Inara updates, bug reports, requests
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:
Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.
Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
28 Jun 2019, 8:02am
Barnardo7How can I see/review which squadrons I've put myself as supporter of?
28 Jun 2019, 6:03pm
29 Jun 2019, 10:35am
(Some) megaships are having flight plans. Would it be possible that you add an option for the megaship entries on Inara to list the destinations of the flight plans?
That would make it easier to update a megaship's location.
Fly safe,
30 Jun 2019, 9:54pm
BazingaSmithJust docked @ Morgans Rock and sold 150 mil cr of data.
Synced my account, but have noticed my balance is not correct.
How long does this usually take to sync over
I've noticed your balance will not reflect 'current' transactions. It seems your new balances/balance changes update on session start up. Log out, then log back in, update INARA, will bring your new balance forward. It may have changed recently, but that's the way I get an 'accurate' credit balance. If it has changed or there is a better way, please educate me.
01 Jul 2019, 2:04am
01 Jul 2019, 8:42pm
Pasharko7 Commanders!!
I was thinking if anyone reported Marsha Hicks can upgrade Multi-cannons to Greade 5 and Fragment to Grade 3!
BitwalkerEngineer Mel Brendon in Luchtaine can push the FSD to Level 4 (here it is only 3)
Thanks, all the Colonia engineers should be up-to-date now.
Mug KawińskiIt's me or the Engineer has disappeared as a role?
I am not sure if it was there at all. But if it was present, it was definitely removed/replaced when the in-game engineers were introduced to avoid confusion, so long time ago.
Mini Man CoolHi,
As of my knowledge damaged mega ships are in the game and are useful as any commodities taken from them are not stolen as the cargo racks are considered public. I was wondering if you could add mega ships to the damaged section of the systems/stations tab. If you click on mega ships then none of them are in a damaged state.
07, CMDRs! Fly safe!
Hmmm, yes, I think that I can add some extra listing for damaged megaships there, good idea. Those states for individual megaships needs to be set via manual edits, though (as I don't know any details about any station/megaship from the journal until somebody docks in there, which is not a case of these vessels).
FatzdomingoImported my Frontier didn't import any of my ranks or my current cash balance. Any Clues how to correct this?
In rare cases, it may happen, if the incomplete journal was parsed on the update period start (your game session started before the period and transitioned through midnight (UTC)). It should fix on it's own on the next update after your next game session, when the full journal is present.
HossiHi Artie,
I was just wondering if it would be possible to add a link to the respective Powerplay communities to the page of the Powers?
Be it a discord link or a link to Inara profiles (I'd say most PP leaders are on Inara).
It would make it much easier for the players to contact PP-Groups.
That's no problem. Do you can provide me a list of links to such active communities, please?
EnvisitorHello Artie,
(Some) megaships are having flight plans. Would it be possible that you add an option for the megaship entries on Inara to list the destinations of the flight plans?
That would make it easier to update a megaship's location.
Fly safe,
The (dockable) megaships should update their location automatically when the proper entries are received from EDDN. But it's right it's not possible for the undockable megaships and those needs to be updated manually, which is quite pain. I will think about the best solution, thanks for bringing this.
Deltus InfiniumMy Inara profile for my Xbox account is now messed up and pulling it's data from my PC frontier account.
Please be more specific, I don't see anything odd in your profile?
01 Jul 2019, 9:44pm
Just a minor thing, but wondering if the 2000px restriction on ship images in fleet could be raised a tad for those of us who run 1440p or greater, to save the need to pre-downscale the image before the site re-scales it?
Also, it could do with an error or warning message when that restriction is breached instead of silently ignoring the image, but I know that's quite a bit more work
01 Jul 2019, 10:57pm
02 Jul 2019, 5:11pm
02 Jul 2019, 6:28pm
Deltus InfiniumWhen I imported my data the other day, it changed my ranks to my PC ones (I've switched them back manually), as well as changed my statistics (it replaced my xbox stats with my PC ones). Also lost my badge progress and rankings as a result. It also mixed my flight logs between the two accounts.
Interesting. Were you making a new account linking for that update or your Xbox account link was still active, so you didn't entered any new credentials there? If there were a new credentials entered, are you absolutely sure you didn't use your PC login instead? Otherwise there is some problem on Frontier's servers mixing the commanders, because there is just a single endpoint for the journals download, doesn't matter which platform it is and I have no control over it.
02 Jul 2019, 6:48pm
ArtieDeltus InfiniumWhen I imported my data the other day, it changed my ranks to my PC ones (I've switched them back manually), as well as changed my statistics (it replaced my xbox stats with my PC ones). Also lost my badge progress and rankings as a result. It also mixed my flight logs between the two accounts.
Interesting. Were you making a new account linking for that update or your Xbox account link was still active, so you didn't entered any new credentials there? If there were a new credentials entered, are you absolutely sure you didn't use your PC login instead? Otherwise there is some problem on Frontier's servers mixing the commanders, because there is just a single endpoint for the journals download, doesn't matter which platform it is and I have no control over it.
No new credentials entered. Been able to just switch between my two respective accounts on here and have it import the right in game data from Frontier before plenty of times, but it seems like this time it pulled the wrong data (I have both my xbox and PC accounts connected to the same Frontier account, so it likely got mixed up on their end. I've gone in to my settings and reset the link and made extra sure to set the link to pull from the xbox account linked to my Frontier account, but it doesn't want to seem to correct my stats and such when I import again.
02 Jul 2019, 8:08pm
HossiHi Artie,
I was just wondering if it would be possible to add a link to the respective Powerplay communities to the page of the Powers?
Be it a discord link or a link to Inara profiles (I'd say most PP leaders are on Inara).
It would make it much easier for the players to contact PP-Groups.
That's no problem. Do you can provide me a list of links to such active communities, please?
Absolutly, here you go
Aisling Duval
No discord link. Aisling uses Slack
Arissa Lavigny-Duval
Denton Patreus
Zemina Torval
EG Pilots (Yuri Grom)
Pranav Antal
Federal United Command
Hudson Reddit:
Winters Reddit:
Kumo Crew (Archon Delaine)
Edmund Mahon
Discord: (this one is apparently invalid, I'll see if I can get a new one)
SiriusGov (Li Yong-Rui)
Link to Inara Discord: