Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
27 Mar 2023, 11:56am
FelaKutiWhere can I find a list of squadrons I support?

I wanted to support a squadron and saw the following message:
(Too many squadrons supported)

Maybe there could be a button to take me to the list of squads I support?

By the way, what does supporting a squad mean? Why is there a limit? What's the limit?

Yes, it's under Reputation on your commander profile, but for the convenience, I have added the list to the popup when the support button is clicked, too. The intention is to provide squadrons a list of people they are support the the squadron, but cannot or do not want to join directly (they can open some of their missions for them, too). The limit (7) is there to prevent people supporting every squadron around whilst they actually never do anything for their support, so they need to think a little bit about it.
27 Mar 2023, 12:17pm
Commanders, based on the feedback, all medals on Inara were rebalanced and their tier requirements are now much lower, so it should be easier to level them up. But, getting them to tier 5 is still quite a work as only a few percent of commanders are having them. Also, a minor change was made that relevant medals are still contributing to the rankings score upon reaching tier 5 with a few points, so any "excess" progress may still increase your score.

It's worth to be mentioned that you may see your medal progress being lower than you saw previously, but it's not because you have lost any progress, but because you have reached higher medal tiers. In simple words - none of your progress is lost, you have just got more shiny things for free.
27 Mar 2023, 12:28pm
ArtieCommanders, based on the feedback, all medals on Inara were rebalanced and their tier requirements are now much lower, so it should be easier to level them up. But, getting them to tier 5 is still quite a work as only a few percent of commanders are having them. Also, a minor change was made that relevant medals are still contributing to the rankings score upon reaching tier 5 with a few points, so any "excess" progress may still increase your score.

It's worth to be mentioned that you may see your medal progress being lower than you saw previously, but it's not because you have lost any progress, but because you have reached higher medal tiers. In simple words - none of your progress is lost, you have just got more shiny things for free.

That was unexpected, I worked hard to get tier 5 xeno hunter medal but now it's balanced, feels nice. I don't need to kill remaining 22 basilisks then. Thanks Artie, at least people don't have to work hard as before
27 Mar 2023, 12:46pm
ArtieCommanders, based on the feedback, all medals on Inara were rebalanced and their tier requirements are now much lower, so it should be easier to level them up. But, getting them to tier 5 is still quite a work as only a few percent of commanders are having them. Also, a minor change was made that relevant medals are still contributing to the rankings score upon reaching tier 5 with a few points, so any "excess" progress may still increase your score.

It's worth to be mentioned that you may see your medal progress being lower than you saw previously, but it's not because you have lost any progress, but because you have reached higher medal tiers. In simple words - none of your progress is lost, you have just got more shiny things for free.

Thank you
Also surprised by the update though. Whilst convenient for me, it does make the hard work of players above myself feel somewhat less valued I think.

Last edit: 27 Mar 2023, 4:21pm
27 Mar 2023, 1:14pm
ArtieJust to summarize recent minor updates on Inara:
  • Various commodities listings now display also the supply/demand bracket, as is in the game. Commodity listings also have small "PP+" icon for relevant Powerplay star systems with a trading bonus (if the player is pledged to such power).
  • [

Thanks for picking this up. I like this approach to our discussion. I just had a look, but it seems something is off.
CMDR A is not enlisted in PP => PP+ icon does not show - checks out
CMDR B is listed for Mahon, but icon shows up for Mahon and this intended behaviour? I understood your message that it is supposed to be linked to the power you are currently aligned to. In that case some filter seems to be off.
It also shows for carriers inside the system. I'm pretty sure PP bonus does not apply to carrier trades so you might want to filter those out when applying the new info icon.

Last edit: 27 Mar 2023, 1:59pm
27 Mar 2023, 3:40pm
It is beyond my perception.
Inara badges are absolutely meaningless, they are only about bragging rights.
And people rly complained on "grind", so they "had to" decrease requirements?
Are you more happy now, with fact, that your 500k <insert any activity> isnt t1, but let's say t5? Srsly?

If they change requirements, and your T1 traveller will change into T5 it change only, that your "achievments" are more pointless. Your achievments arent "better".
It is so stupid, but now at least we can "grind" 1 achievment multiple times. Currently on my way to #4 travller "t5".
Poor completionists, will change everything into grind, and after grinding will complain on grind.
27 Mar 2023, 3:48pm
ArtieCommanders, based on the feedback, all medals on Inara were rebalanced and their tier requirements are now much lower, so it should be easier to level them up. But, getting them to tier 5 is still quite a work as only a few percent of commanders are having them. Also, a minor change was made that relevant medals are still contributing to the rankings score upon reaching tier 5 with a few points, so any "excess" progress may still increase your score.

It's worth to be mentioned that you may see your medal progress being lower than you saw previously, but it's not because you have lost any progress, but because you have reached higher medal tiers. In simple words - none of your progress is lost, you have just got more shiny things for free.

Well, I might possibly somewhat agree regarding the "Traveller" medal (although not really), but Exobiology?
That is basically a ridiculously easy to get cheap trinket now.
I'm overqualified for the tier 5 medal by a factor of 5 for the samples and a factor of 10 for the planets.

Last edit: 27 Mar 2023, 3:57pm
27 Mar 2023, 3:52pm
Heilrider Poor completionists, will change everything into grind, and after grinding will complain on grind.

27 Mar 2023, 3:57pm
Joku Mini-me
Thanks for picking this up. I like this approach to our discussion. I just had a look, but it seems something is off.
CMDR A is not enlisted in PP => PP+ icon does not show - checks out
CMDR B is listed for Mahon, but icon shows up for Mahon and this intended behaviour? I understood your message that it is supposed to be linked to the power you are currently aligned to. In that case some filter seems to be off.
It also shows for carriers inside the system. I'm pretty sure PP bonus does not apply to carrier trades so you might want to filter those out when applying the new info icon.

Thanks, the issues mentioned were fixed.

HeilriderIt is beyond my perception.
Inara badges are absolutely meaningless, they are only about bragging rights.
And people rly complained on "grind", so they "had to" decrease requirements?
Are you more happy now, with fact, that your 500k <insert any activity> isnt t1, but let's say t5? Srsly?

If they change requirements, and your T1 traveller will change into T5 it change only, that your "achievments".
It is so stupid, but now at least we can "grind" 1 achievment multiple times. Currently on my way to #4 travller "t5".
Poor completionists, will change everything into grind, and after grinding will complain on grind.

Those weren't complaints, just various feedback. It was right that some of the medals were much harder to achieve than supposed (for example due to the level 3 scan values changes in the in-game stats or simply because the initial assumption when setting the requirements were too "optimistic"). I used this opportunity to lower the requirements across the board to motivate commanders to work on them, so they will feel less tiresome. But even with those numbers, just 1-2% of commanders are having tier 5 medals and getting all the medals from zero to tier 5 will take hundreds of hours. So still quite a time and effort investment.
27 Mar 2023, 4:01pm
ArtieCommanders, based on the feedback, all medals on Inara were rebalanced and their tier requirements are now much lower, so it should be easier to level them up. But, getting them to tier 5 is still quite a work as only a few percent of commanders are having them. Also, a minor change was made that relevant medals are still contributing to the rankings score upon reaching tier 5 with a few points, so any "excess" progress may still increase your score.

It's worth to be mentioned that you may see your medal progress being lower than you saw previously, but it's not because you have lost any progress, but because you have reached higher medal tiers. In simple words - none of your progress is lost, you have just got more shiny things for free.

Thank you
My first post here, although I have been an Inara member since 2016.

I do apologize if I may sound harsh, but this decision is very silly, if not plain ridiculous.

The idea to have "ranks" is to have proper differentiation between high-lvl / high free time CMDRs and others who are not so skilled or do not have the time to engage in the game sufficiently to attain high rank.

Making it easy for everyone to obtain the highest ranks, defeats the purpose of ranks entirely and makes them worthless.

Additionally, it makes it so that the players have less incentive to reach the goals, since they have already been attained or a few game sessions will maximize those ranks. In my case, I went from Tier 2 Bounty Hunter to Tier 4. That undermines terribly the high-lvl players that have scored 100x more bounties than me. And this goes for all activities /professions in the game.

All in all, a very poor and not thought out decision.
27 Mar 2023, 4:04pm
ArtieBut even with those numbers, just 1-2% of commanders are having tier 5 medals and getting all the medals from zero to tier 5 will take hundreds of hours. So still quite a time and effort investment.

Erm... this is Elite we're talking about.
Players with a few hundred hours are considered to have barely left the nest.
27 Mar 2023, 4:06pm
ArtieBut even with those numbers, just 1-2% of commanders are having tier 5 medals and getting all the medals from zero to tier 5 will take hundreds of hours. So still quite a time and effort investment.

Erm, this is Elite, we're talking about.
Players with a few hundred hours are considered to have barely left the nest.
Precisely. This is Elite.

If you want rank, work for it. Don't be a cry baby and force the bar to be as low as the puddle your boots are standing on.
27 Mar 2023, 4:32pm
Well, as there are hundreds of thousands players registered (and with their stats imported) and only less than ten has all T5 medals at the moment, I wouldn't say it's easy and that the medals lost its purpose with the lower requirements. Even if I take first 100 commanders in the rankings as those that may complete all the medals "soon", all of them are having thousands of hours in the game. Definitely not rookie numbers.
27 Mar 2023, 4:47pm
ArtieWell, as there are hundreds of thousands players registered (and with their stats imported) and only less than ten has all T5 medals at the moment, I wouldn't say it's easy and that the medals lost its purpose with the lower requirements. Even if I take first 100 commanders in the rankings as those that may complete all the medals "soon", all of them are having thousands of hours in the game. Definitely not rookie numbers.

Ah, maybe only take the top ranking players in each category as benchmark for Tier 5.
The beautiful thing about Elite is that there is an activity for everyone. Not everyone does everything, so maybe nobody should have all Tier 5 medals unless they're a true universal allrounder.
Edit: I have found the medals useful to see at first glance what kind of player someone is.
27 Mar 2023, 4:58pm
Ah, maybe only take the top ranking players in each category as benchmark for Tier 5.
The beautiful thing about Elite is that there is an activity for everyone. Not everyone does everything, so maybe nobody should have all Tier 5 medals unless they're a true universal allrounder.
Edit: I have found the medals useful to see at first glance what kind of player someone is.

For the each individual medal it's more players, of course, but still around or less than ~2%, so having tier 5 is still a rare thing.

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