Inara updates, bug reports, requests
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:
Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.
Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
15 May 2019, 7:43pm
SuperFrogXWhat is best way to contact ED Discover developer?
16 May 2019, 10:59am
While writing new idea in ticket system noticed that someone already had it and that is implemented, but I could not figure out how to change it...
17 May 2019, 2:14pm
Last edit: 17 May 2019, 2:21pm
17 May 2019, 2:31pm
Whiplash 1983Subject:
Site page column scrolling.
- ref - Three columns. Left-(index), Center-(body), Right-(features)
If I have many index subject tabs and I am scrolled to the bottom of the Center-(body) column, I can't see the top of the Left-(index) column. To see it I have to scroll all the way back up to the top of the Center-(body) column before the Left-(index) column drops down again.
Possible suggestions:
Make the index color groups collapsible and the index column static (non moving). Or an independently scrollable Left-(index) column.
PS. I do see and can use the "Up Arrow" button to get to the top. Maybe I can remember to use it more often.
Hmmm... there isn't many good options, as most solutions will need to scroll up or make a click anyway and collapsing menus may not be very desired thing here usually. I will think about that, meanwhile as you said - there is an arrow to scroll up quickly.
Angus ThermopyleHello, I recently joined and set my profile. I had to alter my in game cmdr name with a hyphen due to another cmdr taking it here. Is there a way to request/force a change so I can have matching names in game and here? I PM'd the other cmdr a few days ago but he has not been active in a bit. Thx.
17 May 2019, 3:32pm
Not so much a bug as an imperfection with this one.
When I go to a private forum page it takes me to
If I then edit a sticky it uses
However, upon submitting the sticky edit it stays on so if I then submit a post (which works fine) it wants to resubmit the sticky.
What I would recommond is that upon submitting a sticky edit the page is redirected to
17 May 2019, 6:05pm
This is a minor frustration, but a frustration all the same. When I look at my missions log, it only shows the influence + for the reward as first offered, not the reward taken. If on completion of the mission I take the influence option and get ++++, it still shows up on Inara as a + (or ++). Is this something that is accesible from the API?
Cheers - thank you for all your continued work on this. o7
17 May 2019, 7:19pm
Aunty SledgeHi Artie,
Not so much a bug as an imperfection with this one.
When I go to a private forum page it takes me to
If I then edit a sticky it uses
However, upon submitting the sticky edit it stays on so if I then submit a post (which works fine) it wants to resubmit the sticky.
What I would recommond is that upon submitting a sticky edit the page is redirected to
Ah, yes, apparently my oversight, that includes the board edits, too. I will fix that.
Olimara71Hey there Artie
This is a minor frustration, but a frustration all the same. When I look at my missions log, it only shows the influence + for the reward as first offered, not the reward taken. If on completion of the mission I take the influence option and get ++++, it still shows up on Inara as a + (or ++). Is this something that is accesible from the API?
Cheers - thank you for all your continued work on this. o7
The parser picks the mission rewards, including the influence/reputation changes. However, journal records sometimes may contain a different value that is displayed in the game from some odd reason (or at least it was a case in the past). I see that I have no recent log from your update, please poke me in PM after you make some mission updates and note which missions are wrong and I will double check that.
17 May 2019, 9:43pm
So, I just completed a courier Job, landing at Heaviside Dock (10.30pm). It has only + on INARA, interestinglythe original reward offered 2+, but I took the Influence reward for 4+
Not sure what is happening
18 May 2019, 9:45am
Below is the list of journal events containing your completed missions, all are having just + or ++ influence and reputation effects (which corresponds to values displayed on Inara), so there is nothing I can do unfortunately.
{ "timestamp":"2019-05-17T21:22:37Z", "event":"MissionCompleted", "Faction":"The Guardians of AeSir", "Name":"Mission_Courier_name", "MissionID":483319500, "TargetFaction":"Tiangchi Empire Party", "DestinationSystem":"Tiangchi", "DestinationStation":"Menzies Station", "Reward":205040, "MaterialsReward":[ { "Name":"GridResistors", "Name_Localised":"Grid Resistors", "Category":"$MICRORESOURCE_CATEGORY_Manufactured;", "Category_Localised":"Manufactured", "Count":5 } ], "FactionEffects":[ { "Faction":"Tiangchi Empire Party", "Effects":[ { "Effect":"$MISSIONUTIL_Interaction_Summary_EP_up;", "Effect_Localised":"The economic status of $#MinorFaction; has improved in the $#System; system.", "Trend":"UpGood" } ], "Influence":[ { "SystemAddress":7268024001937, "Trend":"UpGood", "Influence":"+" } ], "ReputationTrend":"UpGood", "Reputation":"+" }, { "Faction":"The Guardians of AeSir", "Effects":[ { "Effect":"$MISSIONUTIL_Interaction_Summary_EP_up;", "Effect_Localised":"The economic status of $#MinorFaction; has improved in the $#System; system.", "Trend":"UpGood" } ], "Influence":[ { "SystemAddress":2869709055369, "Trend":"UpGood", "Influence":"+" } ], "ReputationTrend":"UpGood", "Reputation":"+" } ] }
{ "timestamp":"2019-05-17T21:30:27Z", "event":"MissionCompleted", "Faction":"The Guardians of AeSir", "Name":"Mission_Courier_name", "MissionID":483319451, "TargetFaction":"Sakarabru Empire Pact", "DestinationSystem":"Tiangchi", "DestinationStation":"Heaviside Dock", "Reward":216303, "FactionEffects":[ { "Faction":"Sakarabru Empire Pact", "Effects":[ { "Effect":"$MISSIONUTIL_Interaction_Summary_EP_up;", "Effect_Localised":"The economic status of $#MinorFaction; has improved in the $#System; system.", "Trend":"UpGood" } ], "Influence":[ { "SystemAddress":7268024001937, "Trend":"UpGood", "Influence":"+" } ], "ReputationTrend":"UpGood", "Reputation":"+" }, { "Faction":"The Guardians of AeSir", "Effects":[ { "Effect":"$MISSIONUTIL_Interaction_Summary_EP_up;", "Effect_Localised":"The economic status of $#MinorFaction; has improved in the $#System; system.", "Trend":"UpGood" } ], "Influence":[ { "SystemAddress":2869709055369, "Trend":"UpGood", "Influence":"+" } ], "ReputationTrend":"UpGood", "Reputation":"+" } ] }
{ "timestamp":"2019-05-17T21:43:25Z", "event":"MissionCompleted", "Faction":"The Guardians of AeSir", "Name":"Mission_Courier_name", "MissionID":483319530, "TargetFaction":"Tiangchi Purple Mafia", "DestinationSystem":"Tiangchi", "DestinationStation":"Biggle Landing", "Reward":269715, "FactionEffects":[ { "Faction":"Tiangchi Purple Mafia", "Effects":[ { "Effect":"$MISSIONUTIL_Interaction_Summary_EP_up;", "Effect_Localised":"The economic status of $#MinorFaction; has improved in the $#System; system.", "Trend":"UpGood" } ], "Influence":[ { "SystemAddress":7268024001937, "Trend":"UpGood", "Influence":"+" } ], "ReputationTrend":"UpGood", "Reputation":"+" }, { "Faction":"The Guardians of AeSir", "Effects":[ { "Effect":"$MISSIONUTIL_Interaction_Summary_EP_up;", "Effect_Localised":"The economic status of $#MinorFaction; has improved in the $#System; system.", "Trend":"UpGood" } ], "Influence":[ { "SystemAddress":2869709055369, "Trend":"UpGood", "Influence":"+" } ], "ReputationTrend":"UpGood", "Reputation":"+" } ] }
{ "timestamp":"2019-05-17T21:53:33Z", "event":"MissionCompleted", "Faction":"The Guardians of AeSir", "Name":"Mission_Courier_name", "MissionID":483319347, "TargetFaction":"Dukes of Jotun", "DestinationSystem":"Caleta", "DestinationStation":"Watson Station", "Reward":156927, "MaterialsReward":[ { "Name":"MechanicalScrap", "Name_Localised":"Mechanical Scrap", "Category":"$MICRORESOURCE_CATEGORY_Manufactured;", "Category_Localised":"Manufactured", "Count":3 } ], "FactionEffects":[ { "Faction":"Dukes of Jotun", "Effects":[ { "Effect":"$MISSIONUTIL_Interaction_Summary_EP_up;", "Effect_Localised":"The economic status of $#MinorFaction; has improved in the $#System; system.", "Trend":"UpGood" } ], "Influence":[ { "SystemAddress":5856288510658, "Trend":"UpGood", "Influence":"++" } ], "ReputationTrend":"UpGood", "Reputation":"+" }, { "Faction":"The Guardians of AeSir", "Effects":[ { "Effect":"$MISSIONUTIL_Interaction_Summary_EP_up;", "Effect_Localised":"The economic status of $#MinorFaction; has improved in the $#System; system.", "Trend":"UpGood" } ], "Influence":[ { "SystemAddress":2869709055369, "Trend":"UpGood", "Influence":"++" } ], "ReputationTrend":"UpGood", "Reputation":"+" } ] }
{ "timestamp":"2019-05-17T22:05:02Z", "event":"MissionCompleted", "Faction":"The Guardians of AeSir", "Name":"Mission_Collect_name", "MissionID":483319388, "Commodity":"$FoodCartridges_Name;", "Commodity_Localised":"Food Cartridges", "Count":54, "DestinationSystem":"NLTT 9032", "DestinationStation":"Hunziker Landing", "Reward":99436, "FactionEffects":[ { "Faction":"The Guardians of AeSir", "Effects":[ { "Effect":"$MISSIONUTIL_Interaction_Summary_EP_up;", "Effect_Localised":"The economic status of $#MinorFaction; has improved in the $#System; system.", "Trend":"UpGood" } ], "Influence":[ { "SystemAddress":2869709055369, "Trend":"UpGood", "Influence":"++" } ], "ReputationTrend":"UpGood", "Reputation":"++" } ] }
{ "timestamp":"2019-05-17T22:12:15Z", "event":"MissionCompleted", "Faction":"The Guardians of AeSir", "Name":"Mission_Courier_name", "MissionID":483331237, "TargetFaction":"Sakarabru Empire Pact", "DestinationSystem":"Tiangchi", "DestinationStation":"Corte-Real City", "Reward":144719, "FactionEffects":[ { "Faction":"Sakarabru Empire Pact", "Effects":[ { "Effect":"$MISSIONUTIL_Interaction_Summary_EP_up;", "Effect_Localised":"The economic status of $#MinorFaction; has improved in the $#System; system.", "Trend":"UpGood" } ], "Influence":[ { "SystemAddress":7268024001937, "Trend":"UpGood", "Influence":"+" } ], "ReputationTrend":"UpGood", "Reputation":"+" }, { "Faction":"The Guardians of AeSir", "Effects":[ { "Effect":"$MISSIONUTIL_Interaction_Summary_EP_up;", "Effect_Localised":"The economic status of $#MinorFaction; has improved in the $#System; system.", "Trend":"UpGood" } ], "Influence":[ { "SystemAddress":2869709055369, "Trend":"UpGood", "Influence":"+" } ], "ReputationTrend":"UpGood", "Reputation":"+" } ] }
{ "timestamp":"2019-05-17T22:21:30Z", "event":"MissionCompleted", "Faction":"The Guardians of AeSir", "Name":"Mission_Courier_name", "MissionID":483331189, "TargetFaction":"Tiangchi Dynamic Incorporated", "DestinationSystem":"Tiangchi", "DestinationStation":"Wylie Port", "Reward":159732, "FactionEffects":[ { "Faction":"Tiangchi Dynamic Incorporated", "Effects":[ { "Effect":"$MISSIONUTIL_Interaction_Summary_EP_up;", "Effect_Localised":"The economic status of $#MinorFaction; has improved in the $#System; system.", "Trend":"UpGood" } ], "Influence":[ { "SystemAddress":7268024001937, "Trend":"UpGood", "Influence":"+" } ], "ReputationTrend":"UpGood", "Reputation":"+" }, { "Faction":"The Guardians of AeSir", "Effects":[ { "Effect":"$MISSIONUTIL_Interaction_Summary_EP_up;", "Effect_Localised":"The economic status of $#MinorFaction; has improved in the $#System; system.", "Trend":"UpGood" } ], "Influence":[ { "SystemAddress":2869709055369, "Trend":"UpGood", "Influence":"+" } ], "ReputationTrend":"UpGood", "Reputation":"+" } ] }
{ "timestamp":"2019-05-17T22:34:39Z", "event":"MissionCompleted", "Faction":"The Guardians of AeSir", "Name":"Mission_Courier_name", "MissionID":483331203, "TargetFaction":"Independents of Hoff", "DestinationSystem":"Hoff", "DestinationStation":"Oluwafemi Terminal", "Reward":180329, "FactionEffects":[ { "Faction":"Independents of Hoff", "Effects":[ { "Effect":"$MISSIONUTIL_Interaction_Summary_EP_up;", "Effect_Localised":"The economic status of $#MinorFaction; has improved in the $#System; system.", "Trend":"UpGood" } ], "Influence":[ { "SystemAddress":1591025322339, "Trend":"UpGood", "Influence":"+" } ], "ReputationTrend":"UpGood", "Reputation":"+" }, { "Faction":"The Guardians of AeSir", "Effects":[ { "Effect":"$MISSIONUTIL_Interaction_Summary_EP_up;", "Effect_Localised":"The economic status of $#MinorFaction; has improved in the $#System; system.", "Trend":"UpGood" } ], "Influence":[ { "SystemAddress":2869709055369, "Trend":"UpGood", "Influence":"+" } ], "ReputationTrend":"UpGood", "Reputation":"+" } ] }
18 May 2019, 3:02pm
ArtieThanks! It seems the problem with values reported into the journal still persists. It may worth to report it to Frontier once again.
Below is the list of journal events containing your completed missions, all are having just + or ++ influence and reputation effects (which corresponds to values displayed on Inara), so there is nothing I can do unfortunately.
Show more >>
{ "timestamp":"2019-05-17T21:22:37Z", "event":"MissionCompleted", "Faction":"The Guardians of AeSir", "Name":"Mission_Courier_name", "MissionID":483319500, "TargetFaction":"Tiangchi Empire Party", "DestinationSystem":"Tiangchi", "DestinationStation":"Menzies Station", "Reward":205040, "MaterialsReward":[ { "Name":"GridResistors", "Name_Localised":"Grid Resistors", "Category":"$MICRORESOURCE_CATEGORY_Manufactured;", "Category_Localised":"Manufactured", "Count":5 } ], "FactionEffects":[ { "Faction":"Tiangchi Empire Party", "Effects":[ { "Effect":"$MISSIONUTIL_Interaction_Summary_EP_up;", "Effect_Localised":"The economic status of $#MinorFaction; has improved in the $#System; system.", "Trend":"UpGood" } ], "Influence":[ { "SystemAddress":7268024001937, "Trend":"UpGood", "Influence":"+" } ], "ReputationTrend":"UpGood", "Reputation":"+" }, { "Faction":"The Guardians of AeSir", "Effects":[ { "Effect":"$MISSIONUTIL_Interaction_Summary_EP_up;", "Effect_Localised":"The economic status of $#MinorFaction; has improved in the $#System; system.", "Trend":"UpGood" } ], "Influence":[ { "SystemAddress":2869709055369, "Trend":"UpGood", "Influence":"+" } ], "ReputationTrend":"UpGood", "Reputation":"+" } ] }
{ "timestamp":"2019-05-17T21:30:27Z", "event":"MissionCompleted", "Faction":"The Guardians of AeSir", "Name":"Mission_Courier_name", "MissionID":483319451, "TargetFaction":"Sakarabru Empire Pact", "DestinationSystem":"Tiangchi", "DestinationStation":"Heaviside Dock", "Reward":216303, "FactionEffects":[ { "Faction":"Sakarabru Empire Pact", "Effects":[ { "Effect":"$MISSIONUTIL_Interaction_Summary_EP_up;", "Effect_Localised":"The economic status of $#MinorFaction; has improved in the $#System; system.", "Trend":"UpGood" } ], "Influence":[ { "SystemAddress":7268024001937, "Trend":"UpGood", "Influence":"+" } ], "ReputationTrend":"UpGood", "Reputation":"+" }, { "Faction":"The Guardians of AeSir", "Effects":[ { "Effect":"$MISSIONUTIL_Interaction_Summary_EP_up;", "Effect_Localised":"The economic status of $#MinorFaction; has improved in the $#System; system.", "Trend":"UpGood" } ], "Influence":[ { "SystemAddress":2869709055369, "Trend":"UpGood", "Influence":"+" } ], "ReputationTrend":"UpGood", "Reputation":"+" } ] }
{ "timestamp":"2019-05-17T21:43:25Z", "event":"MissionCompleted", "Faction":"The Guardians of AeSir", "Name":"Mission_Courier_name", "MissionID":483319530, "TargetFaction":"Tiangchi Purple Mafia", "DestinationSystem":"Tiangchi", "DestinationStation":"Biggle Landing", "Reward":269715, "FactionEffects":[ { "Faction":"Tiangchi Purple Mafia", "Effects":[ { "Effect":"$MISSIONUTIL_Interaction_Summary_EP_up;", "Effect_Localised":"The economic status of $#MinorFaction; has improved in the $#System; system.", "Trend":"UpGood" } ], "Influence":[ { "SystemAddress":7268024001937, "Trend":"UpGood", "Influence":"+" } ], "ReputationTrend":"UpGood", "Reputation":"+" }, { "Faction":"The Guardians of AeSir", "Effects":[ { "Effect":"$MISSIONUTIL_Interaction_Summary_EP_up;", "Effect_Localised":"The economic status of $#MinorFaction; has improved in the $#System; system.", "Trend":"UpGood" } ], "Influence":[ { "SystemAddress":2869709055369, "Trend":"UpGood", "Influence":"+" } ], "ReputationTrend":"UpGood", "Reputation":"+" } ] }
{ "timestamp":"2019-05-17T21:53:33Z", "event":"MissionCompleted", "Faction":"The Guardians of AeSir", "Name":"Mission_Courier_name", "MissionID":483319347, "TargetFaction":"Dukes of Jotun", "DestinationSystem":"Caleta", "DestinationStation":"Watson Station", "Reward":156927, "MaterialsReward":[ { "Name":"MechanicalScrap", "Name_Localised":"Mechanical Scrap", "Category":"$MICRORESOURCE_CATEGORY_Manufactured;", "Category_Localised":"Manufactured", "Count":3 } ], "FactionEffects":[ { "Faction":"Dukes of Jotun", "Effects":[ { "Effect":"$MISSIONUTIL_Interaction_Summary_EP_up;", "Effect_Localised":"The economic status of $#MinorFaction; has improved in the $#System; system.", "Trend":"UpGood" } ], "Influence":[ { "SystemAddress":5856288510658, "Trend":"UpGood", "Influence":"++" } ], "ReputationTrend":"UpGood", "Reputation":"+" }, { "Faction":"The Guardians of AeSir", "Effects":[ { "Effect":"$MISSIONUTIL_Interaction_Summary_EP_up;", "Effect_Localised":"The economic status of $#MinorFaction; has improved in the $#System; system.", "Trend":"UpGood" } ], "Influence":[ { "SystemAddress":2869709055369, "Trend":"UpGood", "Influence":"++" } ], "ReputationTrend":"UpGood", "Reputation":"+" } ] }
{ "timestamp":"2019-05-17T22:05:02Z", "event":"MissionCompleted", "Faction":"The Guardians of AeSir", "Name":"Mission_Collect_name", "MissionID":483319388, "Commodity":"$FoodCartridges_Name;", "Commodity_Localised":"Food Cartridges", "Count":54, "DestinationSystem":"NLTT 9032", "DestinationStation":"Hunziker Landing", "Reward":99436, "FactionEffects":[ { "Faction":"The Guardians of AeSir", "Effects":[ { "Effect":"$MISSIONUTIL_Interaction_Summary_EP_up;", "Effect_Localised":"The economic status of $#MinorFaction; has improved in the $#System; system.", "Trend":"UpGood" } ], "Influence":[ { "SystemAddress":2869709055369, "Trend":"UpGood", "Influence":"++" } ], "ReputationTrend":"UpGood", "Reputation":"++" } ] }
{ "timestamp":"2019-05-17T22:12:15Z", "event":"MissionCompleted", "Faction":"The Guardians of AeSir", "Name":"Mission_Courier_name", "MissionID":483331237, "TargetFaction":"Sakarabru Empire Pact", "DestinationSystem":"Tiangchi", "DestinationStation":"Corte-Real City", "Reward":144719, "FactionEffects":[ { "Faction":"Sakarabru Empire Pact", "Effects":[ { "Effect":"$MISSIONUTIL_Interaction_Summary_EP_up;", "Effect_Localised":"The economic status of $#MinorFaction; has improved in the $#System; system.", "Trend":"UpGood" } ], "Influence":[ { "SystemAddress":7268024001937, "Trend":"UpGood", "Influence":"+" } ], "ReputationTrend":"UpGood", "Reputation":"+" }, { "Faction":"The Guardians of AeSir", "Effects":[ { "Effect":"$MISSIONUTIL_Interaction_Summary_EP_up;", "Effect_Localised":"The economic status of $#MinorFaction; has improved in the $#System; system.", "Trend":"UpGood" } ], "Influence":[ { "SystemAddress":2869709055369, "Trend":"UpGood", "Influence":"+" } ], "ReputationTrend":"UpGood", "Reputation":"+" } ] }
{ "timestamp":"2019-05-17T22:21:30Z", "event":"MissionCompleted", "Faction":"The Guardians of AeSir", "Name":"Mission_Courier_name", "MissionID":483331189, "TargetFaction":"Tiangchi Dynamic Incorporated", "DestinationSystem":"Tiangchi", "DestinationStation":"Wylie Port", "Reward":159732, "FactionEffects":[ { "Faction":"Tiangchi Dynamic Incorporated", "Effects":[ { "Effect":"$MISSIONUTIL_Interaction_Summary_EP_up;", "Effect_Localised":"The economic status of $#MinorFaction; has improved in the $#System; system.", "Trend":"UpGood" } ], "Influence":[ { "SystemAddress":7268024001937, "Trend":"UpGood", "Influence":"+" } ], "ReputationTrend":"UpGood", "Reputation":"+" }, { "Faction":"The Guardians of AeSir", "Effects":[ { "Effect":"$MISSIONUTIL_Interaction_Summary_EP_up;", "Effect_Localised":"The economic status of $#MinorFaction; has improved in the $#System; system.", "Trend":"UpGood" } ], "Influence":[ { "SystemAddress":2869709055369, "Trend":"UpGood", "Influence":"+" } ], "ReputationTrend":"UpGood", "Reputation":"+" } ] }
{ "timestamp":"2019-05-17T22:34:39Z", "event":"MissionCompleted", "Faction":"The Guardians of AeSir", "Name":"Mission_Courier_name", "MissionID":483331203, "TargetFaction":"Independents of Hoff", "DestinationSystem":"Hoff", "DestinationStation":"Oluwafemi Terminal", "Reward":180329, "FactionEffects":[ { "Faction":"Independents of Hoff", "Effects":[ { "Effect":"$MISSIONUTIL_Interaction_Summary_EP_up;", "Effect_Localised":"The economic status of $#MinorFaction; has improved in the $#System; system.", "Trend":"UpGood" } ], "Influence":[ { "SystemAddress":1591025322339, "Trend":"UpGood", "Influence":"+" } ], "ReputationTrend":"UpGood", "Reputation":"+" }, { "Faction":"The Guardians of AeSir", "Effects":[ { "Effect":"$MISSIONUTIL_Interaction_Summary_EP_up;", "Effect_Localised":"The economic status of $#MinorFaction; has improved in the $#System; system.", "Trend":"UpGood" } ], "Influence":[ { "SystemAddress":2869709055369, "Trend":"UpGood", "Influence":"+" } ], "ReputationTrend":"UpGood", "Reputation":"+" } ] }
Thanks Artie - appreciate you looking into this on my behalf.
20 May 2019, 2:04pm
I see that my sig shows my 'Power' as 'Independent', however, I have been pledged to ALD since 28.01.2018
On 17.04, my pledged changed to 'Pledged power: None/Independent' for some reason, then when I resynced/reconnected my Commander on 11.05, it correctly indicated that I was pledged to ALD. However, my sig is not updating. I did not change anything in-game, so not sure why this would happen.
21 May 2019, 9:45am
My Fleet -> some ships -> ship configuration -> 0 DISCOVERY SCANNER and 0 CODEX SCANNER.
what does that mean?
21 May 2019, 10:21am
21 May 2019, 10:59am
Silver Taffer@Yodansky: Since the last major update your ships are equipped with Discovery Scanners and Codex Scanners as standard, they do not take up any internals AFAIK, being part of the ships equipment. 07
Thank you!
21 May 2019, 1:49pm
DR PlatusHi Artie,
I see that my sig shows my 'Power' as 'Independent', however, I have been pledged to ALD since 28.01.2018
On 17.04, my pledged changed to 'Pledged power: None/Independent' for some reason, then when I resynced/reconnected my Commander on 11.05, it correctly indicated that I was pledged to ALD. However, my sig is not updating. I did not change anything in-game, so not sure why this would happen.
Thank you for the information, it seems like the signature wasn't marked for refresh after the Power allegiance change. I will take a look on that. But your signature image should be up to date now.
My Fleet -> some ships -> ship configuration -> 0 DISCOVERY SCANNER and 0 CODEX SCANNER.
what does that mean?
Interesting, it shouldn't be displayed there at all, as it's an integral ship part as Silver Taffer mentioned. Do you can tell me which of your ships are affected, please?
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