Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
17 Jan 2023, 1:57am
Hey Artie!

A few friends of mine, started complaining about the fact, that Supply Pilots (for AxCs), are heavily favored by the weekly point system.
The rant is about, how could flying supplys bring more "public credit", then killing the damn problem.

Im a bit neutral about this oppinion, because I myself don't care as much about those stats, but I imagine that it can be quite annoying,
if you are into stats and really care about it.

Another mate who plays the game since release, told us that the pointsystem is made up by Fdev and you only got the api.

But then I had the thought, if its bothering pilots, and the more I think about it, it may or not may be a quite large number of pilots.

Are you able to add changes regarding said stats/point system?

Edit: if this came up already im sorry, but I didn't find it. Sorry im stupid

Last edit: 17 Jan 2023, 6:27am
17 Jan 2023, 7:06am
Hey Artie!

I have a question about two badges, The Samaritan and The Captain. If I get it right, civilians rescued in the first one refer exclusively to occupied escape pods, and people carried in passenger cabins (even if it's mass transfer from burning/under attack station) are counted towards The Captain badge, correct?
17 Jan 2023, 9:54am
PausenbrotTVHey Artie!

A few friends of mine, started complaining about the fact, that Supply Pilots (for AxCs), are heavily favored by the weekly point system.
The rant is about, how could flying supplys bring more "public credit", then killing the damn problem.

Im a bit neutral about this oppinion, because I myself don't care as much about those stats, but I imagine that it can be quite annoying,
if you are into stats and really care about it.

Another mate who plays the game since release, told us that the pointsystem is made up by Fdev and you only got the api.

But then I had the thought, if its bothering pilots, and the more I think about it, it may or not may be a quite large number of pilots.

Are you able to add changes regarding said stats/point system?

Edit: if this came up already im sorry, but I didn't find it. Sorry im stupid

Hello, I don't think there is a problem. In fact, by how the modifiers are set, the pilots who are killing the Thargoids have a minor advantage. But, people hauling cargo or rescuing passengers are often more dedicated and putting more time and effort into the activity, which also brings them more points and thus it may look like they are favored. They are not. As I am looking at the heroes of the battles for the recent star systems, there seems to be a good mix of fighters and haulers and it doesn't look like it needs rebalancing as well.
Those points are Inara-only thing, it's not coming from the game.

Inhumat0rHey Artie!

I have a question about two badges, The Samaritan and The Captain. If I get it right, civilians rescued in the first one refer exclusively to occupied escape pods, and people carried in passenger cabins (even if it's mass transfer from burning/under attack station) are counted towards The Captain badge, correct?

Hello, for the Captain any passenger counts in (so people in the cabins). For the Samaritan it's anybody from the evacuation missions (so missions like "Evacuate XXX", "XXX need evacuation" and so on), regardless of their "physical state" (so it can be refugees, wounded personnel or whatever is there.
22 Jan 2023, 11:27am
Sorry for my ignorance, was away from the game for some time. Can't find button "Switch to old Inara". Is this feature was permanently disabled or I'm missing something?
22 Jan 2023, 12:57pm
KosevichSorry for my ignorance, was away from the game for some time. Can't find button "Switch to old Inara". Is this feature was permanently disabled or I'm missing something?

Hello, yes, as announced 1-2 weeks ago on the old site version, it was discontinued this Thursday (as it was used by less than 1% of users and as it was just adding me an extra work to make it compatible with the changes on the current site version).
22 Jan 2023, 9:34pm
Any chance of adding more ranking points to things? Might get everyone to attempt one of each badge if there was a final award for doing so... but that's just one of many suggestions.
23 Jan 2023, 6:01pm
Imperial Senator BluecrashAny chance of adding more ranking points to things? Might get everyone to attempt one of each badge if there was a final award for doing so... but that's just one of many suggestions.

Well, the award for doing so is being at the top of the rankings, so I don't think there is needed to add more points to the badges, as the result will be same?
24 Jan 2023, 10:50am
o7 commanders,

Someone knows why all the pictures in my gallery just dissapeared?
24 Jan 2023, 12:10pm
Fl1kso7 commanders,

Someone knows why all the pictures in my gallery just dissapeared?

It was a display bug, thank you for the report. Fixed.
24 Jan 2023, 4:10pm
Fl1kso7 commanders,

Someone knows why all the pictures in my gallery just dissapeared?

It was a display bug, thank you for the report. Fixed.

Thanks a lot, I can see them again
25 Jan 2023, 11:38am
please tell me, is data being transferred from PS4 to inara at the moment? Please give me a link where to find out more information about this?
25 Jan 2023, 7:25pm
please tell me, is data being transferred from PS4 to inara at the moment? Please give me a link where to find out more information about this?

Hello. Let me know when you solve the problem please. I've had the same bug for about a month now.
Я из РФ тоже.
25 Jan 2023, 11:52pm
Inara currently supports only the Live game version data (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey), since game update 14. As console game versions are now considered as Legacy by Frontier and the galaxy + player data are completely independent, it brings various technical difficulties, especially in a form of isolating the data between Live and Legacy versions. For these reasons no Legacy galaxy data are and will be supported (also due to a lack of sufficient amount of updates from console players to make it usable). There is however still no final decision about the Legacy player data support and I would like to wait on how the next round of the Frontier's game account transfers will turn out first.
26 Jan 2023, 4:39am
please tell me, is data being transferred from PS4 to inara at the moment? Please give me a link where to find out more information about this?

Hello. Let me know when you solve the problem please. I've had the same bug for about a month now.
Я из РФ тоже.

Привет, пост выше, это ответ support inara. Я так и думал, что они перестали поддерживать консольщиков вслед за Frontier
Ты давно летаешь, один?
26 Jan 2023, 6:47am
VVI_RU52 Привет, пост выше, это ответ support inara. Я так и думал, что они перестали поддерживать консольщиков вслед за Frontier
Ты давно летаешь, один?

Поддерживать прекратили не только лишь консольщиков (ПК игроки так же лишены какой либо поддержки), поддерживать прекратили Legacy вселенную Elite:Dangerous.
Всё идёт к тому, что однажды Legacy серверы вообще отключат (в этом, или следующем году ?), и базовая версия игры (3.8) перестанет существовать.

ЗЫ. Некоторые программы мониторинга пользовательских логов игры, которые давно не обновлялись, отсылают легаси-данные серверам EDDN, и те их даже принимают. Но что с этими данными происходит дальше, в какие анналы истории они ложатся, и можно ли их оттуда хоть как то извлечь, либо же их просто умножают на null, даже не сохраняя - неизвестно.

Last edit: 26 Jan 2023, 6:52am

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