Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
14 Jan 2016, 9:49pm
Community Goal is "LA COSA CITY", not cosTa, no "t"...
15 Jan 2016, 1:13am
Hey Artie,
a new candidate who wanted to join our group told me that he send his request withou fullfil the text field.
he thought it was right but on my side i receive 0 request.
so he tried again with some words on the text field and then i receive his request.
the probblem with tat mess is that there's nothing to prevent the candidate to send an empty form and make him believe that it worked.
the button should be Off if nothing is write. to prevent such case.

now that i think about it. maybe we never received a lot of request
15 Jan 2016, 1:21am
Hey Artie *insert congratulations about obviously great side here*

Ever thought about adding Racer to the Roles, since there are probably a couple of commanders around here, who participate in the Buckyball runs.
15 Jan 2016, 1:32am
BenjethIf this is already here and I'm just missing it, slap me in the back of the head.

Was wondering if, for the planetary outposts (whatever they're officially called), could the planet/moon they're located on be listed as well? Had a promotion mission last night that I failed because I couldn't find the station but Inara and swore it was there... somewhere. But neither site told me where to look. (It wasn't showing up on the targets panel yet, it was a new system so I was trying to just fly around and find it but the mission was only valid for 7 minutes.)

The issue probably is that you haven't the system fully discovered. The surface stations aren't visible on undiscovered planets on the system map. It happened to me once that I needed to re-scan the system even I thought that I scanned it earlier. In any case, planet names for each system is something for a long-run, as it is lot of manual work for users with entering and there is currently no way how to get it automatically from somewhere. But I am thinking about it for the future updates...

Mitch GantCommunity Goal is "LA COSA CITY", not cosTa, no "t"...

Good catch, please feel free to fix it, you can edit the goal...

Laynor Luna LagoonaHey Artie,
a new candidate who wanted to join our group told me that he send his request withou fullfil the text field.
he thought it was right but on my side i receive 0 request.
so he tried again with some words on the text field and then i receive his request.
the probblem with tat mess is that there's nothing to prevent the candidate to send an empty form and make him believe that it worked.
the button should be Off if nothing is write. to prevent such case.

There is error message displayed when no text filled in and is required for the join request. Maybe he just missed it. But it's right it can also disable the button when no text present, just to be sure. I will add it there...

Admiral SpoonHey Artie *insert congratulations about obviously great side here*

Ever thought about adding Racer to the Roles, since there are probably a couple of commanders around here, who participate in the Buckyball runs.


Last edit: 15 Jan 2016, 1:40am
15 Jan 2016, 9:51am
So why cant the Wing Commander be part of a squadron or flight?
15 Jan 2016, 1:06pm
Hi Artie,

Was just reviewing my latest set of flight logs..  (Really appreciate this feature; thank you!)  :D
Noticed that, with a few stars, no "distance" is listed ..  [dist: X.xLy]

As you're allowing us Inara members/contributors to help you edit Stations, can you please add:

1) listing GalMap Coordinates on each System Info
2) ability to "add" coordinates which are found "missing", during "station edits"
3) "highlight" station names in listings to indicate if "station type" is NOT set
(ie not just "no icon".)

Thank you!  

Thinking this can be very useful for everyone still playing without Horizons -- like me, ha!  ;)
I almost travelled a long way for items only available on what I believe(?? no icon, type not set) is actually a Surface station, not an Orbital, and that would've been a wasted trip if it is the case!  <-- this one
15 Jan 2016, 2:45pm
Acen: Sometimes there is no distance because there are no coordinates for the system known, so it's not possible to calculate the jump distance. All systems recorded here are having its coordinates known, so there is no need for edit, this issue is just for unknown systems. The problem is that I rather do not want to add manual star system add/edit here, as it may cause the mess (it was here shortly before and the results were.... well.... mixed). Also, I am not very inclined to record the systems far outside the inhabited bubble (let's say further than 1.000Ly from Sol), except the important ones. The galaxy is too large and the database size/performance isn't infinite.

Stations without icon may be orbital/surface - no icon means no known type/category. Simply no icon = station type not set. Icon = station type set. It's consistent, so it's some kind of "negative highlight" already.

RingeckSo why cant the Wing Commander be part of a squadron or flight?

It's similar to the situation where army general isn't part of squad full of privates.
15 Jan 2016, 5:15pm

RingeckSo why cant the Wing Commander be part of a squadron or flight?

It's similar to the situation where army general isn't part of squad full of privates.

While i see your point it does not prevent a CAG of taking the role as Wingleader of an actual flight

edit: shortened post
15 Jan 2016, 5:29pm
Can we edit the rares page? I went to Wolf 1301 today to look for Wolf Fesh and they don't seem to sell it any more. A bit of digging on Google and it seems it may be due to the politics change in Power Play.

Not sure if it will come back though but might be a nice feature to be able to flag a rare as unavailable at the moment?

15 Jan 2016, 6:05pm
While i see your point it does not prevent a CAG of taking the role as Wingleader of an actual flight

But it's rather an exception than common chain of command. There are various other reasons behind this - to provide unified structure for all wings, to avoid situation where some flight can be taken as "something more" because there is wing commander leading it, to prevent situations where Squadron leader is formally superior to a flight led by Wing commander, etc.

JacknyfeUKCan we edit the rares page? I went to Wolf 1301 today to look for Wolf Fesh and they don't seem to sell it any more. A bit of digging on Google and it seems it may be due to the politics change in Power Play.

I have on my list a feature that rare commodities will be disabled on the list automatically by the powerplay/faction changes in the system/station of origin, but it's not implemented yet. But if anyone can compile a list of rare commodities and it's categories (food, narcotics, etc.) to .xls/.csv file (it seems that the rare commodity availability is driven by this, as any other commodity), it will save me some time and I can push it to some update sooner.
16 Jan 2016, 1:37am
While i see your point it does not prevent a CAG of taking the role as Wingleader of an actual flight

But it's rather an exception than common chain of command. There are various other reasons behind this - to provide unified structure for all wings, to avoid situation where some flight can be taken as "something more" because there is wing commander leading it, to prevent situations where Squadron leader is formally superior to a flight led by Wing commander, etc.

JacknyfeUKCan we edit the rares page? I went to Wolf 1301 today to look for Wolf Fesh and they don't seem to sell it any more. A bit of digging on Google and it seems it may be due to the politics change in Power Play.

I have on my list a feature that rare commodities will be disabled on the list automatically by the powerplay/faction changes in the system/station of origin, but it's not implemented yet. But if anyone can compile a list of rare commodities and it's categories (food, narcotics, etc.) to .xls/.csv file (it seems that the rare commodity availability is driven by this, as any other commodity), it will save me some time and I can push it to some update sooner.

On the frontier website a CMDR (I am not a programer or really know types of could be wrong) posted rare items "rare csv" [04 JAN 2016]...I think this might be what you are looking for...

..on that same thread "Rare Commodities List!", a CMDR created a 3D rare's map [06 JAN 2016] to the following website...
16 Jan 2016, 8:42am
Is anyone else having the issue with Flight Logs where it's only recording Interdictions?
16 Jan 2016, 10:16am
How does one add a profile image?
16 Jan 2016, 10:43am
On the frontier website a CMDR (I am not a programer or really know types of could be wrong) posted rare items "rare csv" [04 JAN 2016]...I think this might be what you are looking for...

Great, thanks! I will take a look on it.

Dax VegaIs anyone else having the issue with Flight Logs where it's only recording Interdictions?

You have no verbose logging enabled (respectively - your log were saved without verbose enabled, it doesn't work retrospectively in the game client).

ZATZAiHow does one add a profile image?

Head to your Settings, you can set your profile image there
16 Jan 2016, 10:57am
ZATZAiHow does one add a profile image?

Please Note that your image side can't be any larger than 150px. by 150px.

Last edit: 16 Jan 2016, 11:17am

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