Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
20 Nov 2019, 11:17am
KissamiesSpeaking of roles, some roles that imply BGS manipulation would be great. Special Agent, Lawyer and Diplomat are already kind of there, but there could also be something like Administrator, Coordinator and Director. Very boring, I know, but perhaps some of us are just boring people

Nothing wrong with dull professions. Someone needs to be in charge.

I'd still like to see Bon Vivant option in the Role list.
20 Nov 2019, 11:24am
Arne S. SaknussemmHello again, Artie.

Now that I start to use and understand all features of INARA I noticed that in the game statistics the number of commodities smuggled is wrong. It reports the same number of "material collected" but in the game the numbers are different.

Can you please check if it is only for me or it happens to every CMDR?


Arne S. SaknussemmHi Artie!

Flight log does not show my ship name... Data are coming from the same journal but when the date changes the ship name is gone.


Nice catch, thanks! There was really a problem with the commodities smuggled caused by a typo in the definitions. It was fixed and you should get a correct value on the next statistics/journal update. There is currently a minor problem with the sessions going through midnight (as the journals are split there) and it takes some time until the actual ship is registered again. I will improve that as soon as possible.

Kronius12Hi - Tool tip on the coloured dots in the Nearest Systems table on the System details page would be useful. I was trying to figure out the meanings of the coloured dots in the System page, and found if I hover my mouse over the dots in the minor factions table it shows what the meaning of the dot is. Thanks to all the devs - this site is so useful, and it's all done by volunteers!

Those mean that there is space in the system for a faction to expand to, don't they? Useful for us BGS types.

That segways to my request. When there is no free systems to expand do, the faction invades instead. Picks a system in range that has non-native faction with the lowest influence. Our PMF is about to expand with an invasion and we are really trying to keep it from going the wrong way like it did the last time because I missed a 2.8% foreign faction. I have gone all the way, making Excel sheets and all. It'd be nice if Inara helped by marking the invasion risk systems somehow. Personally I would colour the cells the system names are in: brown for less than 8% influence non-native faction present, maroon for less than 4%. It might be better to use those dots so you can also put the tool tips in them as requested above.

Edit: The lowest non-native faction influence might be a good value to keep track of in general. For example, on the control system's list of exploited systems.

As Kissamies wrote. But about the list of the systems nearby - it was originally intended just as a brief overview of another systems nearby and was not serving for the minor factions expansions (despite the later additions). I would like to move the list (and make it more extensive) to the minor factions pages instead and include also other information like that the given faction is in the system already, etc. I can include that minimal influence information there as well.

Arne S. SaknussemmHi Artie.

just to understand how it works: I'm flying out of Carr Bastion, Jarojinanh system, and the Commodity market on Inara shows the price to sell Military Grade Fabrics around 14.000cr while in the game it is 4.737cr.

When and how the prices in the website are updated?

Thx for the great work.

The market data are updated through EDDN network, which is fed by the data generated by the game (local text file dumps on market visit and/or data from the cAPI endpoint). At that time, the market data were one day old and as such commodity prices spikes are usually very short-term, it's quite possible it was such way a day ago and then it quickly returned back to average prices (as it was "exploited" by players which depleted this opportunity quickly, galaxy simulation affecting prices changed, etc.).

Steel BeastI'd like it if there was new roles added. A flight instructor, and/or mentor role. There is a few squadrons based on helping new players already and it's something I've done a few times.

I think it could be a nice implementation. What do you think ?

Although a "mentor" is rather a general role "above" almost any other, there is no problem to include a "flight instructor". Added.

KissamiesSpeaking of roles, some roles that imply BGS manipulation would be great. Special Agent, Lawyer and Diplomat are already kind of there, but there could also be something like Administrator, Coordinator and Director. Very boring, I know, but perhaps some of us are just boring people

There are dedicated PP roles for the each power already.

Wyvern sieyesHi Artie.

Couldn't find this being reported anywhere else.

It seems that my credits are not being updated correctly.  i dropped a whole load of exploration data not long ago, and Inara didn't show it properly, so manually entered it. Yesterday (17th nov) i did a massive void opal sell, and again Inara has reported nothing.

for some odd reason, it has reported 0 credit change a few times, as well as a weird -9 credits.

seems that the transaction log is correct, from what i can tell. Just not updating the main credits log

other than that, im loving how useful this site is. Always have it on a second screen now.

Hmmm, this one may be a little bit complicated. The credits records are being added at the session start (where I exactly know the overall assets and the actual credits value from the journal events) and at the session end on Shutdown event (which is present in the local journals) or at the journal end (for the server journal imports).
Also, as there is no exact record of actual credits/assets value at the session end, Inara is doing its best estimating the actual state from the records in the journal (trades, bounties paid off, exploration data sold, etc.), but it may be complicated when no exact initial state is known, for example when the journal update started mid-session and so on. In such case the credits are usually not updated and the record is added on the start of the next session, where is guaranteed it's correct. As you have noticed, such counting of the transactions may have some flaws still (that -9 Cr you mentioned) - do you have an idea where it came from by any chance? I am still unable to track where are those minor credits differences originating.
20 Nov 2019, 12:06pm
Nice catch, thanks! There was really a problem with the commodities smuggled caused by a typo in the definitions. It was fixed and you should get a correct value on the next statistics/journal update. There is currently a minor problem with the sessions going through midnight (as the journals are split there) and it takes some time until the actual ship is registered again. I will improve that as soon as possible.

My pleasure to be helpful, mate! o7
I thought it was something related to "you should be sleeping instead of playing in the night!" kind of stuff...

The market data are updated through EDDN network, which is fed by the data generated by the game (local text file dumps on market visit and/or data from the cAPI endpoint). At that time, the market data were one day old and as such commodity prices spikes are usually very short-term, it's quite possible it was such way a day ago and then it quickly returned back to average prices (as it was "exploited" by players which depleted this opportunity quickly, galaxy simulation affecting prices changed, etc.).

I was one of the "exploiters" XD Very good money runs if you are in the right place at the right time

Thanks a lot again.
This site ROCKS!

20 Nov 2019, 12:23pm
ArtieAs Kissamies wrote. But about the list of the systems nearby - it was originally intended just as a brief overview of another systems nearby and was not serving for the minor factions expansions (despite the later additions). I would like to move the list (and make it more extensive) to the minor factions pages instead and include also other information like that the given faction is in the system already, etc. I can include that minimal influence information there as well.

A tool for predicting expansions would be useful, but also a massive undertaking especially because the rules of it are not fully understood. I just witnessed another faction invade a system rather unpredictably. It was a 3% foreign faction one, which makes sense, but there were similar systems closer so I guess it tries to get as far away as possible. It would probably better for someone to develop a separate tool for predicting expansions than to try to put it all to Inara.

ArtieThere are dedicated PP roles for the each power already.

Not all BGS manipulators are affiliated to Powers. I've had to negotiate with them so much that I put a "diplomat" in my roles, though.

Anyway, it's not that important. Just keep up the good work.
22 Nov 2019, 2:00pm
Hi Artie.

Sorry for being so annoying lately

Is there any chance to add a feature to search text in the discussion boards or, even better, to mark out specific messages to be able to retrieve them later on?

There are so many interesting tips on routes, destinations, builds, and the number of entries is so high that if you come back few days later they will be so long gone back in the pile you will never be able to find them again.

A checkbox, maybe, to add a specific message to a personal favorite list, if I manage to explain my thought...

I think it can be an easy update that CMDRs will appreciate.



22 Nov 2019, 11:25pm
I like Arne's suggestion, and I was coming here to post a related request.

It would be nice to have a summary page of the posts we've made.  Maybe something indexed by date, the public or private discussion board it was made in, and the first line of text for context.  Sometimes I know I've posted a how-to on something but can't find it again easily.

Arne, as a similar workaround, I've often clicked on the direct link icon of a post I like, and bookmark that link.  But I like your suggestion better.

Edit to add -

By the way Artie, thanks for all you do here.  What Inara does for the E:D community simply can't be overstated.  Kudos to you and anyone else you have supporting this site.  Your work is very appreciated.
23 Nov 2019, 7:42am
Sorry, better off here, maybe?

Hello everybody,
I have been using INARA for several years now. Many thanks at this point for the commitment of all involved !!!  :D
Recently I started a second account. The signature should be updated automatically.
But it doesn't. Yes, I made sure that the update could take 24/48 hours. The Commander's data have also been updated at INARA,
but the signature has not. Could someone please check this ?

Sorry for my English, that's why ...
Translated with

Thank you very much and wish you a nice weekend ...

CMDR Melli Beese

Last edit: 23 Nov 2019, 7:47am
23 Nov 2019, 12:38pm
Feature request:

Add corresponding body to stations and especially planetary stations!

Thank you for this fantastic site!
23 Nov 2019, 2:45pm
Anyone else having issues with Inara no longer tracking what system I'm in? I'm trying to do a search for nearby systems and it seems to insist that I'm at Sol. I'm not. I'm not even remotely close. I'm in Prielea JX-S d4-19, which is over 7000ly away from Sol. Is it because this system is, as of yet, undiscovered in the ED Cartography?
23 Nov 2019, 3:04pm
GsarducciAnyone else having issues with Inara no longer tracking what system I'm in? I'm trying to do a search for nearby systems and it seems to insist that I'm at Sol. I'm not. I'm not even remotely close. I'm in Prielea JX-S d4-19, which is over 7000ly away from Sol. Is it because this system is, as of yet, undiscovered in the ED Cartography?

That'll be your problem, the Inara database doesn't cover every system, so if it can't find you it'll default to Sol. It's focus is on populated systems and you are waaaay out in the black.
23 Nov 2019, 3:22pm
Aunty Sledge

That'll be your problem, the Inara database doesn't cover every system, so if it can't find you it'll default to Sol. It's focus is on populated systems and you are waaaay out in the black.

Okay. That makes sense. Thanks!
25 Nov 2019, 12:33pm
My uploaded gallery images is gone. Only one left. What happened?
25 Nov 2019, 8:33pm
SzzSMy uploaded gallery images is gone. Only one left. What happened?

I think they eventually get pruned to save server disk space, with the ones with most votes and least image file size lasting the longest. At least that's my conclusion from my own gallery.
26 Nov 2019, 4:40am
Quick question, how are the system faction percentages updated?

Last edit: 26 Nov 2019, 10:05am
26 Nov 2019, 10:22am
Wazup888Quick question, how are the system faction percentages updated?

I suspect EDMC is the most common method for PC players. Run it in the background whilst you are visiting systems and it will take the data from your journal logs. Just make sure you have the Inara settings enabled.

If you have a faction I'd recommend getting someone to fly through every system each day to keep Inara data accurate. I don't know what the options are for Xbox players.

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