Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
07 Apr 2024, 7:17pm
I was destroyed by a Mr Thargoid. nice guy. But that made me remember I needed to get something.
And last time I got stuck getting it. So I tried again.

I don't know if this is a bug or not. But after everything done to get a gauss canon I come to this promising screen:

But there are no Gauss canons to be had at outfitting. Nowhere to be found!
Does anybody know how to get past that?

Last edit: 07 Apr 2024, 7:25pm
07 Apr 2024, 8:34pm
08 Apr 2024, 1:43pm
Sampi OgonekI guess the Guardian Gauss Cannon is out of stock at the station you unlocked it. Try searching for it (or perhaps only with a discount).

Good thinking! I like that. But alas. It is really nowhere to be found. I have tried many stations and tried with different ships. I thought it was a bug that would be solved some day. But it has been many months. I can't even redo it because it is already "unlocked".
08 Apr 2024, 2:00pm
Good thinking! I like that. But alas. It is really nowhere to be found. I have tried many stations and tried with different ships. I thought it was a bug that would be solved some day. But it has been many months. I can't even redo it because it is already "unlocked".

Hmmm... it seems you have found a bug on my end for that module, which is unlockable but purchasable in regular outfitting afterwards - it lists more stations than it should (it shows stations as if it's possible to buy it from the tech broker there, which is obviously wrong). I will fix that ASAP.

Edit: The issue was fixed, so it should list only the correct stations now. Thank you for bringing this to my attention and apologies for the inconvenience.

Last edit: 08 Apr 2024, 2:42pm
08 Apr 2024, 3:24pm
Hello Artie,

Can we get the Extraction sites into Inara, and add a search for them "Nearest BV source for faction X?"
Since the new event dropped called "SupercruiseDestinationDropped", we technically know Extration sites (and their difficulty) in systems, once at least one CMDR drops into them:

{ "timestamp":"2024-04-08T14:15:08Z", "event":"SupercruiseDestinationDrop", "Type":"$MULTIPLAYER_SCENARIO79_TITLE;", "Type_Localised":"Resource Extraction Site [Hazardous]", "Threat":4 }

Thanks for considering!
08 Apr 2024, 3:32pm
Oh really Inara was bugging me? And I thought it was flawless!! Thank you.
10 Apr 2024, 11:55am

I'm the only person left in EDCO squadron on INARA and am looking to disband it, but can't work out how! Can anyone help? :-)

10 Apr 2024, 12:37pm ^^
10 Apr 2024, 12:47pm
Greymagic27 ^^

Thanks so much - that has fixed it :-)
11 Apr 2024, 3:06am
SuretterusOh really Inara was bugging me? And I thought it was flawless!! Thank you.

It was.
Unfortunately, the outfitting search for some of the modules is based on nasty exceptions as those may not be a part of regular outfitting lists, etc., so it was an origin of the problem (also, I have fixed availability of the Azimuth multi-cannons right now).

HekatehHello Artie,

Can we get the Extraction sites into Inara, and add a search for them "Nearest BV source for faction X?"
Since the new event dropped called "SupercruiseDestinationDropped", we technically know Extration sites (and their difficulty) in systems, once at least one CMDR drops into them:

{ "timestamp":"2024-04-08T14:15:08Z", "event":"SupercruiseDestinationDrop", "Type":"$MULTIPLAYER_SCENARIO79_TITLE;", "Type_Localised":"Resource Extraction Site [Hazardous]", "Threat":4 }

Thanks for considering!

Hello, yes, I can add them into the search (they are currently partially listed in the massacre mission stacking search results). Just as RES doesn't belong to any faction, I suppose the desire is to have the search like an existing Nearest compromised beacons search? Or list RES in star systems where the minor faction X is present (to find targets for missions)?
11 Apr 2024, 6:55am
Artie Hello, yes, I can add them into the search (they are currently partially listed in the massacre mission stacking search results). Just as RES doesn't belong to any faction, I suppose the desire is to have the search like an existing Nearest compromised beacons search? Or list RES in star systems where the minor faction X is present (to find targets for missions)?

Much like CNBs a rez site benefits the system controller. So if you look for BV sources for faction X, it should list CNBs and HazRes sites (favourably the highest ones first) for that faction and in which system it is in. If a faction is just present somewhere - but not controlling - and the system has a CNB or HazRes then that is also helpful as you can use a KWS to get bounties for that faction that way. But it is a lesser option compared to controlling a system with CNBs or HazRes.

Technically speaking megaship scenarios are the best BV source, but it is kinda hard to know when those give scenarios. A megaship has to be in the system, the faction X needs to be the controller, and there needs to be some sort of state going on (Boom, War etc.) for a megaship to give scenarios.
13 Apr 2024, 4:35am
Hi Artie, do you think it would be possible to add an option to allow outdated market information. As currently it makes finding certain surface base only commodities more difficult to find due to them not get updated as frequently as a result of lower player traffic. This would be extremely useful for people who need to find commodities for missions and those who trade high value surface commodities like cryolite and pyrophyillite.
13 Apr 2024, 11:05am
Mordred115Hi Artie, do you think it would be possible to add an option to allow outdated market information. As currently it makes finding certain surface base only commodities more difficult to find due to them not get updated as frequently as a result of lower player traffic. This would be extremely useful for people who need to find commodities for missions and those who trade high value surface commodities like cryolite and pyrophyillite.

Hello, please point me to the page/search where it's limited and not showing older information, maybe I have missed something. The commodity search for example shows even years old prices, so I don't think there is an issue with it?

Much like CNBs a rez site benefits the system controller. So if you look for BV sources for faction X, it should list CNBs and HazRes sites (favourably the highest ones first) for that faction and in which system it is in. If a faction is just present somewhere - but not controlling - and the system has a CNB or HazRes then that is also helpful as you can use a KWS to get bounties for that faction that way. But it is a lesser option compared to controlling a system with CNBs or HazRes.

Technically speaking megaship scenarios are the best BV source, but it is kinda hard to know when those give scenarios. A megaship has to be in the system, the faction X needs to be the controller, and there needs to be some sort of state going on (Boom, War etc.) for a megaship to give scenarios.

I see. As I am thinking about it, it would be probably best to add "signals" option into the star system search and move also the CNB search there for misc, so there will be possible to search for CNB/RES and also utilize other search options. I will take a look at that.
13 Apr 2024, 11:40am
Hi Artie, a bug report and 2 questions for you 

The Bug: I pledged to Aisling a couple of weeks ago and left yesterday (as I am not actually interested in PP, just wanted the Prismatic SGs). Now my achievements log shows me pledging yesterday again, then defecting (rather than leaving) twice. (The same happened in December when I initially pledged, then decided it was a wrong time to do so.)

Question #1, somewhat related: Can there perhaps be a way to re-add accidentally deleted achievements? (I had it happen in 2021 when an apparently similar bug caused duplicate “Engineer access” entries, and deleting one of the duplicated entries caused both to disappear; I added manual entries in their place, but they of course don’t look the same.)

Question #2: Do I have a way to see how many Interceptors I have killed (according to Inara)? The Statistics page gives only the total “Thargoids killed” count, while the Ranks and Awards page limits the count to the selected tier requirement — and my Interceptor kill count is now past Tier 5, but I am still at Tier 3 due to other requirements I am unlikely to ever meet. (And, as I already said, I have a strong opinion that limiting counts that way is a bad idea; but it’s your site, your decision.)
Sub-question #2a: While we’re at it: does Inara count my Revenant & Banshee kills, and can I see those somewhere?
13 Apr 2024, 11:52am
Artie Hello, please point me to the page/search where it's limited and not showing older information, maybe I have missed something. The commodity search for example shows even years old prices, so I don't think there is an issue with it?

Searching for Cryolite from Thelmasci, Note Kapurri (Vardeman's Folly) isn't on there, about 18LY away
Here is the Market Data for Vardeman's Folly 9 Days old
I have noticed this also affects trade routes

sorting by oldest gives a maximum of 6 days old as well

Last edit: 13 Apr 2024, 12:00pm

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