Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
05 Jan 2016, 11:15pm
Ben: Yes, that's exactly the case - new session ID is generated on the phone, so previous session on the desktop is invalidated. So the "remember me" option is way to go for using Inara on multiple devices at once.
06 Jan 2016, 12:48am
Any help. I have tried to import logbooks to website,but it gives me ERROR: NO *.LOG FILE PROVIDED.
even though I choose the flight log file.
any advices?
06 Jan 2016, 2:03am
Is there an API for this site to update things like my location? I have a Node.js plugin I use with voice attack for a lot of things.

For example
I can query the FD APP api and get current stats for my account that I can have VA use as variables to do cool things with

Also I use another website to scrape the GALNET from FD site and convert it to Json so my node plugin can read me the news.

There is a lot of good info on this site already and if there was an API that allowed updating commander info getting a JSON feed of certain things I could modify my plugin to pull and push info into this site. I would of course be happy to share it once I got it working. We might even be able to cobble together a good LOOKING FOR WING service among other things

Details on what I would like in the an API:

HTTP GETs to update things( few examples) (maybe this qould be better as a POST req?) -> returns some JSON -> returns some JSON -> returns some JSON

there are many more useful bits of info but you get the idea


Does the Trade Data here come from
Did you duplicate the trade route planing and find commodity stuff from and I just missed it?


CMDR Nico Flows

06 Jan 2016, 6:40am
KrowWould very much like the ability to join multiple Wings as some wings are on Private Servers.
Is it possible to perhaps have a Primary Wing and Sub Wings for Commanders?

It doesn't matter if some wing is playing in private group or not, it's still the same universe (servers). In any case, no multiple wing membership planned - one wing, one loyalty.

While it is the same universe it is not the same beast.

E.G. A renown server i play on (won't mention names as Im not sure if that appropriate) has over 17k members and multiple wings/groups, some specific for that server alone, and it's game play (PvE). While other servers I play on have different game play rules and also have specific wing/guilds which are only on that private server.
So essentially, me being in a Wing with friends on one server, renders my Wing obsolete on the other two private servers I play on, as they are different people with different wings and rules.. yet I cannot join them.

While I appreciate and respect the sentiment of loyalty, I do think putting that decision in the hands of Wing Commanders would be the appropriate path.
Perhaps a tick box for Wing Commanders who do not allow Multiple Wing members?
(and obviously the ability to see and remove players who have conflicting Wing interests.)
- Perhaps as a donator perk?

I bring this to your attention as the current work around is Commanders creating multiple INARA accounts in order to play on multiple Servers and Wings.
Which is never a good thing, as it fudges your stats and legitimate numbers.

I'd like to end by saying I am only mentioning this as there are a few of us discussing the subject and work around solutions on other forums.

I am extremely grateful for the Godsend which is INARA.
And absolutely respect and bow to any decisions you make regarding it's direction, but as an active member did want to speak up.

Love what you people have done!


06 Jan 2016, 7:15am
I've never been a fan of hiding website features behind paywalls.
06 Jan 2016, 7:21am
XeknosI've never been a fan of hiding website features behind paywalls.

Agreed, it's a slippery slope.
I was just spitballing ideas, can i retract that one.
06 Jan 2016, 8:33am
KrowWould very much like the ability to join multiple Wings as some wings are on Private Servers.

I think there may be a little confusion here. There is only one 'server' per platform (PC/Mac & Xbox) and they both utilize the same background simulation. You're confusing groups/modes with servers, which are entirely separate entities. There are no 'private servers' available in ED.

For example, if you're playing as part of Mobius, and log into Group mode in ED, you're playing on the same server as anyone in any other private group (which is what Mobius is), open or solo, you're just in a different mode/instance and cannot see them. ED uses a lot of instancing to keep people separate, but unlike most MMOs, they don't use separate servers in the traditional sense, hence no named servers to choose from.

As for the comment regarding 'putting the decision in the hands of the Wing Commanders', Artie is the one running the show here, and he's the one having to manage the coding to keep this thing running smoothly. Given that this is his party, and we're all guests here, ultimately the 'appropriate path' is his decision as to what features do or do not get implemented.
06 Jan 2016, 9:35am
And we don't even have private servers on the Xbox version. Just open or solo
06 Jan 2016, 10:01am
Vale MacRorie
As for the comment regarding 'putting the decision in the hands of the Wing Commanders', Artie is the one running the show here, and he's the one having to manage the coding to keep this thing running smoothly. Given that this is his party, and we're all guests here, ultimately the 'appropriate path' is his decision as to what features do or do not get implemented.

totally this ^ Vale..

Artie does a remarkable job.. if ever he chooses to implement coding to have the site make my coffee in the morning and tell me i'm fabulous every 15 mins for the 1st hour i login, id be cool with that.. but as it is..

i followed a link here, from the forums, to a log book entry by Marra (great character, great writing) and thought yeah, great site. so it was great when i signed up, and would continue to be great if nothing changed. Artie keeps her running smooth, and i would be more than happy if that was all he did.
06 Jan 2016, 10:11am
Vale MacRorie
I think there may be a little confusion here.

A yes, the confusion is my fault, I meant Group not Server.
For some reason I thought the in-game menu called them "Private Servers" - On checking they are called "Groups." My bad..
Being an original Elite player from the 80's, and a Beta tester for this ED version, (as well as being a Server administrator for ARMA3) - actually have a sound understanding of the difference between instancing and a server... Not that it would be immediately apparent by my mistake.

Sorry about the confusion.

Vale MacRorie
As for the comment regarding 'putting the decision in the hands of the Wing Commanders', Artie is the one running the show here, and he's the one having to manage the coding to keep this thing running smoothly. Given that this is his party, and we're all guests here, ultimately the 'appropriate path' is his decision as to what features do or do not get implemented.

Please don't misquote me Commander, the full sentence starts with "I think"
I also wrote: "absolutely respect and bow to any decisions you make regarding it's direction"

Not sure if you finished reading my post before replying, but the last four lines are specifically aimed at showing my respect and appreciation for the hard work that has gone into this awesome site. It's common knowledge that Artie is an absolute legend, so your defense is completely unwarranted.

Also, on a side note, the title of this thread contains: Feature Requests.
Which is all I'm trying to do, as I'm not alone in wanting this feature.
06 Jan 2016, 10:27am

Please don't misquote me Commander, the full sentence starts with "I think"
I also wrote: "absolutely respect and bow to any decisions you make regarding it's direction"

Not sure if you finished reading my post before replying, but the last four lines are specifically aimed at showing my respect and appreciation for the hard work that has gone into this awesome site. It's common knowledge that Artie is an absolute legend, so your defense is completely unwarranted.

Also, on a side note, the title of this thread contains: Feature Requests.
Which is all I'm trying to do, as I'm not alone in wanting this feature.

i think you may find it was in response to the fact that Artie had already answered your question.. that was how i seen it at least lol.

It doesn't matter if some wing is playing in private group or not, it's still the same universe (servers). In any case, no multiple wing membership planned - one wing, one loyalty.

not meaning any disrespect Commander, but i think that was a pretty conclusive answer.
06 Jan 2016, 10:52am
No disrespect taken Sir.
A discussion took place after my initial post and it was felt I hadn't adequately explained our conundrum.
I can only imagine how busy Artie is, and was not actually expecting a reply from him, but did want clarify the situation and what is going on. (albeit in a very confusing manner.. ha..)
06 Jan 2016, 10:55am
KrowNo disrespect taken Sir.
A discussion took place after my initial post and it was felt I hadn't adequately explained our conundrum.
I can only imagine how busy Artie is, and was not actually expecting a reply from him, but did want clarify the situation and what is going on. (albeit in a very confusing manner.. ha..)

06 Jan 2016, 11:04am
As far as this one can see, INARA is far the best from all Elite: Dangerous sites.
As soon as Kahjiit can afford, he will support it....
06 Jan 2016, 11:55am
PikkuMikaAny help. I have tried to import logbooks to website,but it gives me ERROR: NO *.LOG FILE PROVIDED.
even though I choose the flight log file.
any advices?

It seems that your log file was containing no usable records - was created without verbose logging enabled. I will tweak that error message a little bit to make it more obvious.

Nico FlowsIs there an API for this site to update things like my location? I have a Node.js plugin I use with voice attack for a lot of things.
Does the Trade Data here come from
Did you duplicate the trade route planing and find commodity stuff from and I just missed it?

No API at this moment, but is definitely planned roughly in the form you described.

There is no connection to EDDB, but market/outfitting/shipyard data are coming from EDDN here, so basically there is the same set of data as on EDDB.

Krow A discussion took place after my initial post and it was felt I hadn't adequately explained our conundrum.
I can only imagine how busy Artie is, and was not actually expecting a reply from him, but did want clarify the situation and what is going on. (albeit in a very confusing manner.. ha..)

To explain better my answer about the multi-wing membership: From my past experience in various other MMO games with guilds/kinships/wings/etc. the multiple guild membership never worked. It always led to the situation that member which was in more than one guild was active just in one guild and he was in the other guilds just to stay informed or for some other benefits. Eventually, he stood on the edge of each guild and never was a "full" member of any of them. Often it also led to the situation where one guild died, was simply disbanded or inevitably merged with the other guild(s) sooner or later. With all that in the account, with the amount of work needed for it and with the fact it will be handy just for smaller part of commanders I rather do not want to look this way. It will lead just to problems with very marginal benefits.

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