Inara updates, bug reports, requests
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:
Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.
Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
16 Jan 2016, 12:15pm
You have no verbose logging enabled (respectively - your log were saved without verbose enabled, it doesn't work retrospectively in the game client).
How do you fix that? I set it to do so, but you're saying it doesn't work that way? What do I have to do to change it?
16 Jan 2016, 12:22pm
Dax VegaArtiePeregrinus19
You have no verbose logging enabled (respectively - your log were saved without verbose enabled, it doesn't work retrospectively in the game client).
How do you fix that? I set it to do so, but you're saying it doesn't work that way? What do I have to do to change it?
Every time there's a patch, AppConfig.xml is overwritten with the new one so you have to go in and change it after each patch. OR... you can put the custom switches, such as VerboseLogging="1" into a new file called AppConfigLocal.xml (in the same folder as AppConfig.xml) so they don't get overwritten. Which is what FD recommends.
Mine is:
The last two ReportSentLetters and ReportReceivedLetters are switches Frontier will ask you to set if you're having technical problems, so I put them in mine so I'd have them just in case but they're off "0."
I could probably remove everything above VerboseLogging since all those switches are already set in the normal AppConfig.xml.
16 Jan 2016, 12:42pm
I'm currently working on rep with the Alioth Independents faction. I'm being told once I reach Allied status that I earn a flight permit to enter the actual Alioth system (which is true, I keep seeing the mission appear I'm just not eligible for it yet) and there's a station within that will give a 20% discount on ships. What would be awesome for stuff like this is if the minor factions were listed so I could click them and then find out which systems and which stations in those systems, those minor factions work out of. It's taken quite a few forum threads to get a little list of stations Alioth Independents work out of so if I can't find a job on one station I can head to the next and look there.
Not sure how often anyone else would want this though... I've never given such a thing any thought until now that I'm doing jobs only for this one faction.
16 Jan 2016, 1:56pm
ZATZAiHow does one add a profile image?
Head to your Settings, you can set your profile image there
Please Note that your image side can't be any larger than 150px. by 150px.
Ah, somehow I missed that when looking for it, expected it to be under CMDR'S LOG somewhere. Thanks guys.
16 Jan 2016, 1:58pm
Here is that Rares list as a CSV if that helps.
16 Jan 2016, 2:02pm
16 Jan 2016, 5:15pm
I see you have fixed the Nav on the iPhone. The whole menu blocks seems to sit to the left still. The Nav is all visible now though.
Nav Block image
16 Jan 2016, 8:32pm
BenjethThough of another request. This might be something that's too big and nasty and rely too much on user input though.
I'm currently working on rep with the Alioth Independents faction. I'm being told once I reach Allied status that I earn a flight permit to enter the actual Alioth system (which is true, I keep seeing the mission appear I'm just not eligible for it yet) and there's a station within that will give a 20% discount on ships. What would be awesome for stuff like this is if the minor factions were listed so I could click them and then find out which systems and which stations in those systems, those minor factions work out of. It's taken quite a few forum threads to get a little list of stations Alioth Independents work out of so if I can't find a job on one station I can head to the next and look there.
Not sure how often anyone else would want this though... I've never given such a thing any thought until now that I'm doing jobs only for this one faction.
Actually, it is something I am currently working on...
Here is that Rares list as a CSV if that helps.
Thanks! The left/right margin is still issue on other phones too, as it is just a cosmetic stuff I wasn't solving it yet. In any case thank you for info.
WilkieHi Artie, can you add a 'Mark all as read' button so that I don't have to view 'Discuss' if I want to remove how many new post have been added each day.
Yes, that may be handy. I am adding that to my ToDo list...
16 Jan 2016, 11:00pm
Working at some Elite project. As the example client for EDDN in php didn't work:
Is there a way to retrieve some list of (inhabited) systems? I don't need market data, just a dump for some estimated route distances.
16 Jan 2016, 11:00pm
TheogilliHey. I just created a new wing, Elite Squadron! already have 4 other members! Anyone else can join. we do everything and are a startup community.
Er, 'Updates, bug reports and feature requests' isn't the place to advertise the wing you made up.
16 Jan 2016, 11:11pm
Mitch GantHey :-)
Working at some Elite project. As the example client for EDDN in php didn't work:
Is there a way to retrieve some list of (inhabited) systems? I don't need market data, just a dump for some estimated route distances.
For the star coordinates/distances is the best choice this site:
17 Jan 2016, 12:56am
Link to Inara Discord: