Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
04 Jan 2016, 6:24pm
M. Lehman
I have some plans for logbooks improvements, including this one. So I will take a look on it for sure.

As an Inara user who has been known to make occasional use of the logbooks, may I ask what improvements you had in mind? Just a hint? Pleeeeease?

Rather just improvements than major features (well, except the subscriptions to your favorite authors) like displaying mentioned, buttons for the next/previous logbook entry and similar quality of life improvements.

Dwardencan we get Wing > Diplomacy > History
with view of past request for alliance (from others to us) and (from us to others) including reasons used ?
(sort of similar to History of join/leave for members)

Yep, I will add it there.

James HussarDoes the board already have a name notifier, such that when you name a commander by name in a post, comment or other publicly visible area, they get a notification? I'm thinking something like Twitter's/Jira's/Wiki's @username would be grand, unless it exists and I just don't know how to use it.

Hmmm, to avoid slow full-text searches it will require an additional specific index and mechanics for it. I will add it to ToDo list, but no promises...

That is great & I was wondering if you would mind adding another link to frontier forums..."".

The thread is called "Active Community Goals Thread #3" and Post#1 is kept up to date with the latest updated to Active Community Goals.

Hello, good idea, link to that thread was added there...

That's perfect !!
Thank you very much Artie
04 Jan 2016, 6:29pm
Artie Anny chance you can add Ideal payment system to support INARA
04 Jan 2016, 8:57pm
IS The Fat CatIs it possible for me to update my logbook manually as I am now a XB1 player

I am not sure about the question, but your log/profile can be updated manually for sure.

WilkieHi Artie, I have been entering station data for stations I have been visiting but I see no box to enter the gravity of a planet for planetary stations. Could you add this so that I don't make the grand mistake of trying to land a large ship on a high gravity world to dock?

Good idea, I will think about it (as there will be better for the future to has it as a property for a planet, which mean also adding planet edit/assigning stations to planets/etc. )

AreZeeHey Artie, I don't know if it was already a subject on this thread, but is it possible to use the "future" time in the log? I guess it might be only possible with some kind of hack, because of the "popup data picker" that uses the local timezone + year. But maybe it is an easy workaround to save the date with + 1286 years to achieve the same goal.

Hmmm.... I was keeping dates there in "real" time as it is less confusing, but I may eventually add some option there for data/time display. All times and dates are stored as "real", fictional in-game date is created just on the output as visual. For that reason I am also not allowing to put fictional date there anyway.

FrankfortArtie Anny chance you can add Ideal payment system to support INARA

It seems to be a very local payment method, so rather not. Paypal is very flexible and easy to implement for these cases, so I will rather stick with just this option.

Uvelius Sång Archangel wingWhat about a "Role: Fuel Rat" addition for the "Role" in signature? Or something else in the lines of a "White Knight" (player helping out other players)?

Added, also role "Researcher" for Cannon members.

... also there was the new radio Skvortsov added to our radio player, old-school rock non-stop.
04 Jan 2016, 10:11pm
AreZeeHey Artie, I don't know if it was already a subject on this thread, but is it possible to use the "future" time in the log? I guess it might be only possible with some kind of hack, because of the "popup data picker" that uses the local timezone + year. But maybe it is an easy workaround to save the date with + 1286 years to achieve the same goal.

Hmmm.... I was keeping dates there in "real" time as it is less confusing, but I may eventually add some option there for data/time display. All times and dates are stored as "real", fictional in-game date is created just on the output as visual. For that reason I am also not allowing to put fictional date there anyway.

yeah, just a thought. Better keep it clean in one way. You are right.
05 Jan 2016, 2:49am
Would very much like the ability to join multiple Wings as some wings are on Private Servers.
Is it possible to perhaps have a Primary Wing and Sub Wings for Commanders?
05 Jan 2016, 8:57am
I'm new to the game.
I checked in game a couple of hours ago (7am GMT 05/01/2016) and it said 1day to end of cycle for the power play. The clock on the website says its 1 day 22hrs.
I still have some merits to earn to get to my 10000 but will struggle to get on tonight.
can anyone confirm if the power cycle turns over wed 6th jan at 7am or is it Thur 7th jan at 7am.
In short is the count down clock on this web site correct?
05 Jan 2016, 10:01am
I'm pretty sure that the power play cycle ends 7am UTC every Thursday
05 Jan 2016, 11:43am
KrowWould very much like the ability to join multiple Wings as some wings are on Private Servers.
Is it possible to perhaps have a Primary Wing and Sub Wings for Commanders?

It doesn't matter if some wing is playing in private group or not, it's still the same universe (servers). In any case, no multiple wing membership planned - one wing, one loyalty.

In short is the count down clock on this web site correct?

As far as I know countdown in the game display time rounded down, so X days without hours, Y hours without minutes, etc. Unless something changed that was not announced from Frontier, count down should be also correct here and powerplay cycle should end on Thursday morning (GMT) as usual. I see that Galnet post about cycle end was two days early this week, one day early previous week, so it's possible that something is off just on the Galnet.
05 Jan 2016, 3:52pm
Elyssia FieldsI'm pretty sure that the power play cycle ends 7am UTC every Thursday

ty for the info mate
05 Jan 2016, 3:53pm
KrowWould very much like the ability to join multiple Wings as some wings are on Private Servers.
Is it possible to perhaps have a Primary Wing and Sub Wings for Commanders?

It doesn't matter if some wing is playing in private group or not, it's still the same universe (servers). In any case, no multiple wing membership planned - one wing, one loyalty.

In short is the count down clock on this web site correct?

As far as I know countdown in the game display time rounded down, so X days without hours, Y hours without minutes, etc. Unless something changed that was not announced from Frontier, count down should be also correct here and powerplay cycle should end on Thursday morning (GMT) as usual. I see that Galnet post about cycle end was two days early this week, one day early previous week, so it's possible that something is off just on the Galnet.

ty for the info mate
05 Jan 2016, 7:31pm
Hi Artie,
is it possible to increase the login time to this site before automatically been thrown off? Usually I've been around for half an hour or so before I need new system data. And I have to login once again every time. I would like to see, what the other Inara users think about login time.
05 Jan 2016, 8:01pm
Hi Artie,
Could you add a button next to system names, on all pages, that show a system name that when clicked it copies the system name to the clipboard. This will make it easier to copy and paste the destination in the galaxy map?
05 Jan 2016, 8:56pm
What browser are you using? I'm not sure if that matters, but I use chrome and never have to log in again. Even after restarting my computer I'm still logged in.

Also make sure your browser isn't set to delete cookies, or that other software such as antivirus isn't deleting them.

StiffhangerHi Artie,
is it possible to increase the login time to this site before automatically been thrown off? Usually I've been around for half an hour or so before I need new system data. And I have to login once again every time. I would like to see, what the other Inara users think about login time.
05 Jan 2016, 10:45pm
StiffhangerHi Artie,
is it possible to increase the login time to this site before automatically been thrown off? Usually I've been around for half an hour or so before I need new system data. And I have to login once again every time. I would like to see, what the other Inara users think about login time.

Hello, as mentioned, there shouldn't be problem with it, unless something is removing your cookies. Or - if you aren't using Inara on another device/browser at the same time, which will generate another session ID during login and invalidate the previous one. In any case, in both cases you can use "remember me" option during login, which will try to automatically generate new session ID when the previous is invalid for whatever reason (in other words - it will try to keep you logged in, at least until logout on that machine performed).

WilkieHi Artie,
Could you add a button next to system names, on all pages, that show a system name that when clicked it copies the system name to the clipboard. This will make it easier to copy and paste the destination in the galaxy map?

Hmmm, that may be problematic on some places, where is not enough space for such stuff. But I will think about it...
05 Jan 2016, 11:06pm
I usually have to log in again after I have logged in on my phone. But that makes sense.


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