Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
10 Jul 2015, 7:32am
Out of curiosity does the site darken or otherwise edit pics uploaded? I wanted to upload one I took that is somewhat dark both the one I have on my fleet for my dropship and the one I uploaded to the gallery (I deleted it however) seem very dark, it doesn't seem to happen elsewhere for example I also uploaded it to imgur and it looks just the same on my folder but uploading it here and its super dark.

Edit: for example if you check my fleet, far as the thumbnail goes it looks correct but if you click on it to see it larger its extremely dark the one I had submitted to the Gallery and subsequently deleted was also very dark.
10 Jul 2015, 10:01am
Loriath, Ger: It's usually quick and easy to fix website bugs, with game code it's more complicated.

Ginrikuzuma: Inara does no color changes to images uploaded. I see that imgur image very dark, too. Maybe it has something to do with your gamma or color profile, which may be dropped there. Do you can send me your source image(s) for your fleet to e-mail I will check it out...

Also, I see thumbnails and full images of your fleet 1:1, maybe there is completely another problem. So if do you can also take browser screenshots of your fleet here (thumbnails and full images), it may help to track down possible bug.
10 Jul 2015, 11:35am
ArtieLoriath, Ger: It's usually quick and easy to fix website bugs, with game code it's more complicated.

Well, I guess so ...

But then again YOU have not raised £1,578,316 in Kickstarter.

Or have you???:D
10 Jul 2015, 4:27pm
Ginrikuzuma: Thank you for images. It was actually "issue" of Firefox applying color management and rendering PNGs slightly darker. Inara is now stripping all ICC profiles from images, which should solve this issue. So please re-upload your fleet or any other images and you should see it correctly after that...

Ger Panagon: Nope, but I wish to have such amount of money!
10 Jul 2015, 5:51pm
Ger Panagon: Nope, but I wish to have such amount of money!

With a "Donate" button , you would do the first step in that direction
10 Jul 2015, 8:11pm
ArtieGinrikuzuma: Thank you for images. It was actually "issue" of Firefox applying color management and rendering PNGs slightly darker. Inara is now stripping all ICC profiles from images, which should solve this issue. So please re-upload your fleet or any other images and you should see it correctly after that...

Ger Panagon: Nope, but I wish to have such amount of money!

Ah interesting thank you I'll give it a shot now.\

Edit: yup its showing up properly now thanks

Last edit: 10 Jul 2015, 8:19pm
11 Jul 2015, 2:07pm
Another update, just a minor stuff this time
  • new feature: From the past, which display latest news from NASA, ESA, and Frontier's community site (can be found on News page and Galaxy>Archive)
  • new feature: GalNet weekly reports summary (visible on Galaxy page)
  • added member logbooks listing and fleet/rank summary to wing pages
  • station shipyard information on Market page (where known; will be further improved)
  • various other tweaks
12 Jul 2015, 11:36am
Loriath: Yes, RSS for logbooks is something I'd like to do, I will take a look on it after more urgent matters solved. But, as there is not very "polite" to republish feeds of other sites, I will point you to respective sites for these. Thank you for "read more" report, fixed.
12 Jul 2015, 6:40pm
I am really enjoying your site and am amazed at how fast you are growing it! Will you be adding a manual edit tab for the station shipyard section any time soon? I would like to start notating ship availability as I am moving around. Partly to help other people out, but mostly because I am old and forget where I saw what...
12 Jul 2015, 7:21pm
i think i found a small problem...

i have a taxi hauler in my fleet..
and if the name of the ship is too long, you can´t reach the "edit ship" and "view Details" buttons anymore....
nothing serious, but now i can´t get rid of this long ago sold ship....
12 Jul 2015, 8:37pm
Oliver: Yes, I will add it there. I hope soon...
MetZwerg: Ah, the curse of long names Should be fixed right now...
12 Jul 2015, 10:10pm
Gentlemen, as basic roster edit is in wing page now and I want to enhance it with additional functionality soon, I'd like to hear some ideas for wing roles/ranks and it's names. My basic idea for wing roles are following:
- Leader: can do anything with his wing
- Officer: can manage join requests and delete private room/command room posts
- Member: regular member
- Rookie: default rank for new members

Any other thoughts? Maybe some role for "senior members" and/or "second-in-chief" with more privileges?
13 Jul 2015, 2:24am
Wing Commander (head of wing), Group Leader (leader of multiple flights within the wing), Flight Leader (leader of flight), Flight Officer (flight member), and Crew Member (new members awaiting assignment) are all applicable titles, depending upon how big you expect the wings to become, of course.
13 Jul 2015, 2:43am
May I..? Wikipedia on wings.

Also, the market prices are so much off it is a tad redundant I am afraid.
13 Jul 2015, 5:39am
Im with Enrogue here, would help us a lot if we could see the age of the info @market prices. Now there is like huge differences in actual price / page price. Thanks in advance

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