Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
04 Mar 2023, 6:25pm
Is there any chance at being able to favorite on-foot engineering blueprints (or components) in the Engineering section of the site? It's very handy/useful to have the ability to favorite ship modules, and having the same for personal equipment would be very useful.
04 Mar 2023, 7:21pm
TheDaviotIs there any chance at being able to favorite on-foot engineering blueprints (or components) in the Engineering section of the site? It's very handy/useful to have the ability to favorite ship modules, and having the same for personal equipment would be very useful.

It's in the crafting list already, under the Personal equipment tab, similar to ship modules.

LukozerThis may be a VERY minor issue but it helps with the professional look of the site. Caustic shards are capped at 200 in the game, not 250 as it shows on our inventory pages.

Hmmm, are Caustic Shard now grade 3 (as it will correspond to the inventory limit) or it's again some oddity in the game and although they are still grade 2, they have a limit as grade 3?

Tobias Von BrandtI think I proposed this a while back, but I'll make another pitch for a "search along route" feature. I think it would be incredibly useful.

Example uses: I'm travelling to visit my friendly engineer to make some upgrades and need to stop at a material trader along the way. Or, I need to go visit a Guardian site to unlock Gauss cannons for fighting interceptors, and want to scan some ammonia worlds while I'm at it, say within the next two weeks...

Anyway, hoping that wouldn't be too hard of a thing to implement, I'd certainly get a lot of use out of it!


I was thinking about that before but then decided to not go this route as although it's principally relatively simple (assuming a naive approach of using just a general direction, not exact pathfinding), it adds quite a lot of complexity to the code for a limited use. But as you are reminding it, there came another much simpler idea of adding some direction arrows next to the distance, so you can see in what direction the star system is (in top down view of the galaxy). Maybe that will work, too?
04 Mar 2023, 8:27pm
... there came another much simpler idea of adding some direction arrows next to the distance, so you can see in what direction the star system is (in top down view of the galaxy). Maybe that will work, too?

I think that's an excellent idea for generally knowing where star systems might be located. The arrow could be gradient coloured as well or have some way to show depth. Mid-tone Darker up to Black being towards galactic "bottom" and Mid-tone, Lighter up to White towards galactic "up".

Alternatively it could be made into a sort of Dot showing on a "ball" like the radar in Elite. Which would probably represent direction even better in a way familiar to the players.

Last edit: 04 Mar 2023, 8:34pm
05 Mar 2023, 12:38am
I think there is a parser bug for EDSY target loadout.
I'm trying to import this:


But heatsinks after caustic sink slot do not show up.

Edit: Weird, after deleting them in edsy and adding them back few times inara parsed it correctly.
05 Mar 2023, 12:47am
Jack'lulI think there is a parser bug for EDSY target loadout.
I'm trying to import this:

But heatsinks after caustic sink slot do not show up.

Looks like issue on EDSY's end - it's naming subsequent slots as TinyHardpoint41/51/61/71 instead of TinyHardpoint5/6/7/8. Maybe just some temporal bug, if it's working now.

Cluster Fox...

Alternatively it could be made into a sort of Dot showing on a "ball" like the radar in Elite. Which would probably represent direction even better in a way familiar to the players.

The "ball" probably will be confusing, as people are used to take it relatively to the camera view, but yeah - some "depth" indication may be there, too.
06 Mar 2023, 1:07am
Artie...much simpler idea of adding some direction arrows next to the distance, so you can see in what direction the star system is (in top down view of the galaxy). Maybe that will work, too?

Cluster FoxAlternatively it could be made into a sort of Dot showing on a "ball" like the radar in Elite. Which would probably represent direction even better in a way familiar to the players.

Both nice ideas. The radar "ball" would be pretty slick looking. Either way, it accomplishes the desire of telling you the general direction of search results from where you are or relative to a given reference system. If that's simpler and more broadly useful than my suggestion, I'm all for it!
07 Mar 2023, 7:56pm

I have been building up my The Samaritan rating by picking up Critically Wounded Civilians at the HIP 20899 and Luggerates systems. Since the last weekly Elite Dangerous server outage, I have done 31 runs to each system, picking up 220 civilians on each run.

By my calculation, starting at 36,280, I now should be at 49,920. Both system show that I have done 6,820 rescues. Yet my Samaritan rating says "Items and civilians rescued: 47,500/50,000'. So I appear to have lost 2,420 Critically Wounded Civilians deliveries.

I think they vanished when I did my 'Import Game Date' yesterday. Any idea on how to get them back?
09 Mar 2023, 1:14pm
09 Mar 2023, 3:41pm
LilacLightThe "Tiegfries Synth Silk" rare commodity has the wrong station listed, it's available to be purchased from Larbalestier Dock in Tiegfries, not Lambert Dock as listed on the rare's page.

Screenie from Station Market

Thank you for the report, fixed.


I have been building up my The Samaritan rating by picking up Critically Wounded Civilians at the HIP 20899 and Luggerates systems. Since the last weekly Elite Dangerous server outage, I have done 31 runs to each system, picking up 220 civilians on each run.

By my calculation, starting at 36,280, I now should be at 49,920. Both system show that I have done 6,820 rescues. Yet my Samaritan rating says "Items and civilians rescued: 47,500/50,000'. So I appear to have lost 2,420 Critically Wounded Civilians deliveries.

I think they vanished when I did my 'Import Game Date' yesterday. Any idea on how to get them back?

Hello, yes, there seems to be some discrepancy in the totals. I have found the issue and I will fix that as soon as possible (and recalculate the totals). Thanks for reporting!
11 Mar 2023, 4:59am
It's in the crafting list already, under the Personal equipment tab, similar to ship modules.

I honestly would have never thought to look under the Crating List, since that's under the "Commander" section and not the "Engineering" section I'm used to.
11 Mar 2023, 9:35pm
Hi Artie,
I'm making a collection of all commodity and during this process I thought of something that could maybe help commanders who are not familiar with rare commodity.

What do you think about changing the color they appear here on the site?
How about the yellow one (just like it appears in the game)?
That way, they would get more attention
11 Mar 2023, 11:29pm
Are 'squadron drafts' disappeared completely, without a chance on returning? I, kind of, want to share my stuff with my squadron (okay, one person in the squadron, lol) prior to posting it, used the old interface to do so, but can't find it now. It has been a good feature that served well for a long time.

If INARA is on its way to become a platform for several games, or just distancing from Elite, 'drafts (me & friends)' might be a solution here, who knows.

Last edit: 12 Mar 2023, 12:17am
12 Mar 2023, 2:22am
I honestly would have never thought to look under the Crating List, since that's under the "Commander" section and not the "Engineering" section I'm used to.

Yeah, I've put it there to have all personal things together, in the Engineering section it was quite detached.

FelaKutiHi Artie,
I'm making a collection of all commodity and during this process I thought of something that could maybe help commanders who are not familiar with rare commodity.

What do you think about changing the color they appear here on the site?
How about the yellow one (just like it appears in the game)?
That way, they would get more attention

Hmmm... yeah, I guess that I may put a different color for it in the market listings, thanks for the suggestion.

MeowersAre 'squadron drafts' disappeared completely, without a chance on returning? I, kind of, want to share my stuff with my squadron (okay, one person in the squadron, lol) prior to posting it, used the old interface to do so, but can't find it now. It has been a good feature that served well for a long time.

If INARA is on its way to become a platform for several games, or just distancing from Elite, 'drafts (me & friends)' might be a solution here, who knows.

Yes, it was removed. It was barely used and when it was used, its content was usually something that was fit for the squadron documents (so you may utilize that if suitable, too). Yes, Inara will support more games in the future, but there is no way it will be distancing from Elite.
13 Mar 2023, 8:24am
Hey Artie,

I saw that you put a marker on systems suffering thargoid influence (post-thargoid Recovery, Invasion, Alert, Normal).
Wouldn't it be nice if we could filter the systems through this criteria? So in addition to choosing to sort by influence, update, population, factions we could also sort by thargoid status.

Thank's for your time!
13 Mar 2023, 1:02pm
Suggestion: Add to table 'Galaxy->Thargoid war->Damaged stations' column 'ALLEGIANCE' with sorting.
Rescue missions are fastest way to maximize reputation with major factons, so it will be easy to find station with pax

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