Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
08 Aug 2023, 2:19pm
Sorry, I wasn't clean. Let me explain.
I did search on Inara for nearest metal-rich ring. One of results was the ring around Merope 6 planet in system Bevan's Hope ...
So, I suppose these missing bodies are for Odyssey only and don't exist for me at all as I don't have the Odyssey. Am I wrong?

Ah, this is just some old mess, there shouldn't be such bodies, thanks for the details. They were added by some incorrect EDDN updates long time ago and nobody noticed that before. The bodies between Horizon and Odyssey should be always same, so you can use that filter mentioned. The excessive planets were removed.

Thank you.
08 Aug 2023, 4:04pm
Pauley MccoyWould it somehow be possible to include an amount when searching for commodities? This would be especially useful when searching for multiple commodities and their individual "amount available" is not immediately visible.

This way you could easily filter out those stations who have 34 "water" when your mission need you to fetch 50.

Not so easily I am afraid, to keep the query sufficiently fast with all the possible search conditions (I was playing with that before). But I may take another pass over it later on, maybe there can be some way (which will require refactoring of some stuff plus performance testing).

Perhaps it would be possible with mouseover the results (or in it's own little pop up window or something) to display the varius amounts instead of just "clothing + 3"?
09 Aug 2023, 8:05am
Please please please add a filter button for "relevant" vs "irrelevant" odyssey materials under Components Trading. I don't want to buy everyone's degraded power regulators when I could be supporting (and sorting) this wonderful 'relevant' economy!
09 Aug 2023, 12:09pm
Please add possibility to have spoken languages flags next to player name and also possibility to search people by that. It would be great to have a way to search people who speak the same language.
10 Aug 2023, 12:05am
Hello Artie,
I am trying to find a place to sell Unclassified Relics, I have 5 extra after getting TGs. The commodity search has them listed but bring no hits. So does it mean that nobody wants them or the search system is not picking it up? Thanks
10 Aug 2023, 9:17am
Hello there,
i wanted to find a trade routes but the site gives me false informations. It think the gold coast 4000 Cr but in place it coast 40 000 Cr ! It's normal ?
10 Aug 2023, 4:24pm

I am having trouble with my carrier data. I have jumped my carrier to a system to buy some stuff, but its location doesn't update. Usually I am updating my Inara data through EDMC, and it *seems* to work, but it doesn't stick. For a very short period Inara showed it in the new system and thus also in the commodities search, but after a manual data import through the blue button, the position of the carrier is reset to where it was before I jumped it, and it disappears from the commodities search of the system I want to buy in.

I don't really know where to look for the problem; EDSM shows my carrier in the correct system, so I assume the data transfer from EDMC to the EDDN works. I tried unlinking and relinking my frontier account, but it didn't help either.

Any suggestions?

Edit says: This seems to happen when I update through the blue button within the 15 minute timeout; in the past I used this as an option to refresh the carrier data, as it says it skipped the CMDR update, but updates the carrier data /EDIT

Last edit: 10 Aug 2023, 4:30pm
12 Aug 2023, 12:18pm
Pauley Mccoy
Perhaps it would be possible with mouseover the results (or in it's own little pop up window or something) to display the varius amounts instead of just "clothing + 3"?

The problem isn't with displaying, the problem is with fetching the data (more precisely with the SQL query efficiency). Some tooltip (assuming it's dynamically loaded) can solve that as it can be fast for the single station, but I will rather dedicate the time needed for that to look for some other way how to resolve it globally and have it right in the output.

Bran214Please please please add a filter button for "relevant" vs "irrelevant" odyssey materials under Components Trading. I don't want to buy everyone's degraded power regulators when I could be supporting (and sorting) this wonderful 'relevant' economy!

It's not planned at the moment - as the component supply is relatively scarce, I do not want to promote a hoarding for no reason. It's not very healthy for the current components market state. But you can set multiple components into the search and have your most desired components listed that way.

PenosledPlease add possibility to have spoken languages flags next to player name and also possibility to search people by that. It would be great to have a way to search people who speak the same language.

I rather want to avoid that, as it may lead to unsolicited PMs to individual players. But you can use squadron search which has the language options and find a bigger group of players speaking your language at once.

AtrehidesHello there,
i wanted to find a trade routes but the site gives me false informations. It think the gold coast 4000 Cr but in place it coast 40 000 Cr ! It's normal ?

It seems you may be playing on consoles? Then yes, Inara is not supporting the Legacy game version since the game update 14 (made last year), so most of the dynamic data like markets or minor faction influences will be incorrect for the console players, I am afraid.

Shg56Hello Artie,
I am trying to find a place to sell Unclassified Relics, I have 5 extra after getting TGs. The commodity search has them listed but bring no hits. So does it mean that nobody wants them or the search system is not picking it up? Thanks

As it's a salvage and not a part of the regular market, there is a problem to get the prices for those. So with those few pieces it will be easiest to just sell them anywhere, as it won't be a big profit anyway.

Helmut GrokenbergerHey,

I am having trouble with my carrier data. I have jumped my carrier to a system to buy some stuff, but its location doesn't update. Usually I am updating my Inara data through EDMC, and it *seems* to work, but it doesn't stick. For a very short period Inara showed it in the new system and thus also in the commodities search, but after a manual data import through the blue button, the position of the carrier is reset to where it was before I jumped it, and it disappears from the commodities search of the system I want to buy in....

Hello, it seems it may have been caused by the caching on Frontier's end. Once the FC data are requested from their server, the output is cached for ~15 minutes on their end so any subsequent request will fetch the same data. So, if you did perform an import, then updated your FC via EDMC and then imported the data again within that 15 minutes timeframe, it may fetched the older data. BUT, it shouldn't affect the FC's position, as it's compared against the timestamps, so the older position information shouldn't override the newer information. If that happened, I suspect there may be some issue with the timestamps provided or caused by a minor inconsistency between FDev's server output and journal (like a few seconds). I will check what may have been going on. The safest way how to avoid the FC data caching (that I cannot affect, I can only filter and use/discard the information provided by the timestamps when present) is to not import the data sooner than ~15 minute since the last FC import, if there truly are some timestamps inconsistencies.

Last edit: 12 Aug 2023, 12:25pm
13 Aug 2023, 2:48pm
Greetings Artie,

Long time since I anoyed you with stuff

Anyway erm ... thargoid war stuff :-
Recovery of Black Boxes + Escape pods + Selling tissue samples + Completting Missions :-

They are all counted towards system effort etc but you dont list those on the :-

Thanks etc
17 Aug 2023, 10:31am
Yeah, at the moment, it's not tracking this stuff (outside of missions and kills), there are few little complications with it. But I may address that later.
18 Aug 2023, 12:31pm
You probably already noticed it, but I mention it anyway - a quick search option plus links to the stuff from the Data section were added to the front page, to make stuff easier and faster to reach right from there. As some people still have troubles to find stuff, I hope this addition will make things easier for them.
18 Aug 2023, 10:20pm
With all the crashing going on in ED, Inara failed to register my last 5 missions completed (although it did get my credit balance correct after finishing those missions)
21 Aug 2023, 11:58am
Pauley MccoyWith all the crashing going on in ED, Inara failed to register my last 5 missions completed (although it did get my credit balance correct after finishing those missions)

Unfortunately, as there are no events (MissionCompleted) for it in the journal due to the crash, it will stay as expired. But, the mission logs get collapsed to the monthly summary after a while, so not a big deal (as it will "disappear").
23 Aug 2023, 10:16pm
Hi all,

Question regarding the "Traffic" figure shown in system pages. I've noticed the reported traffic seems to be consistently higher than what the station reports in the news section.

I'm not sure how either the station or Inara values are determined but, could it be that Inara counts each CMDR arrival and not unique CMDR visits? That is, one CMDR is delivering cargo to a station and makes 10 tips in and out of the system. They are the only person visiting the system that day. Will Inara show 1 CMDR or 10?

23 Aug 2023, 10:55pm
Jr250Hi all,

Question regarding the "Traffic" figure shown in system pages. I've noticed the reported traffic seems to be consistently higher than what the station reports in the news section.

I'm not sure how either the station or Inara values are determined but, could it be that Inara counts each CMDR arrival and not unique CMDR visits? That is, one CMDR is delivering cargo to a station and makes 10 tips in and out of the system. They are the only person visiting the system that day. Will Inara show 1 CMDR or 10?


Hello, Inara counts only unique commanders (so 1), but keep in mind that those numbers are just rough estimates as the game is not directly providing such numbers. Just for the curiosity, for which star systems it was and what numbers have you seen on Inara and in the game? Maybe some things can be tweaked a little bit.

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