Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
12 Aug 2015, 4:13pm
Loriath: Good to hear!

Concubine: Thank you for report. It seems that my provider is/was doing some infrastructure changes from yesterday late night/today. I hope it should be OK now, but I apologize in advance if some few hiccups will appear today once again.
12 Aug 2015, 9:21pm
Why have the ship thumbnail pictures in the fleet been changed? They look really bad now, not showing the whole picture. A very bad change mate.
12 Aug 2015, 9:35pm
I made fleet/ship blocks more fluid, so it scales it's width depending on screen resolution. But indeed - on lower resolutions it is too narrow, which is problematic for images where is ship placed more on side of the image. I will make it more wide in some next update (I need to regenerate ship image thumbnails anyway, to make it even more wider for bigger resolutions, so ship blocks can fill whole space).
13 Aug 2015, 5:03am
Well my resolution is 1080p so it's weird though it would resize them narrow?
13 Aug 2015, 7:08am
Enrogue ÓðinkárrWell my resolution is 1080p so it's weird though it would resize them narrow?

he did say lower resolutions , thats as low as you get these days
13 Aug 2015, 9:34am
Enrogue: Well, if browser window fits most of the size of the screen, then it is weird. Do you can send me a screenshot, please?
13 Aug 2015, 12:49pm
Hi there,
Is it possible to create more than one thread and allow all members of the wing to discuss in it?
(Almost like a forum)

That would be very usefull if , at least the wing's commander, could create multiple thread.
13 Aug 2015, 2:05pm
currently it's not possible as I wanted to avoid "more threads than posts" plague (which is very common on many "guild" forums, not just Elite related), but I will add some options for additional limited number of threads in next update or update after that. I wanted initially to tie it with squadrons inside a wing, but it will be better to have it freely available, independent on squadrons.
13 Aug 2015, 2:49pm
Well, in my wing, we reached a problem, we can't share report from a mission that i giave to the team, as it will be lost in the "blabla" main thread =/

ArtieI wanted initially to tie it with squadrons inside a wing, but it will be better to have it freely available, independent on squadrons.

Well, limit it to Squadron leader or Flight leader would be good. as i think that all wings want to keep it clear. As creating a thread could be seen as creating a forum section... ?

By the way, when will be the next update?

thanks for your reply ;P
13 Aug 2015, 3:00pm
Yes, it will be limited to wing commander/squadron leaders only. Some update will be probably this Sunday and I will try to push it there. It depends how much real world work I will need to do during weekend, deadlines are coming...
13 Aug 2015, 3:04pm
Thanks a lot Artie, you are doing a great job!
13 Aug 2015, 3:23pm
Artie ok used fullscreen the thumbnails are proper now, cheers.

Still think the old style was better, didn't have to stretch the window to see the ships

Anyways, thanks for everything!
14 Aug 2015, 12:49am
I see you added favorite stations, nice. Can you tell us a little about this new feature? Is there a limit to how many favorite stations we can have? Can only stations with market data be made favorites? I ask because we don't seem to be able to select stations with no market data atm. Is there any indication that a station is missing market data? I'm flying to a few dozen stations atm and submitted CSVs to update them in Inara and EDDB.
14 Aug 2015, 1:00am
Hey there Artie, not sure if its a bug or not implemented fully, but the buttons on the market page to select whether a station is our favorite or not toggles green and grey properly, but does not actually do anything other than that. I noticed this same issues when pushing the "Participating? Yes/No" button on the Community Goals page.


EDIT: I am using the newest version of Chrome.
14 Aug 2015, 1:07am
Enrogue: I will make it little bit wider even on lower screen resolutions/window sizes in next update, so it will be better for smaller windows too.

Zatzai: There is no hard limit for number of favorite stars or stations. You can set as a favorite any station that has a market, more precisely that has market set (proper checkbox in station edit), doesn't matter if there are some prices known or not. So if there is some station in game that has a market, please edit that station and set it's properties. Basically, any station can have four states related to market:
- no market at all (unchecked proper option)
- has market, but no data known (checked proper option, but no additional station properties known)
- has market, but no exact prices are known, so typical generic prices are used (station has set population/economy/government/allegiance)
- has market, exact prices known (manual price edit, CSV import, EDDN)

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