Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
17 Jan 2016, 5:59am
I just wrote a small program that will send data to to EDDN. It's called TD-Edit at EDDN, and I use it when I have to manually add prices to my Trade Dangerous database because the Companion API 'lies' and tells tells EDMC there is no market.

It's sad to see that does not think that my program is 'reliable' so does not accept the updates from EDDN.

Before anybody suggests I use EliteOCR instead, well it's broken, and RegulatedNoise crashes all the time for me too. In any case, now Frontier have said that they do now officially recognise the API and will support it, the days of OCR are numbered.
17 Jan 2016, 12:20pm
Dry411sI just wrote a small program that will send data to to EDDN. It's called TD-Edit at EDDN, and I use it when I have to manually add prices to my Trade Dangerous database because the Companion API 'lies' and tells tells EDMC there is no market.

It's sad to see that does not think that my program is 'reliable' so does not accept the updates from EDDN.

Before anybody suggests I use EliteOCR instead, well it's broken, and RegulatedNoise crashes all the time for me too. In any case, now Frontier have said that they do now officially recognise the API and will support it, the days of OCR are numbered.

Well, it's problematic. Inara has on blacklist all program data coming from EDDN except those using Companion API and are specifically whitelisted. So if any new program appear, it's needs to be added to the whitelist first, as it is on blacklist by default. I am not very inclined to adding any other program not using Companion API there by principle. Program itself may be perfect, but the "weak chain link" is always user in these cases. We all know that mistakes happens sometimes and problem is that users usually do not tend to re-check their data when submitted on some external tool. From that reason I am not allowing that kind of data from EDDN here, but there are allowed manual edits and *.csv imports directly on the site - it can be re-checked and corrected on the station page directly after submit (and in worst case I exactly know who sent the data, in opposite of more or less anonymous EDDN).

So, you can use manual edits directly here instead of your program, it's still the same manual input. Another option is that you can add *.csv export to your program in the same format as EliteOCR or EDMC is using and import that file here.
17 Jan 2016, 2:55pm

For planet based stations it would be handy to have the gravity in the details so that I know if taking a fully loaded T9 is asking to become a splat on the ground.
17 Jan 2016, 4:46pm
Dry411sI just wrote a small program that will send data to to EDDN. It's called TD-Edit at EDDN, and I use it when I have to manually add prices to my Trade Dangerous database because the Companion API 'lies' and tells tells EDMC there is no market.

It's sad to see that does not think that my program is 'reliable' so does not accept the updates from EDDN.

Before anybody suggests I use EliteOCR instead, well it's broken, and RegulatedNoise crashes all the time for me too. In any case, now Frontier have said that they do now officially recognise the API and will support it, the days of OCR are numbered.

Artie Well, it's problematic. Inara has on blacklist all program data coming from EDDN except those using Companion API and are specifically whitelisted. So if any new program appear, it's needs to be added to the whitelist first, as it is on blacklist by default. I am not very inclined to adding any other program not using Companion API there by principle.

I understand this. The reason I wrote the program though is for when the Companion API fails. The Companion API consistently says that there are no markets for certain stations. It 'lies'.

ArtieProgram itself may be perfect, but the "weak chain link" is always user in these cases. We all know that mistakes happens sometimes and problem is that users usually do not tend to re-check their data when submitted on some external tool.

I understand this. However, my prgram reads in an updated.prices file from Trade Dangerous. This file is produced by running the Trade Dangerous editor, which warns you if you put ridiculous prices. So there is some sense checking going on.

ArtieFrom that reason I am not allowing that kind of data from EDDN here, but there are allowed manual edits and *.csv imports directly on the site - it can be re-checked and corrected on the station page directly after submit (and in worst case I exactly know who sent the data, in opposite of more or less anonymous EDDN).

So, you can use manual edits directly here instead of your program, it's still the same manual input. Another option is that you can add *.csv export to your program in the same format as EliteOCR or EDMC is using and import that file here.

I did actually start doing a manual edit here. But you don't send updates to EDDN, and I'm all about sharing with as many as possible which is why I wrote my prog

To run my program, first I have to do a manual input in TradeDangerous. I won't be doing another manual input here, or changing my program so that I can produce a CSV upload my manual edit to here.

I'd ask you to reconsider. A manual upload here is from a file produced by EliteOCR which is far from reliable itself. You should be able to see whether my prog is corrupting your prices because you won't be getting them from any prog that uses the API. I only use my prog when EDMC gives me an API error.
17 Jan 2016, 6:34pm
Hi Artie,

Was wondering if it would be possible to display on the market screen.. 'Market distance from current location', for commanders who have selected [NO] to auto updating their location by market, and have chosen to [set a location] that is different to the market they are currently viewing?

apologies if this has already been requested, or if it already exists and i'm just not seeing it.

Best regards S

Last edit: 17 Jan 2016, 7:19pm
17 Jan 2016, 8:37pm
SeeZaaHi Artie,

Was wondering if it would be possible to display on the market screen.. 'Market distance from current location', for commanders who have selected [NO] to auto updating their location by market, and have chosen to [set a location] that is different to the market they are currently viewing?

apologies if this has already been requested, or if it already exists and i'm just not seeing it.

Best regards S

Gotta say, I like this request, and hereby Second it -- I use the Market tool here a LOT and it would be handy to have a distance check.
(Perhaps, if THAT is easy to add, add a box for pilots to input "Max jump distance" so that might be used for an indicator... and in future, if Inara expands to provide more complex routing -- I use! -- then this Max Jump box will definitely come in handy then.)
18 Jan 2016, 12:04am
Gotta say, I like this request, and hereby Second it -- I use the Market tool here a LOT and it would be handy to have a distance check.
(Perhaps, if THAT is easy to add, add a box for pilots to input "Max jump distance" so that might be used for an indicator... and in future, if Inara expands to provide more complex routing -- I use! -- then this Max Jump box will definitely come in handy then.)

Yeah i do like the way Artie has the market tool laid out, plenty of info to be sure. there are some market tool search criteria, that we can adjust via settings if that is any use to you?

Regards S
18 Jan 2016, 4:51am
Just curious Artie (and apologies if this has already been brought up) but I was wondering if there is a Search function for other INARA Registered Commanders and Wing Groups.

Can't seem to find it.

Thanks in advance.
18 Jan 2016, 6:21am
Dry411sI'd ask you to reconsider. A manual upload here is from a file produced by EliteOCR which is far from reliable itself. You should be able to see whether my prog is corrupting your prices because you won't be getting them from any prog that uses the API. I only use my prog when EDMC gives me an API error.

Artie, I would also ask that you reconsider and I would encourage you to add @Dry411s tool "TD-Edit" as a trusted EDDN publisher. The reasoning is as Dry411s has outlined:
* his tool is necessary when the API tools fail
* his tool merely sends an updated.prices file which is created from TradeDangerous - and TradeDangerous already does some sanity checking on the manually entered data.
* the data set is relatively small (so won't affect the vast majority of users in the small chance situation where wrong prices do go through) - but it is a significant issue for those small number of users who do trade at those stations. AND it seems that there are more and more stations (most seem to be Industrial Outposts) where it is shown repeatedly that the API fails to return market data - see this thread HERE
* the accepting of *.csv file format prices by Inara means that you've already got a path for data to come in - accepting Dry411s tool via EDDN makes it more convenient to get the data for everyone because you don't have to send it to multiple price databases (which was the point we got behind setting up EDDN in the first place).

Dry411s, if your tool is not whitelisted, then you know you could just change the source software field in the published JSON to be the same as an API tool and everyone would just think the data is coming from an authorised tool.
18 Jan 2016, 9:38am
Dry411s To run my program, first I have to do a manual input in TradeDangerous. I won't be doing another manual input here, or changing my program so that I can produce a CSV upload my manual edit to here.

I'd ask you to reconsider. A manual upload here is from a file produced by EliteOCR which is far from reliable itself. You should be able to see whether my prog is corrupting your prices because you won't be getting them from any prog that uses the API. I only use my prog when EDMC gives me an API error.

Hmmm... how many users will be using it? Is there ALWAYS guaranteed that the station prices will be sent to EDDN complete (so no partial stations prices)? How is date and time of update set?

SeeZaaHi Artie,

Was wondering if it would be possible to display on the market screen.. 'Market distance from current location', for commanders who have selected [NO] to auto updating their location by market, and have chosen to [set a location] that is different to the market they are currently viewing?

Yes, it's easy to do, I will add it there...

KrowJust curious Artie (and apologies if this has already been brought up) but I was wondering if there is a Search function for other INARA Registered Commanders and Wing Groups.

At this moment there is just commander search hidden in Friends and favorites, no wing search (except workaround by using browser search on wing listing page). But, I am currently testing global search page which will search in stations, systems, minor factions, commanders, wings and few other things. It's almost done and will be in the next update.
18 Jan 2016, 10:50am
Hi Artie. I was just looking for some kit in the outfitting and one of the suggestions was a permit only system. I have the permit but it got me thinking, could Inara record which permits you have (obviously the CMDR would need to tell it which ones they have!), then on screens where a system needs a permit have the permit text either green or red depending on if you have it or not?

Just an idle though while I play
18 Jan 2016, 11:04am
At this moment there is just commander search hidden in Friends and favorites, no wing search (except workaround by using browser search on wing listing page). But, I am currently testing global search page which will search in stations, systems, minor factions, commanders, wings and few other things. It's almost done and will be in the next update.

Ahh great news, looking forward to the next update, and all the goodies it brings.

As always, thank you Commander for your prompt reply, and hard work.
Greatly appreciate it.

18 Jan 2016, 11:27am
Hey Artie, so the E:D Market Connector app has a neat newish feature where it sends Netlogs to EDSM automatically. Thus EDSM can track where you are with every jump (No need to dock at a station). Kinda cool for those of us on the Distant Worlds expedition, you can see what it looks like for me here...


What I'm wondering is if it would be possible for Inara to do something similar, so that the companion app can submit netlogs to Inara as well so we can automatically track our progress here on Inara as well. It also seems that the companion app can now track our Balance, Loan, and rank status etc. Would be cool if somehow that could all be submitted to Inara.

I know this would require the cooperation of the E:D Market Connector Dev so if it's too much work I understand. But thought I would at least ask about it, as since I play full screen and prefer not to ALT-TAB (Which the Market Connector now makes easier since it has hotkey support now) it would be great to submit all this stuff to Inara automatically rather than doing it manually every few days.
18 Jan 2016, 11:54am
SeeZaaHi Artie,

Was wondering if it would be possible to display on the market screen.. 'Market distance from current location', for commanders who have selected [NO] to auto updating their location by market, and have chosen to [set a location] that is different to the market they are currently viewing?

Yes, it's easy to do, I will add it there...

Thanks Artie, that's great!
18 Jan 2016, 1:05pm
ArtieHmmm... how many users will be using it?

Hi Artie,

Probably only DRY411S as he has indicated it would be his private tool but if he releases it to be used with TradeDangerous then a handful of users would take it up. The vast majority wouldn't bother with manually updating prices even when an API tool fails.

Artie Is there ALWAYS guaranteed that the station prices will be sent to EDDN complete (so no partial stations prices)?

If there is existing prices for a station, then YES the whole lot will get sent as they will be in the updated.prices file that is generated from a station update. For a new station, then it is possible that a user may enter only some prices BUT it would only be in a case where there was already NO PRE-EXISTING DATA - thus no data would be clobbered if only a partial station were to be sent. The only situation were partial data could be sent would be for a new station with no pre-existing prices. Plus, one needs to remember that this tool is only going to be used WHEN API TOOLS FAIL. No-one is going to WANT to use this tool unless it is a last resort. I would rather pull my hair out than sit there entering market prices like we did back in beta!

ArtieHow is date and time of update set?

Each price in TradeDangerous is given a UTC timestamp at the time of update. This would be published in the usual way in the commodity/2 JSON schema.

If you are not familiar with TradeDangerous or Maddavo's Market Share then I encourage you to take a look at the following links:

* TradeDangerous forum
* TradeDangerous bitbucket
* Maddavo's Market Share

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