Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
17 Aug 2015, 8:29pm
I agree. It's clean, easy to use and is a good companion app for the game. I give this site 8 out of ten Flimley points.
18 Aug 2015, 9:46am
Just an idea like that,

how about making a "Week disponibility" ?
so everyone could show what time they play (of course based on the GMT hour that we can set ourselves)

and then, inside a wing, put that "week" table with a % of cmdr appearing on each hour of the day.
and finally, on a mouse hover, popup a <div> showing all the cmdr's name for this hour.

the whole thing would look like a table of 7 column and 24 row.
it could be good to organize some event.

:P ?

Last edit: 18 Aug 2015, 9:59am
18 Aug 2015, 10:49am
de Carabas: Ok, if it works at least that way, so it will stay for now (until proper mobile version).
Tacyon, Flimley: Thanks, guys. And.... what is needed to get 10 out of 10 Flimley points?

Laynor: I am planning to add settings for typical gameplay hours, game version (PC/Max/XOne) and owned expansions, also with some overview for wings into some of the next updates. There probably won't be any setting on "day by day" basis. I tried it for my guild in another game (MMO) some time ago and it was not working very well, because typically just minor fraction of members was using it and rest was too lazy or forgetful to set this (despite the fact they were active otherwise). Also sometimes even they checked they will be playing in selected day/hours, they didn't appeared in game (and raid planned). But, I was thinking about some classic "raid planner" or event scheduling like Doodle.
18 Aug 2015, 1:13pm

Pretty good work on this site, pretty useful.

I think you should make a "home" page, where the player can have all the usefull information (maybe make it configurable, so the user can select wich info to show here), I think it would be more useable for a two-screen config.
Also, the idea of a raid planner is very good, but why limiting it to raid ? Why not make a full agenda (like Eve Online one) ?

You could link the "current location" setting to the last log imported, it would save the hassle to input it ourselve (I know, I'm a lazy pilot, but I really think that the more you can automatically extract, the better). Maybe even make a little software who launch with Elite to autoupload logs.

That being said, looking at the netLog I wonder how many info you could gather from this. As far as I can see, you can easily extract all your travels (it would be wonderful to have a clear log of this, with the stations you docked in, you could even list systems by player activity) and chat logs.
But I suspect you can extract waaaay more things from netLogs, if I have a little spare time, I'll see if I can test this.

About the travel log, I was thinking about dotLan (another Eve Online OOG Tool, a map with an awful lot of info). Their method is quite interesting, if you don't know them, you should clic here. The main page list all the region, and when you clic on one of them (Aridia for example), you have a simplified view of the region, with systems linked to each others like the IG map, but on 2D.
With this view, you can easily see all the important info about systems: name, stations service present, dominating power etc ... (you have the key at the lower right of the map).
It would need a few adjustments to port this on Elite (I have a lot in my mind, PM me if you want), but I always felt a 2D view of the map was something missing from Elite's OOG Tools, a good map is really a game changer and to be honest the IG one kinda sucks

BTW, thanks for the awesome site, it's really good.

PS: english is not my primary language so ... sorry ^^

Last edit: 18 Aug 2015, 1:22pm
18 Aug 2015, 1:42pm
I think you should make a "home" page, where the player can have all the usefull information (maybe make it configurable, so the user can select wich info to show here), I think it would be more useable for a two-screen config.

Hello, thank you for suggestions!
Yes, configurable homepage is something I was thinking about too, but it's not currently a priority, there is much other things to do still...

Dapperdrake  Also, the idea of a raid planner is very good, but why limiting it to raid ? Why not make a full agenda (like Eve Online one) ?

It was thought more like "event" scheduler/planner than "raid". So everything can fit into it. But if do you have some example/site from Eve Online, it may be helpful to take a look there, too.

Dapperdrake  You could link the "current location" setting to the last log imported, it would save the hassle to input it ourselve (I know, I'm a lazy pilot, but I really think that the more you can automatically extract, the better). Maybe even make a little software who launch with Elite to autoupload logs.

Good idea, there is now just little bit problematic that "current location" register just "known" systems, but it's not hard to change it. Autoupload with some external software will be eventually possible with Inara API, meanwhile it takes just few seconds to upload logs manually.
Eventually, with Frontier's official API (when it arrives) may be theoretically possible to do such things almost automatically (which is always the best way).

Dapperdrake  That being said, looking at the netLog I wonder how many info you could gather from this. As far as I can see, you can easily extract all your travels (it would be wonderful to have a clear log of this, with the stations you docked in, you could even list systems by player activity) and chat logs.
But I suspect you can extract waaaay more things from netLogs, if I have a little spare time, I'll see if I can test this.

There is lot of data in netlogs, unfortunately not too much useful data for us. There are just clear information about jumps between systems and interdictions. There are no clear dock/undock records (I am getting this with use of other indicators and it's more or less precise guess). Also there are no clear info about stations, planets, etc. There is possible to get chat lines from the log, but it's something I do not want to extract from there (it's a privacy of each commander).

Dapperdrake  About the travel log, I was thinking about dotLan (another Eve Online OOG Tool, a map with an awful lot of info). Their method is quite interesting, if you don't know them, you should clic here. The main page list all the region, and when you clic on one of them (Aridia for example), you have a simplified view of the region, with systems linked to each others like the IG map, but on 2D.

Yes, galactic maps is something that will be nice, but currently with low priority (it's more useful in the game than on the web). Also the galaxy scale (even the inhabited space) complicates things a little bit (lot of data to transfer/process), as there are no clear regions which may chunk the space to smaller parts.
18 Aug 2015, 2:56pm
Hi Artie,

Thx for the updates

Can't wait for the future ones
18 Aug 2015, 4:43pm
Great job on this site! I hope you continue to make it better. I love this!
18 Aug 2015, 5:15pm
Yep, there are definitely additional features and improvements planned and ongoing...
18 Aug 2015, 8:40pm
well, now that we can create thread, i don't get the point to keep the Command Room.
especially that anyone can post in it....? =/
18 Aug 2015, 11:53pm
Thanks for your quick answer.

Dapperdrake  Also, the idea of a raid planner is very good, but why limiting it to raid ? Why not make a full agenda (like Eve Online one) ?
It was thought more like "event" scheduler/planner than "raid". So everything can fit into it. But if do you have some example/site from Eve Online, it may be helpful to take a look there, too.

Unfortunately, to access the Eve agenda you have to get a working account. But it's simply a multi-user agenda where you can use IG link to point to stars / region. The guilds big boss would declare war on another guild and put a 3-month event wich was automaticaly uloaded on everyone agenda, and guild sub-director could also declare a mining campaign wich would appear only on the concerned ppl's agenda. Pretty basic thing after all ^^ I didn't understood that you were talking about an event planner.

Dapperdrake That being said, looking at the netLog I wonder how many info you could gather from this. As far as I can see, you can easily extract all your travels (it would be wonderful to have a clear log of this, with the stations you docked in, you could even list systems by player activity) and chat logs.
But I suspect you can extract waaaay more things from netLogs, if I have a little spare time, I'll see if I can test this.
There is lot of data in netlogs, unfortunately not too much useful data for us. There are just clear information about jumps between systems and interdictions. There are no clear dock/undock records (I am getting this with use of other indicators and it's more or less precise guess). Also there are no clear info about stations, planets, etc. There is possible to get chat lines from the log, but it's something I do not want to extract from there (it's a privacy of each commander).

As far as I can see you can find if the commander have gained bounty (the "ServerAdminRegister::Message: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><voucherUpdate />" part wich appear when I attack/kill an NPC), I have yet to see if this is the bounty I gain because I engaged innocent Buraucrats or the kill voucher (by the name I would think it's the latter).
With the body number wich is prompted just before exciting warp, and the info given by the landing pads, you could also passively record stations in the universe (ex: in Lugh, body 76 is a dockable object) until somebody enter the real name.

But tonight I mostly grinded for Miss Aisling so I couldn't really dig up in the logs.
19 Aug 2015, 12:06pm
Dapperdrake: Unfortunately, these voucherUpdates are not related just to the moment bounty was gained. Body numbers are here, but those are also celestial objects, etc. and without deeper knowledge of each star system and it's objects it is hard to track. Theoretically, there can be body numbers assigned to stations, if these numbers really refers to station and not "parent" celestial body (can be checked at Sol stations, for example), but I am afraid almost nobody will be filling it in anyway.
19 Aug 2015, 12:48pm
ArtieDapperdrake: Unfortunately, these voucherUpdates are not related just to the moment bounty was gained. Body numbers are here, but those are also celestial objects, etc. and without deeper knowledge of each star system and it's objects it is hard to track. Theoretically, there can be body numbers assigned to stations, if these numbers really refers to station and not "parent" celestial body (can be checked at Sol stations, for example), but I am afraid almost nobody will be filling it in anyway.

Ha ha, it's more complicated than I thought, do you know if there is a thread or somewhere where ppl gather infos about the NetLogs and what does they mean ? I can't find.

And what about the "Companion API" ? I know it's pretty borderline as Frontier didn't clearly accept the use of it but other 3rd party app for at least two months and you can extract an awful lot of useful info from here (API verified infos, so trusted). I could download my JSON file from it and ... well, it would simply nullify the need to manualy input anything. If you want I organised infos gathered from here, and I wan give it to you.

I have the station / system where I'm docked, my wallet, my ranks, all the commodities (w/ all infos) / modules sold at the last starport docked (even the ones I don't have acces w/ my ship), my outfitting with all the value attached to it (price, hp, even wear and tear), cargo and even passengers (sic!).
Also you have a list of all your docked ships.

For test: to get your json file:

Install "User Agent Switcher" for Firefox, in the configuration of the module => Edit User agent like this:

  • Description: ED Companion
  • User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 7_1_2 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/537.51.2
  • App Code Name: Mozilla/5App Name: Netscape
  • App Version: 5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 7_1_2 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/537.51.2
  • Platform: iPhone
  • Vendor: Apple Computer, Inc.

Activate this user agent and go to ""
Type in your ED credential, and then go to your mail box, you should have receveied a code from FDev, copy and past it on the site.
You should fall to a white page, go to  "", and voila !

(PS: the methode is copied from the of EDMarketConnector)

Last edit: 19 Aug 2015, 1:04pm
19 Aug 2015, 12:58pm
Artie, out of interest, would it be an idea to let people upload avatars of their CMDR and allow the use on the signature?
19 Aug 2015, 1:07pm
Lase: Yes, I have it on my ToDo. I cannot tell when it happens, but it will be there.

Dapperdrake: It has just one serious issue - it requires user game credentials and that's something I do not want from commanders from obvious reason. Also I doubt anyone sane will provide that to any other site than Frontier's.
I think there is no thread about netlogs, as far as I know.
19 Aug 2015, 1:09pm
And is it unrealisable to make a webpage that send the user to the for the login and automaticaly extract the data after ?

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