Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
07 Jan 2016, 8:30pm
Thanks Artie for the help. I will do it manually then. I must have been drunk the other night cuz I could swear that it logged my rank & credits after entering the flight log. My bad.

This game is so immersive with loads of intricate details & new things to learn. I'm glad there are sites like this to help.

Soon I will have to try out some wing play & pvp stuff. Maybe even join a crew...
08 Jan 2016, 4:40am

I use Inara a lot. It's a great place for trading, and I love the Wing management system. Nothing to complain about function-wise.
However, there are some problems with images. Some things use vector, which looks great on a retina screen, be it an iPad or an iMac. Then there are icons and images, Wing logos etc which use an image. And they are a blurry mess. The 16x16 system icon (don't remember where I saw it) looks great and clear on a regular screen, but you can't tell what youre looking at on a retina screen. Could you please allow Wing owners to upload both regular and retina-ready version of their logo at the very least? If other things will get support as well, that would be amazing!

Tldr; Please implement usage of retina-images!
edit: not retina-images, but you know what i'm talking about :b

Last edit: 08 Jan 2016, 12:41pm
08 Jan 2016, 6:00am
How is the presence of black markets at stations handled? Same way as the commodity prices? I'm seeing a lot of inconsistencies. I'm making corrections, but if that data is being automatically pulled from someplace, that someplace is wrong, and the changes I'm making will likely get clobbered at the next sync.
08 Jan 2016, 12:17pm
Is there a way to edit the "prohibited" list of a station by hand? There's a station where some goods are marked as prohibited, but they're not...
08 Jan 2016, 1:02pm
JacknyfeUK It seems that the menu is slightly pushed off the left edge on my iPhone 6+, I have an image but cannot work out how to upload from my phone.

Screenshot will be really helpful, as I have no option how to test it on Apple devices. You can use for screenshot uploade, for example...

James HussarHow is the presence of black markets at stations handled? Same way as the commodity prices? I'm seeing a lot of inconsistencies. I'm making corrections, but if that data is being automatically pulled from someplace, that someplace is wrong, and the changes I'm making will likely get clobbered at the next sync.

Unfortunately it's not coming via EDDN, so there are manual edits needed. There is possible that some stations will contain outdated information, especially for black markets as these are changing a lot with minor faction changes, etc. So if do you will edit these, it will be definitely good.

Mitch GantIs there a way to edit the "prohibited" list of a station by hand? There's a station where some goods are marked as prohibited, but they're not...

Prohibited goods are driven by government/allegiance type of the selected station, star system and by the powerplay faction. If do you set correct government and allegiance for the station and star system, it should be alright. If the prohibited goods list will still be wrong even with these information correctly set, please tell me what station/system it is and I will take a closer look on it (it's possible that there was some changes in the game in the latest patches).

Hipster CutthroatHello!

I use Inara a lot. It's a great place for trading, and I love the Wing management system. Nothing to complain about function-wise.
However, there are some problems with images. Some things use vector, which looks great on a retina screen, be it an iPad or an iMac. Then there are icons and images, Wing logos etc which use an image. And they are a blurry mess. The 16x16 system icon (don't remember where I saw it) looks great and clear on a regular screen, but you can't tell what youre looking at on a retina screen...

Hello, please specify - there is problem that these images are upscaled on your screen or downscaled? Screenshot will help.
I think there is just a little chance that wing owners will provide vector images for their logos, for most of them it's not possible to has it in vectors anyway. But there may be some general improvements in a more "system" way, but I'd like to see how it looks on your screen first...
08 Jan 2016, 2:32pm
08 Jan 2016, 2:38pm
Thank you for screenshots, guys. I will take a look on it.
08 Jan 2016, 3:08pm
I don't follow this thread so I don't if someone already talked about that. I am in various flights between us but my wing commander can't put me in divers flights. I know is not important but i propose the idea ^^

Good day :3
08 Jan 2016, 4:43pm
Hi everyone! Haven't been around Elite in several months, so this question has probably been covered multiple times already but I don't see a search function so here goes:

I just started an Xbox game in addition to my PC game. Couple friends only have Xboxes and they wanted to goof around in Elite every once in awhile. Is it possible to have both those CMDRs in my single account so I can just switch between them to see where they are, blahblah or would I have have to make a whole new account in Inara for the Xbox CMDR?

Love all the additions you've added during my break, Artie!
08 Jan 2016, 6:14pm
Hi Artie,

Just noticed that my flight logs show my times as +1 hour to the actual time. As does the date format drop down in settings.

My timezone is set to london which should be GMT as it isn't summer.

The time in Inara top left shows the correct time.

Curious if the mistake is something I'm doing/missing or the site getting confused on time zones.


08 Jan 2016, 6:39pm
I don't follow this thread so I don't if someone already talked about that. I am in various flights between us but my wing commander can't put me in divers flights. I know is not important but i propose the idea ^^

Hello, my apologies, but I am not pretty sure what is meant there. The ability to be in the multiple flights?

BenjethHi everyone! Haven't been around Elite in several months, so this question has probably been covered multiple times already but I don't see a search function so here goes:

I just started an Xbox game in addition to my PC game. Couple friends only have Xboxes and they wanted to goof around in Elite every once in awhile. Is it possible to have both those CMDRs in my single account so I can just switch between them to see where they are, blahblah or would I have have to make a whole new account in Inara for the Xbox CMDR?

Welcome back, Benjeth! Yes, please create the another Inara account if do you want to track a different (XBox) commander, it's the easiest and straightforward approach for this.

AyaronHi Artie,

Just noticed that my flight logs show my times as +1 hour to the actual time. As does the date format drop down in settings.

Hello, please send me your log file to , there is probably some issue on my end, but just to be sure if it was caused during log parsing or somewhere else.
08 Jan 2016, 7:31pm
sorry for my english but yes. I talk about the possibility to be in the multiple flights
08 Jan 2016, 11:00pm
I was wondering where the closest place would be to buy and outfit one of my ship builds, so i started adding my build to the search box but it stopped at 10 items.

It would be cool to find the closest station where i can buy an entire ship build, especially if i could do it with a single click. Would that be possible Artie?
09 Jan 2016, 12:29am
I was wondering where the closest place would be to buy and outfit one of my ship builds, so i started adding my build to the search box but it stopped at 10 items.

It would be cool to find the closest station where i can buy an entire ship build, especially if i could do it with a single click. Would that be possible Artie?

have you tried here dude.. you can then export from the site into your profile on here.. or if you already have a build and you are just looking for the modules? i often look for shipyards that have a wider selection 15+ ships, and also high tech systems, as they seem to be able to outfit much better. then anything i end up short of.. such as armour, which always seems to be the 1 i have problems finding.. you can just do searches for the modules you are missing on here.. that's how i usually do it maybe others will have better suggestions though.

Last edit: 09 Jan 2016, 12:37am
09 Jan 2016, 12:53am
I was wondering where the closest place would be to buy and outfit one of my ship builds, so i started adding my build to the search box but it stopped at 10 items.

It would be cool to find the closest station where i can buy an entire ship build, especially if i could do it with a single click. Would that be possible Artie?

If you use the outfitting section it will tell you where the closest stations are with the equipment you need. No single click option that I know of though.

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