Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
05 Jul 2024, 8:57am
DAMN. Huge thanks, Artie.
yesterday, 11:45pm
Hey so It seems like my carrier New Galactic Counsel is not showing its market updates or showing that it is open to everyone, its still saying friend only which is not true. Is there anything about a bug like this and is it being addressed?
yesterday, 11:51pm
L'il MikeyHey so It seems like my carrier New Galactic Counsel is not showing its market updates or showing that it is open to everyone, its still saying friend only which is not true. Is there anything about a bug like this and is it being addressed?

Try this...

ArtieHello, there are two options - if you need only the carrier's market data/bartender updated, dock in there, open the market and it will get updated via EDMC/EDDN same as any other regular station. The other option is to import your journals via "Import game data" on your CMDR page, which will update the carrier's market, bartender and also other properties like docking privileges. As you have no carrier linked to your CMDR yet, you may need to open the fleet carrier administration screen in the game before the import, so there will be a proper record in the journal (but it's not needed afterwards, once the carrier is assigned to you already).
today, 12:15am
BL1PHello Artie.
I was wondering if you could do a Collection comparison thing or a collection badge.
It would be great to click a button and see what items I am missing compared to what items are thought to exist.

I know its a niche thing so no worries if not

Hello, I am not sure what you mean exactly - what items should count into the collection, for example?

Hmm good quesstion !

For example, the items for comparisons :-

Commodeties (
Rares (

It looks like materials, raw etc is covered by the Inventory section for comparisons. (

I dont know if you have access to the Codex info so that you could compare what a commander has scanned to what is scannably known atm.
And then a way to know how any things you are missing and what they are for each comparison list. ?

As for how a badge system would work no idea

Basicly similar to how the Inventory is done but for Commodities, Rares and the Codex as well.
today, 8:10am
That sounds like a fun system, it could be a "have I ever bought/sold one of those rare items" list.

A bit like an I Spy book (showing my age here, do they still exist?).

Would give us something to do to go around and the galaxy buying one of each rare items. No need to keep them, just have a purchase or sale in the logs.

It would need some extra columns to show a "have I ever traded" column on the Commodeties and Rares pages. Also the codex doesn't support the idea, so it would need a log file trawl which is extra load on the system.
today, 8:50am
Aunty SledgeThat sounds like a fun system, it could be a "have I ever bought/sold one of those rare items" list.

A bit like an I Spy book (showing my age here, do they still exist?).

Would give us something to do to go around and the galaxy buying one of each rare items. No need to keep them, just have a purchase or sale in the logs.

It would need some extra columns to show a "have I ever traded" column on the Commodeties and Rares pages. Also the codex doesn't support the idea, so it would need a log file trawl which is extra load on the system.

I actually keep them on my FC for my collection.
There is also the case of Illegal vrs Legal.
Some items are easy to get hold of Illegaly but very hard to get legaly. Meaning the items dont have the illegal tag.
Also some items are listed as existing (listed in the FC market for example) but nobody has ever found them, or they no longer exist (Im looking at you rockforth)
Then there is the Item which can only be found 25,000ly outside the bubble. Rares which are now blocked by factions.
Ive had some great times collecting just the Commodeties and the Rares. I havent looked at colleting Mats and on foot items or all codex entries... Yet
today, 10:19pm
Is there anyway for you to make it so that part of the conflict info includes what day the conflict is in?

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