Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
05 Jul 2015, 4:29am
Bishop Aers
Bishop Aers
You are right, I didn't thought on that way. Did you raised a filter to landing pad size? Something to discard 'noise' from results I mean.

its alrady there , in settins second option down on left side (market options)

Thanks mate, I did it and all stations have disappeared xD No L pad stations around I guess. There is no way to extend the stations distance to fill that columns with L pad stations, I'm wrong?

just above the landing pad size is the range for searching , limited to 60 LY - this has multi reasons im sure ,
my guess ... in no perticular order
1) searches causing load/stress on database system ....
2) altho there will be better profit available from 100's of LY away , the time taken isnt normaly worth it ....
3) showing a price from 200 LY that is extream (high or low) would kill that product in a few hours as soon as the million CMDR's decend on it , and you would almost never get that price anyway - so only the galaxys top route would have trade.
05 Jul 2015, 1:07pm
Bishop Aers
Bishop Aers
You are right, I didn't thought on that way. Did you raised a filter to landing pad size? Something to discard 'noise' from results I mean.

its alrady there , in settins second option down on left side (market options)

Thanks mate, I did it and all stations have disappeared xD No L pad stations around I guess. There is no way to extend the stations distance to fill that columns with L pad stations, I'm wrong?

just above the landing pad size is the range for searching , limited to 60 LY - this has multi reasons im sure ,
my guess ... in no perticular order
1) searches causing load/stress on database system ....
2) altho there will be better profit available from 100's of LY away , the time taken isnt normaly worth it ....
3) showing a price from 200 LY that is extream (high or low) would kill that product in a few hours as soon as the million CMDR's decend on it , and you would almost never get that price anyway - so only the galaxys top route would have trade.

At this moment I'm trying to imagine how I was looking for yesterday night and which kind of substances I put in my body to not see that obvious option that you pointed me :/ I feel so dumb, but grateful xD

-Kids, say no to drugs.-
06 Jul 2015, 11:58am
Great work with the site Artie! I have a couple of requests.

1. A wing gallery where pilots could display their exploration screenshots, RES battles ect...

2. As our wings grow, (almost 40 active members in ours) it would be cool if we could give another wing member administrative rights for accepting new members, deleting posts..ect.. (in case the leader is away for any reason).
06 Jul 2015, 2:57pm
Belstarion: Yep, both will be there, it's actually on my priority list (at this moment: private messaging, image gallery improvements (galleries for wings and CMDR logs), wing member management (promotions, administrative rights), wing fleet statistics and logbooks listing)
06 Jul 2015, 3:32pm
don´t let yourself be rushed...
Inara is a great work, as it is...
it won´t kill anybody if we have to wait for additions for a while....
really you´re doing a great job....

sorry for bad english
06 Jul 2015, 3:34pm
It won't be there in range of days for sure. It's incredibly heat there these days and I am glad that I am capable to do my regular job at least in such conditions.
06 Jul 2015, 4:21pm
ArtieBelstarion: Yep, both will be there, it's actually on my priority list (at this moment: private messaging, image gallery improvements (galleries for wings and CMDR logs), wing member management (promotions, administrative rights), wing fleet statistics and logbooks listing)

Thanks Artie, no rush man
06 Jul 2015, 5:36pm
/humor mode activated - beep/

No we want all of it NOW!! I have paid nothing towards this tool/site but think that I can demand stuff be done, or... or... or... I'll throw something against something else... grrr...

Hehe Seriously though /humor mode deactivated - beep/ /praise mode activated - beep/Artie I love this site it is awesome and an amazing achievement!
06 Jul 2015, 6:02pm
Throwing accepted! Throw me few cold beers and you will get NOW (nothing of wishes) anytime soon
07 Jul 2015, 11:09am

- An option/ability to show whether you are playing on PC, Xbox One or PS4 (which is until next year).

- Ability to incorporate the cmdr achievements on the website with Xbox One/PS4 achievements/trophies. Based on the platform you choose to play on you can also be able to manually select Xbox One/PS4 achievements/trophies which ones you got.

- Ability to manually input Flight Logs (For example for Xbox One/PS4 users, until Frontier gives the ability to share stats with 3rd party apps/websites).

- Ability to choose exact dates for achievements, not just a few days/weeks/months ago.

- Ability to edit achievement dates without deleting it and reentering the info again.

Last edit: 07 Jul 2015, 2:38pm
07 Jul 2015, 10:22pm
- Ability to manually input Flight Logs (For example for Xbox One/PS4 users, until Frontier gives the ability to share stats with 3rd party apps/websites).

i second that , for us PC users who have INARA on a diff sys (more than one PC) than ED
07 Jul 2015, 11:32pm
Thank you for suggestions.
To your points:
  • 1. Yes, will be there in the future, probably with some additional Settings/CMDR profile improvements
  • 2. I am not sure about it now, Xbox achievements for current beta looks pretty sketchy and incomplete, so it will be better to wait for full release
  • 3. Not decided yet, manual input for flight logs may be little bit complicated. But, based on some forum post from today it seems that Frontier's API may be here soon, so manual edits won't be needed
  • 4.&5. Good idea, I will put it on my ToDo list
08 Jul 2015, 12:43pm
Hi there Cmdr Telonia here. I am new here and agree this is very nice site. Going to check out your Market as I am trader looking for a place not under control of the powers
09 Jul 2015, 11:00am
It was notification of a bug There was some wrong data in the history, so it counted new messages from wrong threads (it probably happened before this bug was fixed earlier, but it left some remains). It was fixed right now.

But no idea about the gallery pic, do you can send/post me a screenshot, please? It always show a full size picture, but there may be some problem with javascript image resizer which fits image horizontal height to current window size.

Edit: Found the problem, it is really resizer issue. I will fix it ASAP.

Last edit: 09 Jul 2015, 11:12am
10 Jul 2015, 6:34am
Loriath*sigh* Artie, can you stop responding to bugs and fixing them so quickly please? It's disheartening when I compare the response here compared to FD to issues.....

Nice one!!!

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