Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
06 Jan 2022, 5:07am
Hi Artie,

You ever consider putting in codex data? EDSM has some data but they are incomplete. Seems like it is too much data to handle all the new Odyssey species.
06 Jan 2022, 2:59pm
WaylongwayGalnet quietly pushed in the missing part 3 of the retrospective.

Thanks! I will put it to the Inara Galnet archive (also quietly).

CupcoHi Artie,
You ever consider putting in codex data? EDSM has some data but they are incomplete. Seems like it is too much data to handle all the new Odyssey species.

I am not sure about it - for the personal discoveries there is a problem of the overall discovery list missing, so it will be in most cases never complete (I guess it's also the case of the EDSM you mentioned). Or do you mean the overall galactic overview, where the things can be found and not the personal stats?

Ambient.ImpactHi Artie. Apologies if this has been mentioned before, but since the game update that added fleet carrier into the player's total assets, Inara seems confused about my assets depending on the update source:

  • Frontier API: roughly 17 billion credits, likely including the fleet carrier
  • EDMC: roughly 8 billion credits, likely not including the carrier

Is this a known issue?

Hello, yeah, it's caused by the fact that some apps aren't sending the overall assets value, so Inara is just calculating the assets from the ships, etc. and as fleet carriers values are problematic, it's not counted in for such cases. I am planning to enforce the overall assets value requirement for the credits update via Inara API (next month, probably) and I have informed tool authors beforehand already, so I guess they will adapt until that point and you should get the proper values there then.
07 Jan 2022, 10:22am
Ambient.ImpactHi Artie. Apologies if this has been mentioned before, but since the game update that added fleet carrier into the player's total assets, Inara seems confused about my assets depending on the update source:

  • Frontier API: roughly 17 billion credits, likely including the fleet carrier
  • EDMC: roughly 8 billion credits, likely not including the carrier

Is this a known issue?

Hello, yeah, it's caused by the fact that some apps aren't sending the overall assets value, so Inara is just calculating the assets from the ships, etc. and as fleet carriers values are problematic, it's not counted in for such cases. I am planning to enforce the overall assets value requirement for the credits update via Inara API (next month, probably) and I have informed tool authors beforehand already, so I guess they will adapt until that point and you should get the proper values there then.

Good to know it'll be fixed, thanks!
07 Jan 2022, 4:05pm
/!\Problème résolu/!\
Je rencontre une erreur 200 en essayant de synchronisé manuellement mon compte frontier.
Ne voulant pas déranger j'ai réproduit la manip de la dernière fois mais ça ne fonctionne pas du coup j'ai remis à zéro le compte mais ça ne fonctionne pas non plus... Je suis perdu ????

Last edit: 07 Jan 2022, 9:14pm
08 Jan 2022, 5:28am
I have a suggestion on behalf of BGS squadrons...

Many factions added in the later years of Elite Dangerous didn't get to pick awesome home systems, and we had to start in a boring backwater system with no large stations, 10,000 population, expanding slowly to more interesting systems with starports.

The system page already displays the names of squadrons that are "headquartered" in that system. I think it would be similarly very appreciated if the minor faction overview page also displayed the headquarter system of the linked squadron, next to where it displays the origin system of the faction.

For example my own faction originates from HIP 72677, but the linked squadron is headquartered in Bibrigen. Then it would look something like this:

Because for most factions like ours, the home system is not the base of operations, but rather one of the only options we could pick. We keep our carriers and ships in other systems where we have large stations available.
08 Jan 2022, 12:43pm
Angel34340/!\Problème résolu/!\
Je rencontre une erreur 200 en essayant de synchronisé manuellement mon compte frontier.
Ne voulant pas déranger j'ai réproduit la manip de la dernière fois mais ça ne fonctionne pas du coup j'ai remis à zéro le compte mais ça ne fonctionne pas non plus... Je suis perdu ????

Everything seems to be working as it should, as I just checked. It seems that just the auto-update may have stopped due some temporal problems on Frontier's server, so please just click the "Import Frontier data" button again and you should get the data imported, as usually.

KaizimmI have a suggestion on behalf of BGS squadrons...

Many factions added in the later years of Elite Dangerous didn't get to pick awesome home systems, and we had to start in a boring backwater system with no large stations, 10,000 population, expanding slowly to more interesting systems with starports.

The system page already displays the names of squadrons that are "headquartered" in that system. I think it would be similarly very appreciated if the minor faction overview page also displayed the headquarter system of the linked squadron, next to where it displays the origin system of the faction.


Hmm, yeah, I think that I can add something for the squadron related in. Putting it on the todo list, thanks for the suggestion.
08 Jan 2022, 2:24pm
There seems to have been some discussions about this before, but didn't see a solution while searching. Would like to know if there is.

My material inventory has been out-of-sync for a while now where some material amounts show a 1-5 difference (on average) when compared to the amount I have in game. Usually Inara thinks I have more than I actually do, which causes some problems when trying to plan engineering, like do I have to gather them or go to material traders, or do I have enough. It has also caused some unfortunate surprises when I get to the engineer and I find out only then that I do not have all the necessary materials.

Just a few examples that indicate the problem isn't with just a specific kind of material:
Polymer Capacitors: 3 in-game, 5 in Inara
Abnormal Compact Emissions Data: 5 in-game, 7 in Inara
Carbon: 113 in-game, 117 in Inara

I've tried to manually update the amounts in Inara, but any time there's an update via EDMC the amounts are thrown out-of-sync again. Is the problem with the game, EDMC or Inara? Can I do anything myself to fix it?

EDIT: I've just noticed that in-game I have 45 Mechanical Scrap, but Inara thinks I have 76!

Last edit: 08 Jan 2022, 4:04pm
08 Jan 2022, 4:44pm
This is certainly something on EDMC's end, the last inventory update received via API from your EDMC at 2022-01-08 16:05:05 (UTC) was containing following:

I guess this applies also for the other cases you mentioned. No idea about the numbers origin, maybe EDMC is not counting something right on material trades or not deducting the materials on engineering as there doesn't seem to be anything suspicious in your journal on my brief check. I suggest to report it on EDMC github page and provide also the journal file, so it can be checked and fixed.
08 Jan 2022, 6:24pm
Alright, thanks for checking Artie. I'll have to take a closer look at what my EDMC is doing then. I had my suspicions that it could be the issue, but somehow I'd imagine it would be a more widespread issue.

So far I've just let EDMC do its thing but I guess I'll have to do a deep dive on it now to have some kind of idea and perhaps proof before creating an issue.

EDIT: Hmm, without even further testing, I think I have a vague idea of what's going on.

Upon starting up my game it creates a fresh journal file and at the beginning of the file there's a full list of materials I have. Apparently, this information then gets sent by EDMC to Inara and everything seems to synchronize at that point. Good to know!

But, since EDMC does not send data absolutely every time there's some entry to the journal (to limit API calls and causing some imaginable issues), some changes are either not calculated correctly or are overlooked altogether when the next data send happens.

Further changes to materials in the journal file look like this (which I'm sure you know), and I believe this is the last change to my Mechanical Scrap count:
{ "timestamp":"2022-01-08T16:00:37Z", "event":"MaterialTrade", "MarketID":redacted, "TraderType":"manufactured", "Paid":{ "Material":"mechanicalequipment", "Material_Localised":"Mechanical Equipment", "Category":"Manufactured", "Quantity":10 }, "Received":{ "Material":"mechanicalscrap", "Material_Localised":"Mechanical Scrap", "Category":"Manufactured", "Quantity":30 } }

Notice the timestamp and compare to when it was apparently received via API, I'm not sure but it seems it wasn't sent immediately but rather at some later point that triggers EDMC to send data (I believe there are many). There are a lot of these kind of events in the journal and from what I can guess these events are then calculated against the original value, but something clearly isn't right with the calculation.

But, I'll have to do some further testing before creating an issue.

Last edit: 08 Jan 2022, 7:00pm
08 Jan 2022, 7:18pm
The updates via API certainly may have some delays in some cases (depending when the respective app will send them), however regarding the timestamp of the entire API update (five minutes after the trade was performed) the expectation is it should contain also this transaction. As it was also a full inventory update (so no just increments/decrements), by the same expectation it should contain the latest and actual inventory state, but I admit that I forgot to check the timestamp of the API event itself (and the log is now gone so I cannot re-check, as I am storing it just for the limited time). But as I am taking a quick look over the EDMC source, it may not be handling the 'MaterialTrade' event at all, unless it's somewhere outside plugin.
08 Jan 2022, 8:38pm
I don't think the problem is in material trading, but when using materials for engineering. The totally out-of-sync Mechanical Scrap amount was because the material trader events were sent (I bought a lot of them), but all the engineering done before it that used that material weren't.

I just tested it this way:
I had 2 Conductive Polymers. I used Overcharged Weapon blueprint on The Pacifier twice, which should leave me with 0 Conductive Polymers. So far, it hasn't updated and it has been +10min. I've triggered EDMC update manually and by leaving and returning to a station. I still have 2 Conductive Polymers in Inara inventory. So, if I now gain more Conductive Polymers, the total amount would have +2 to what I would really have, until I launched the game/logged in again.

I'm almost finished writing an issue on Github on this, because I do think EDMC is the problem now.

EDIT: here's the issue

EDIT 2: and sure enough, trading to get 3 Conductive Polymers, Inara now thinks I have 5 of them (2 before engineering + 3 from trading) when I only have 3.

Last edit: 08 Jan 2022, 8:55pm
09 Jan 2022, 10:29am
Good morning Artie,
This may be a very very silly question/concern, but my transaction logs seem to be 1 full day off from the actual day. All other logs have the correct date/time stamp, but the transactions are a full 24 hours behind, but yet its logging today's information.

Thanks for the assist.
09 Jan 2022, 11:50am
I'm almost finished writing an issue on Github on this, because I do think EDMC is the problem now.

EDIT: here's the issue
EDIT 2: and sure enough, trading to get 3 Conductive Polymers, Inara now thinks I have 5 of them (2 before engineering + 3 from trading) when I only have 3.

Great! So hopefully it will get fixed, thanks for reporting it there.

Utmouse08Good morning Artie,
This may be a very very silly question/concern, but my transaction logs seem to be 1 full day off from the actual day. All other logs have the correct date/time stamp, but the transactions are a full 24 hours behind, but yet its logging today's information.

Thanks for the assist.

Good morning, it looks alright to me, but what I didn't realized until you mentioned that is that it may be actually confusing to users with very different time zone set than any other close to UTC (as the daily transactions are based on UTC time zone days) and I should rather show a datetime range instead just a day. May that be a case why it appears to be off?
09 Jan 2022, 6:10pm
Maybe it would help if I took a screenshot? Maybe I'm missing something too, like I said, I could just be daft or something, but when I look at the Transactions Log, the Date on the side says its January 8th, but today is the 9th? It just seems to be 1 day behind. Im okay with it being linked to UTC time (server time).
09 Jan 2022, 7:46pm
Ah, I see where the problem is - the date is taken as the midnight there and as it's a subject of user time zone settings as any other date, any "negative offset" time zone will cause a shift by a day. I should definitely fix that, thanks for bringing this into an attention.

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