Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
07 Jan 2016, 12:51pm
JacknyfeUKArtie, would it be possible to have the feature to change the system location that Shipyard, Outfitting etc search from on the respective pages? At the moment it takes the last searched Market location and I need to go back to that page to change then back to Shipyard etc.

Don't worry if not, just me being very lazy


I will add this option there in the next update, maybe sooner in some of the "silent" minor updates...
07 Jan 2016, 1:14pm
JacknyfeUKArtie, would it be possible to have the feature to change the system location that Shipyard, Outfitting etc search from on the respective pages? At the moment it takes the last searched Market location and I need to go back to that page to change then back to Shipyard etc.

Don't worry if not, just me being very lazy


I will add this option there in the next update, maybe sooner in some of the "silent" minor updates...

Awesome, thanks mate
07 Jan 2016, 2:16pm
The database is missing System HIP 20722. Is there a way to set it manually?
07 Jan 2016, 2:29pm
StiffhangerThe database is missing System HIP 20722. Is there a way to set it manually?

Are you talking about the Market Database?
As I have HIP 20722 and Fabian City listed in my favourites.
07 Jan 2016, 2:51pm
StiffhangerThe database is missing System HIP 20722. Is there a way to set it manually?

Are you talking about the Market Database?
As I have HIP 20722 and Fabian City listed in my favourites.

No, I don't talk about the market place. I play Non-Horizon and the complete system is not listet in database. When I search for HIP 20722 nothing is shown on the screen.
07 Jan 2016, 2:59pm
Fabian City is in HIP 20277, almost the same system
HIP 20722 is not there, as there are no known coordinates from EDSM yet, but I will add it by hand eventually (there is no star system adding form available, more precisely - not publicly available, as I want to avoid wrong systems with completely wrong coordinates entered).
07 Jan 2016, 3:43pm
ArtieFabian City is in HIP 20277, almost the same system

Oops.. my bad.
07 Jan 2016, 4:07pm
Hi Artie, Could you rename "re-arm" to "restock" when editing services in the market?
07 Jan 2016, 6:04pm
JacknyfeUKI have seen that. But how do I then change the search location in Shipyard?


Set your current location manually in the Cmdr's log page - right side.

But that was what I was trying to avoid doing. Having to switch pages to change the location

Hey Ben,
What if you kept the Commanders Log open on one TAB, and work Inara in a SEPARATE TAB,
then when you need to "change location", instead of "re-loading" the CLog page, just switch tab temporarily, input new location, "Submit", then switch BACK to your "working" Inara tab and press [F5] / Refresh?

Yes, it's almost like changing to CLog, except you preclude any need for "loading" (again)

If you have a big enough screen / desktop, you could even have JUST that little part peeking out from somewhere, off to one side (and maybe have the radio player above/below/next to it in the rest of the "gap")...

Just an idea...
07 Jan 2016, 6:11pm
@Artie... Is it possible to get ordering by Roman Numerals?  We have named Divisions aka Squadrons using roman numerals however after reaching number XI the divisions are now out of order.

Last edit: 07 Jan 2016, 7:11pm
07 Jan 2016, 6:21pm
Hi everyone. I'm fairly new here but I love this site. I've been looking around for a solution to something. I upload my flight log every night and it shows me

where I went & finished for the night. It does not update my credits & ranks except for a couple of days ago when it did by chance. I added the lines in my

appconfig file but that did nothing. Any idea why it doesn't update my achievements? I must have done something right one time because it worked then...

I love this game - it's taking me away from my simracing...
07 Jan 2016, 7:15pm
WilkieHi Artie, Could you rename "re-arm" to "restock" when editing services in the market?

Ah, yes, I will fix that.

Veyder@Artie... Is it possible to get ordering by Roman Numerals? We have named Divisions using roman numerals however after reaching number XI the divisions are now out of order.

Hmmm... it's complicated. Technically these are just letters as any other and may be placed anywhere in the string, which means to re-parse the string, detect and isolate possible roman numerals, convert them to the decimals, sort the strings alphabetically (as is now) while handling this parallel to the actual strings (as decimals in strings cannot be turned back to roman numerals, for a case there are some other decimal numbers by default). It's technically possible, but it's a complication (in opposite of current simple "order by" in SQL query) - so I may eventually take a look on it when there will be a time and I will be bored with other things, but no promises.

Bobo's ToupeeHi everyone. I'm fairly new here but I love this site. I've been looking around for a solution to something. I upload my flight log every night and it shows me  where I went & finished for the night. It does not update my credits & ranks except for a couple of days ago when it did by chance...

Hello, flight logs contains just some information like jumps, interdictions, etc. but unfortunately no commander's progression like ranks, reputation, credits and so on. These needs to be entered into your profile manually (which takes just a while, for example I am updating my profile just at the session end, which takes just few seconds).
07 Jan 2016, 7:23pm
Bobo's ToupeeHi everyone. I'm fairly new here but I love this site.

I love this game - it's taking me away from my simracing...

Welcome Bobo, for sure the Elite Community is quite unlike any other i have experienced, in many ways i think it is down to the hard work 3rd party authors put into pulling the community together with sites such as this and the tools we get to make our journey smoother.
07 Jan 2016, 7:31pm
JacknyfeUKI have seen that. But how do I then change the search location in Shipyard?


Set your current location manually in the Cmdr's log page - right side.

But that was what I was trying to avoid doing. Having to switch pages to change the location

Hey Ben,
What if you kept the Commanders Log open on one TAB, and work Inara in a SEPARATE TAB,
then when you need to "change location", instead of "re-loading" the CLog page, just switch tab temporarily, input new location, "Submit", then switch BACK to your "working" Inara tab and press [F5] / Refresh?

Yes, it's almost like changing to CLog, except you preclude any need for "loading" (again)

If you have a big enough screen / desktop, you could even have JUST that little part peeking out from somewhere, off to one side (and maybe have the radio player above/below/next to it in the rest of the "gap"...

Just an idea...

I usually access the site on my phone as I am an Xbox Cmdr, so the smaller screen size is limited. I think Artie is on the case any way.
07 Jan 2016, 7:55pm

It seems that the menu is slightly pushed off the left edge on my iPhone 6+, I have an image but cannot work out how to upload from my phone.


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