Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
03 Nov 2023, 12:59am
Station Hangar should be showing all your ships even the remote, click on the ship you want to see and press = that should show ship loadout.
03 Nov 2023, 1:05am
Shg56Station Hangar should be showing all your ships even the remote, click on the ship you want to see and press = that should show ship loadout.

The loadouts show up there but not in Inara. Edited my original post to add that I'm referring to the "The ship loadout is unknown" that shows up for all my ships on Inara with the exception of the ones I've flown recently. It seems the only way for Inara to recognize the ship loadout is for me to fly to each individual ship and sit in it. Hoping there's a workaround since I have quite a few ships spread all over the place. And yes, I re-imported the data. Thanks for the reply! o7
04 Nov 2023, 10:08am
ody is slow to send data, data that it send every time you enter a shipyard, every time you open system and or galaxy map

i have to ask? missing info in the game or on inara?

if it helps...make a database or take pictures. or at least find your log files and get used to reading them or make a translator..
I use ms access and a prg I wrote.
had no choice when they updated the ui for shipyard and outfitting I could no longer find ships. but then I have over 400. and 2 more cmdrs mirroring that
the file or rather clump of code thats sent to you when you enter shipyard or use the maps, is a basic listing with value, location etc..not too much ship data.
its best use is to see where on the shipyard menu the ship I want is...then I use a macro to select it cause I'm not going blind trying to scroll to 397 or 403 etcc.....nightmare. i'm guessing fdev owns 1 ship so never noticed why the new ui is bad.
you can also grab the lines that describe your ships individually as you use them, save them so you have a record, a prg that can do that..

outfitting is far worse, that some fool thought it was useful to put them all into boxes so you have to open each box to see what is local...bypassing any notice that 'WE HAVE NO STOCK' so, lets look at your storage for no reason instead.....
that info is also sent to you every time you enter outfitting, thank god. that info is nice and very useful.
my prg is then able to always show me where all my stuff is, and can now select with ease.

FWIW even if I only owned 1 ship, hah. I would keep recording what I do to it.
Because I can count on my 2 hands and yours, how many times ships have reverted to a state before last engineering. sooooo many times.
very small % compared to how much engineering I have done, so, tolerable, but still not cool that it happens.
04 Nov 2023, 12:57pm
HekatehThe wiki links for the patrons of stations with spaces are sometimes not right:
Points to "Antoine Louis", but it should point to "Nicolas-Louis de Lacaille" instead.

Proper link would be:

Thanks! As this stuff is partially automated, apparently it took the wrong name (based on the station's first name part), I will adjust that.

DockRattIs there any way to retrieve missing ship loadouts without going and sitting in each one? I have ships spread all over the place. I've tried resyncing data but the Hangar only shows the loadouts for the ships I've been in recently. Thoughts?
*Edit I'm referring to the "The ship loadout is unknown" that shows up for all my ships on Inara with the exception of the ones I've flown recently. It seems the only way for Inara to recognize the ship loadout is for me to fly to each individual ship and sit in it.

No way, I am afraid. You need to jump into the ship so its loadout will get written into the journal and Inara can then import it (or any other tool can fetch it and then send to Inara via API). You can get a list of all your ships by opening the shipyard in the game (the ships list will be written into the journal), but for the loadouts you need to sit in them.

CMDR Milesredody is slow to send data, data that it send every time you enter a shipyard, every time you open system and or galaxy map

i have to ask? missing info in the game or on inara?

I am sorry, I have absolutely no clue what are you trying to tell and/or what the problem is. Please re-phrase.
04 Nov 2023, 5:44pm
SOLUTION FOUND! You absolutely can repopulate the missing Inara data without hopping in every one of your ships!!

No way, I am afraid. You need to jump into the ship so its loadout will get written into the journal and Inara can then import it (or any other tool can fetch it and then send to Inara via API). You can get a list of all your ships by opening the shipyard in the game (the ships list will be written into the journal), but for the loadouts you need to sit in them.

I installed EDDiscovery ver and all my components showed up there. Under Settings>CMDR(ME)>Edit I could enter my Inara API key and click the sync button. Then go to Admin and click "Send to Inara Historic Data(previous ships,stored modules." All my missing ship components now show up. I can give more detailed instructions if anyone needs them- it wasn't hard at all. Cheers

04 Nov 2023, 7:55pm
DockRattSOLUTION FOUND! You absolutely can repopulate the missing Inara data without hopping in every one of your ships!!

I installed EDDiscovery ver and all my components showed up there. Under Settings>CMDR(ME)>Edit I could enter my Inara API key and click the sync button. Then go to Admin and click "Send to Inara Historic Data(previous ships,stored modules." All my missing ship components now show up. I can give more detailed instructions if anyone needs them- it wasn't hard at all. Cheers


Ah, yes, if you were in those ships earlier and still have the journals where their loadout is recorded, then it can be updated this way. But without the historical journals, the procedure as mentioned earlier is required.
05 Nov 2023, 1:57am
Artie: the commanders credits all all wrong for some reason, it is showing the credits for the main account, and not the alt account.

main accound 1.7 billion
alt account : 328,000 odd
05 Nov 2023, 2:45am
dizzy rascalArtie: the commanders credits all all wrong for some reason, it is showing the credits for the main account, and not the alt account.

main accound 1.7 billion
alt account : 328,000 odd

Please ensure you are linking a correct game account (or using an API key for the correct Inara account, if you are using any 3rd party app for updates). It was caused by one of these.
05 Nov 2023, 12:34pm
Hello Artie,
looks like Inara sometimes becomes confused about where a fleet carrier is.
For example, my flight log shows me docking to my FC in the Cephei Sector DQ-Y b1 system at 2023-11-05 01:57 and then again at 02:07, even though the carrier jump events show clearly that at that time the FC was in the Tougeir system (it jumped to Cephei Sector DQ-Y b1 at 02:22).
05 Nov 2023, 12:36pm
dizzy rascalArtie: the commanders credits all all wrong for some reason, it is showing the credits for the main account, and not the alt account.

main accound 1.7 billion
alt account : 328,000 odd

thanks Artie!. had to deleted the last credits also on credits assets page. wish she did have 1.7 billion credits thou. she still only 2 months old
06 Nov 2023, 4:50pm
Sampi OgonekHello Artie,
looks like Inara sometimes becomes confused about where a fleet carrier is.
For example, my flight log shows me docking to my FC in the Cephei Sector DQ-Y b1 system at 2023-11-05 01:57 and then again at 02:07, even though the carrier jump events show clearly that at that time the FC was in the Tougeir system (it jumped to Cephei Sector DQ-Y b1 at 02:22).

Thanks for the report. It was a problem with the market ID lookup caching, I will deploy a fix later today (it will not have an effect retrospectively but for any future flight log updates/imports).
06 Nov 2023, 7:20pm
I bought and set up a FC and am buying Materials in my Bar. I've queried the Component Trading for a few materials and my FC is not showing up. I use EDMC or EDDiscovery and API keys are set up.

Does FC Materials come from somewhere else? How long does it take for my FC to show up with items I want to buy? (or will they?)
06 Nov 2023, 9:51pm
Is there a problem with Suits and Weapon sets not being added to Inara?
This pilot has a bunch of Loadouts but only one is showing in Inara.
Also, EDDiscovery only shows 2 loadouts.
This makes me think there's a bug in Odyssey rather than Inara or EDDiscovery.
Wish there was a way to query the discussions to see if someone else had reported this earlier
07 Nov 2023, 9:07am
Feature Request:
could we have "additional options" fields in the "Nearest Outfittin Search" ?

My example case is hunting for Scorpion SRVs:
i need to search a station:
  1. with Station economy = Military
  2. in a System economy = Military
  3. with Outfitting
  4. selling Planetary Hangars

If i'm not wrong, I can search the nearest station for 1+2+3 but not 4, or nearest  outfitting for 4 but not 1+2+3

could it be possible to add the optional filters in the outfitting search?
08 Nov 2023, 4:23pm
Happy DazeArtie,
I bought and set up a FC and am buying Materials in my Bar. I've queried the Component Trading for a few materials and my FC is not showing up. I use EDMC or EDDiscovery and API keys are set up.

Does FC Materials come from somewhere else? How long does it take for my FC to show up with items I want to buy? (or will they?)

Please open your FC management screen in the game and then import your game data. This should link the FC to your account and then also import its docking privileges. I guess it's caused by the unknown docking privileges as FCs with non-all docking privileges are usually filtered out in trade listings, etc.

Is there a problem with Suits and Weapon sets not being added to Inara?
This pilot has a bunch of Loadouts but only one is showing in Inara.
Also, EDDiscovery only shows 2 loadouts.
This makes me think there's a bug in Odyssey rather than Inara or EDDiscovery.
Wish there was a way to query the discussions to see if someone else had reported this earlier

No problem I am aware of. But as the gear loadouts are written into the journal just on a change/edit you may need to fiddle with these in the game first. The discussion search is here, if needed in the future.

ParduzFeature Request:
could we have "additional options" fields in the "Nearest Outfittin Search" ?

My example case is hunting for Scorpion SRVs:
i need to search a station:
  1. with Station economy = Military
  2. in a System economy = Military
  3. with Outfitting
  4. selling Planetary Hangars

If i'm not wrong, I can search the nearest station for 1+2+3 but not 4, or nearest  outfitting for 4 but not 1+2+3

could it be possible to add the optional filters in the outfitting search?

Hmmm... that's a quite good point, I will think about that. Thanks.
(I will rather go a route of adding "fictive" SRVs into the module options which will translate to hangars and other settings as mentioned, than to add a general option which won't work for any but one module.)

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