Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
31 Aug 2015, 12:33pm
Davarpe: Hello, I am basically using jPlayer for Inara with few tweaks and styling. Not sure if there is any Wordpress plugin for it, but it's easy to use so you should have no problems to place it there too. I am not planning to provide radio widget for including elsewhere at this moment.

Azaret: Hmmm... there is post reload protection, but maybe it's not working correctly under some conditions. I will check it out, thank you for info.
31 Aug 2015, 12:35pm
Azaret: Hmmm... there is post reload protection, but maybe it's not working under some conditions. I will check it out, thank you for info.

yeah sometimes it's not working ^^ your welcome
31 Aug 2015, 12:39pm
Thanks for the data!
31 Aug 2015, 1:06pm
ArtieCrab: Thanks and welcome back!
About custom setups - I was thinking about establishing some tutorials/guides section? Has anybody any other tutorial/tips/etc. texts that should be eventually published there?

Good idea, special section for guides, tutorials and setups is always interesting.
31 Aug 2015, 9:49pm
Hey guys, I don't seem to be able to add Epsilon Orionis to my system favourites :-O
31 Aug 2015, 11:48pm
we are 25 and i can't find it for the signature:

Wing emblems are used just for wings with 25+ members. Wing emblem must contain transparency.

how to do?
01 Sep 2015, 12:06am
Sarren: I see it's not in the database and also not other star coordinate sources, I will check it in the game and add it manually...

Laynor: Similar as logo of Ghost Squadron, Imperial Inquisition, 6th Interstellar Corps, etc. Simply emblem/logo that has transparent background, in your case "Aurora Skies Force" text and pictogram on the left without that glowy background (or limited to some shape like "button", etc. (for example like Swebat wing))
01 Sep 2015, 12:24am
oh i mean, where do i upload the logo for the signature???

EDIT: do you have an exemple of that signature we could see?
01 Sep 2015, 8:47am
Laynor: There is still the same wing logo/emblem used, no need to upload any additional logo. For example Belstarion's signature.
01 Sep 2015, 12:03pm
Well, i tired it with a transparent backgroumd and it's work.
but actually i prefer keep our actual banner because all inara's background don't fit our logo to let it see clearly.
Do you think it's possible to add an upload just for the signature of the wing?
with something like:

if (logo) {...} else if (banner) {...} else {...} ?
01 Sep 2015, 12:06pm
Hmmm, rather not, I do not want to complicated things too much. But, there will be lot of additional stripes for wings which may be chosen as a background in today's update. It may help with bright glowy logos like yours.
01 Sep 2015, 12:26pm
Nice timing

(the problem is mainly because the strips are not enough large. a 150px high could resolve it)
01 Sep 2015, 2:22pm
I took a picture of it for you :-)
01 Sep 2015, 3:11pm
I have been looking at the way prices change depending on the demand at a station and the amount of the commodity in your hold and found a link. However, in order to help build up a bigger picture, I was wondering if someone in the design team could contact me, as I would like access to some of the data you will store, but is not available to find.

Kind regards
Lien Leposh
01 Sep 2015, 3:18pm
So, in this update wings related improvements:
  • Wings can establish additional "sub-wings" - Flights and Squadrons. Flights are smaller groups of commanders, like in-game wing and Squadrons are larger groups of flights. So you can create, for example, a dedicated squadrons for combat-oriented commanders, additional for explorers, etc. There still may be additional improvements in the future (squadron emblems, etc.), but we will see how it will be going in this form first.
  • Added new rank Deputy wing commander with almost the same privileges as Wing commander.
  • Added a lot of new background stripes for your wing logo.

By the way, if this will be reading Mary which donated to Inara week ago, please contact me (or read your Paypal e-mail). I would like to give you Inara supporter badge but I don't know your name here.

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