Inara updates, bug reports, requests
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:
Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.
Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
12 Nov 2024, 1:40pm
I personally consider first 7 a "showcase" positions and hate that new ships break it if I forget to move them.
I can understand that some people will like how it is now though.
12 Nov 2024, 2:04pm
Hello, simply search for the regular commodities, the black market should follow the regular market, just the prices are lower. I am not sure about the illegal commodities though. Generally, smuggling isn't that good money-maker how players may expect.
unfortunately the bm goods ignored when I look at the station I want to sell at
I make 14mil in 5-10 min, I would say its not bad
Also with bm you can decrease influence of controling faction - that is my primary goal, but I also want to make some credits
13 Nov 2024, 3:03pm
Thank you for the feedback. I made some improvements for the rare commodity supplies, so I suppose there should be more stable supply numbers from now on (it just may take a few hours until properly populated).
Thank you so much for that
I have another request: Would it be possible to add a new column with the sell price to the rare commodities tool.
I ask because as far as I'm able to calculate, merits is given out based on the sell price (not the profit). So being able to sort by that would make it very easy to find the best merits rare trade for any location in the galaxy.
13 Nov 2024, 11:04pm
14 Nov 2024, 1:33am
Mission is
Pick up 11 escape pods from Dalannovale system.
doesn't say where to drop them off. I have tried every station location.
I would post a picture but I cant
14 Nov 2024, 1:58am
unfortunately the bm goods ignored when I look at the station I want to sell at and the search also ignores the stantions where the goods are illegal
I make 14mil in 5-10 min, I would say its not bad
Also with bm you can decrease influence of controling faction - that is my primary goal, but I also want to make some credits
Unfortunately, there isn't much info about the black market listings (more precisely - next to none), so this is probably the only possible way.
I have another request: Would it be possible to add a new column with the sell price to the rare commodities tool.
I ask because as far as I'm able to calculate, merits is given out based on the sell price (not the profit). So being able to sort by that would make it very easy to find the best merits rare trade for any location in the galaxy.
Yeah, I can add it there.
Lord ThunderwindWIll Inar get info the the new Power Play details? Currently I have to go into galaxy map to see the power's status. Annoying. Would love to see an entry for that here.
What kind of details exactly? The basic info (like the controlled/exploited/contested star systems, etc.) is here already, but there is unfortunately no information in the journals about the progress in the respective star systems and so on. It would be best to ask Frontier about that and then I will gladly incorporate it to Inara, too.
14 Nov 2024, 4:25am
I would post a picture but I cant
Click Print Screen (3rd top from the right), open Paint (Windows app), Press Control V and save. Upload with Postimage, Copy link (second from top) then post in forum using "Insert an image" icon.
14 Nov 2024, 5:05am
I would post a picture but I cant
Click Print Screen (3rd top from the right), open Paint (Windows app), Press Control V and save. Upload with Postimage, Copy link (second from top) then post in forum using "Insert an image" icon.
ah ok
14 Nov 2024, 11:36am
CANAok so i cant figure out the power play mission for escape pods. no matter where i do i do NOT get credits for them . They need to fix this and make it a tad more obvious on where to drop them off.
Mission is
Pick up 11 escape pods from Dalannovale system.
doesn't say where to drop them off. I have tried every station location.
It would be better to report it to Frontier, if that's an issue. I am afraid nobody can do anything about it here.
By the way, there is much easier way to get screenshots from the game - F10 key.
14 Nov 2024, 12:03pm
AHhardpoint slots get mixed up when exporting to edsy.
Link to your ship on Inara, please? I guess it may be some mismatch with slot names for a specific ship type on EDSY's end, but better to verify.
14 Nov 2024, 1:09pm
CANAok so i cant figure out the power play mission for escape pods. no matter where i do i do NOT get credits for them . They need to fix this and make it a tad more obvious on where to drop them off.
Mission is
Pick up 11 escape pods from Dalannovale system.
doesn't say where to drop them off. I have tried every station location.
I would post a picture but I cant
Are you referring to the weekly tasks for your chosen power? I got one requiring escape pods and the instructions specified dropping them in the system they were collected from to a station's power agent. It also targeted the system power state to look for (ie acquisition or fortification).
Hope that helps? I managed to complete the mission once I figured out exactly what was required.
14 Nov 2024, 4:23pm
14 Nov 2024, 4:51pm
Guat NaoInterstellar factors ARE NO LONGER searchable! after the last update. they changed, none of them are correct.
Do you have some station names so I can check what data came in, please? Also, how many stations you have checked? I suspect it may be some discrepancy between what the journal is reporting and what is actually visible in the game (which was always the case to some extent, but not globally for all the stations).
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