Is there any way to edit the stations to reflect the landing pad? Bad side of flying a T7...
04 Sep 2015, 3:56pm
Torrente: There is "Edit star/station" button on the right side of the market page, it will move you to the stations edit page where you can change/update anything.

Loriath: Hmmm, it seems working to me now. Maybe it was just a temporal problem, I am embedding webchat provided by QuakeNet there, so it's partially out of my control. Edit: Wait, it was may fault, there was a wrong link from the other discussion section. It should be working now...

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