Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
17 Oct 2015, 1:42pm
Hey Artie

could you add a dice tool ?
Just put it in the smiley stuff and then, when you post your comment, you can see the result.

17 Oct 2015, 5:06pm
what for ?
17 Oct 2015, 5:15pm
roleplay and else
17 Oct 2015, 6:17pm
ArtieDwarden: There are no immediate plans for OpenID and account linking, but I never say never.
I am not sure how is meant browser based Discord - as far as I know those links are leading to browser version, but there is possible that Discord app overtake these links when installed (I didn't tried it with app, but in browser it works well). If do you have some other info or tips about it, please tell me and I will improve it.

aww, definitely STEAM openID would help with getting people to create accounts on INARA
(linking afterward is just good bonus for easier login)
as you know mankind specie is known for laziness and likes to save as much of time from tedious work
17 Oct 2015, 8:30pm
In addition to the low priority work on the squadrons, could you consider putting a sort by in flight/squad yes/no in the table on the general roster page, or perhaps even which flight or squadron a person is in? Because the tool is a bit clunky to use for organizations with hundreds of members, I like to plan my changes on pad and paper, and it's difficult to tell without having to start editing a flight who is in this or that one. Presently I have to go into a flight, sort by timezone, then sort by assigned y/n, to tell where to put people.

Anyhow, I am sure revisions to that are coming, so keep on keeping on.
17 Oct 2015, 10:21pm
I'd love it if ghost squadron would stop spamming inboxs on users as soon as they sign up. It's rather annoying.
17 Oct 2015, 10:39pm
Laynor Luna Lagoona
could you add a dice tool ?
Just put it in the smiley stuff and then, when you post your comment, you can see the result.

Well, it's not so simple as it may look like, when dice rolls should be random and protected against edits. For now is  the work/benefit ratio against this feature, also with respect to possible "roll spam" in discussions.

aww, definitely STEAM openID would help with getting people to create accounts on INARA
(linking afterward is just good bonus for easier login)
as you know mankind specie is known for laziness and likes to save as much of time from tedious work

Yeah, I know, laziness is my favorite discipline. But as Inara registration/login is very simple and straightforward, time saved is just few seconds. Also as not everybody is using openID that feature has no/low priority at this moment.

ParamemeticIn addition to the low priority work on the squadrons, could you consider putting a sort by in flight/squad yes/no in the table on the general roster page, or perhaps even which flight or squadron a person is in? Because the tool is a bit clunky to use for organizations with hundreds of members, I like to plan my changes on pad and paper, and it's difficult to tell without having to start editing a flight who is in this or that one. Presently I have to go into a flight, sort by timezone, then sort by assigned y/n, to tell where to put people.

To be precise, squadrons aren't on low priority in general, important fixes/tweaks/changes has always a priority for anything.  ;)
There is limited horizontal space in the roster table, that's why there is another table with different columns in flight edit. Do you need rather some better visualization when changing members between flights or when creating new flights? Will help just simple flight name instead of current "yes/no"? You can also use multisort on that table (click with "Shift" key on different columns), which may help (I should write is somewhere, it's not widely known).
18 Oct 2015, 11:25am
Laynor Luna Lagoona
could you add a dice tool ?
Just put it in the smiley stuff and then, when you post your comment, you can see the result.

Well, it's not so simple as it may look like, when dice rolls should be random and protected against edits. For now is  the work/benefit ratio against this feature, also with respect to possible "roll spam" in discussions.

it's more easy than what you think

just use a random number based on the POST time. As i can see that you store it in the database

Last edit: 18 Oct 2015, 11:34am
18 Oct 2015, 11:49am
Laynor: It's not, as it is pseudorandom and predictable. Because in case you will have more rolls in a post you will get exactly the same number in their order, for example: "I rolled 2 for finding an escape route (fail) and rolled 6 for finding a loot (success)". When you switch the order in sentence, you will get the opposite results with the same rolls ("I rolled 2 for finding a loot and..." ). So these rolls are not protected against edits too.

Loriath: I will rather keep it separated (images are stored outside the database anyway). Fleet images are downsized more than gallery images (which are mostly untouched, unless very large) and I also will want to delete fleet images for inactive commanders (one year or so). Also, there is an possibility that some gallery images will be archived after some time and eventually removed (when it will be needed for optimization purposes), too. So it will be better to not mix these two things.
18 Oct 2015, 4:00pm
You can't change the result if you count it by order of appearance.
1st throw will always be the 1st throw even if it replaced by the second.

And the action is defined by the "master of the game"
18 Oct 2015, 5:47pm
@Draconian LOL I promise not to mail you again... calm down mate, I'm not a bill collector

Besides your "Members" were not listed as members when I sent my message... I am not trying to steal your members my invitation is very clear on that.
18 Oct 2015, 6:59pm
Laynor: Yes, that's what I wrote. Rolled numbers in given order with that approach are still the same,  of course, but the meaning of the sentence and for what was rolled may be switched during edit. You can as a "game master" set order of rolls, as you mentioned, but as this feature may be used by anyone else without that knowledge for different reasons ("lottery" rolls, etc.), it will be better to has it clear and bulletproof. Simplest safe approach is to lock post containing rolls against edit/delete, but it brings another obvious problems. As I said, to make it flawless and resistant against "cheating" as much as possible is not so easy how it looks like and current benefit of it is very marginal. I will rather spent a time on more widely useful features like upcoming Outfitting section and keep things with low benefit/work ratio for a time when there will be nothing else to do.
18 Oct 2015, 8:11pm
ParamemeticIn addition to the low priority work on the squadrons, could you consider putting a sort by in flight/squad yes/no in the table on the general roster page, or perhaps even which flight or squadron a person is in? Because the tool is a bit clunky to use for organizations with hundreds of members, I like to plan my changes on pad and paper, and it's difficult to tell without having to start editing a flight who is in this or that one. Presently I have to go into a flight, sort by timezone, then sort by assigned y/n, to tell where to put people.

To be precise, squadrons aren't on low priority in general, important fixes/tweaks/changes has always a priority for anything.  
There is limited horizontal space in the roster table, that's why there is another table with different columns in flight edit. Do you need rather some better visualization when changing members between flights or when creating new flights? Will help just simple flight name instead of current "yes/no"? You can also use multisort on that table (click with "Shift" key on different columns), which may help (I should write is somewhere, it's not widely known).

No I understand, that makes sense. Yes, having their current flight name would be more helpful than just Y/N, absolutely. I do multisort presently, which works well enough. Better visualization generally would be useful. Currently, if a flight expands and say I need to make a new flight, or promote a flight leader to a squadron leader, there is a huge song and dance involved because you cannot promote people who are currently in flights, so I have to make a new flight leader, unassign the old flight leader, assign the new flight leader, go back, promote the old flight leader to squadron leader, etc. etc. The problem comes because I cannot do that all from one screen, it involves going between multiple screens, which is why I have to plan things thoroughly, and since I can't see who is in flights and not in flights from the main list, I have to go into a flight to get a list of who needs assigned, and so on.

That's why I had asked, whatever solution you see to streamline working with large groups would be fine. I believe we're approaching 200 members strong, so as things expand I find myself spending a lot of time fighting with the process of organizing, which makes the organization itself suffer.

That said, it's a free service, so please do not take any of this as a criticism, because it's fantastic. Thanks!
18 Oct 2015, 8:46pm
Hello, about the Alliance (future) Tab.

Could we have a Private Thread that would be share only by the Wings which is concern by this alliance?
18 Oct 2015, 11:58pm
1. would be possible to mark wings as "Flying in" both Open Play and Private Group and allowing even Solo ?

2. fixed my Discord widget problem, was some issue with generating / enabling it

Last edit: 19 Oct 2015, 12:16am

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