Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
06 Aug 2022, 6:02am
Hey, there:

Please bring back the Set As Current Location button when viewing a system page. That was extremely useful to search stuff around any given system without having to copy/paste the system name.

Also please bring back the clock, very useful as well.

Last but not least, a petition long time due: for material trader search please add material type as an additional search filter.

Thanks! o7
06 Aug 2022, 6:15am
FizzlefestAny chance of bringing the clock back? Really useful to see game time when I'm not logged in. Thanks!

The popup UTC table. Yes - Me too -
Got to keep track of events and coordinate with others elsewhere. It was nice to have it right there.
06 Aug 2022, 8:58am
Hi Artie,

Just my 2 cents; it would be great if you could bring "squadron organization" feature back on the new Inara - so far I have no success to find it. :/

Thanks for your hard work!
06 Aug 2022, 12:04pm
About the galactic clock - I thought many will like it back and I will add it to the Galaxy page. I removed it originally as a test if somebody will miss it and it does worth keeping. Apparently it does.

ArtieYou are not able to see link for the settings or the page with the settings (via Commander > Settings)?

Probably my fault, that I didn't realize that COMMANDER > Settings is not the same as MY PROFILE > Settings (a bit misleading as it shares the nickname part).
You've been really quick with fixing. I have added one more about the squadron members ranks.

One more thing...
When the fleet carrier docking access is set to squadron and friends, the fleet carrier market should have been visible only to them as well. Now it is always visible to everyone (it is in both versions of Inara).

I made some fixes for things mentioned. The fleet carrier market will remain public though - as data are also coming via EDDN, those are public in nature, so it doesn't make much sense to hide it. But the fleet carriers with known non-All docking privileges are not used for the commodity and trade routes searches.

Ace McKool
Please bring back the Set As Current Location button when viewing a system page. That was extremely useful to search stuff around any given system without having to copy/paste the system name.

Also please bring back the clock, very useful as well.

Last but not least, a petition long time due: for material trader search please add material type as an additional search filter.

Thanks! o7

Hello, the button will be back. The specific material trader type search noted, thanks for the feedback.

GodthabHi Artie,

Just my 2 cents; it would be great if you could bring "squadron organization" feature back on the new Inara - so far I have no success to find it. :/

Thanks for your hard work!

It's not currently planned, I am afraid. It was quite a huge layer of added complexity for something almost nobody used (you are just one of the few). I am however not saying it will never make it back, I am open to the possibility of implementing some more useful, easier, simpler, revamped version in the future.

YeOldeTravellerJust a note about the shortcuts.
I used those all the time. They worked quite well for me, so I saw no need to customize them. I guess just using them was not enough for them to be seen as valuable.

I'll deal, but like most updates that try to use the same UI for mobile and desktop, the navigation becomes longer for the desktop user. There are actions that used to take a single click in Google Mail that now require 4 or 5.

I get that mobile is 25% or more of the users, and they have difficulty with the old site (I'd call it current, but I cannot get back to that UI since I tried the new UI). However, catering to the mobile users is adding friction to the UI for desktop users. And the goal of any UI is to reduce that friction to the extent possible.

The old site would present more complete information in the Components by Type screen. Now, I have to think about what the actual limits are. I actually appreciate the more compact display, but this would benefit from the option to have more data displayed if the user wants it.

Any handling of the Engineers is going to be a compromise, and both the old and new presentation are quite useful. With the number and type that need to be handled, the new solution is a good one. Once I have unlocked an Engineer, it is less important to me how they relate to each other. This is a case where the multiple screen reduces the friction when one is working through the unlock path. The key for me is that all relevant information is presented on a single screen.

I'll deal as the information provided by this site is quite valuable, but this update doesn't improve my workflows, and in some cases, increases the effort.

Thank you for the feedback. I fully understand the sentiment and although some things may not be one-click away as with the shortcuts, the new menu in general should provide faster one-click access to things that were previously reachable only with multiple clicks, without having an extra navigation in a form of shortcuts. A vast majority of stuff is now just one or two clicks away regardless where on the site you currently are, it has just a slightly different flow than before. But of course, if some frequently used stuff is too hard to reach, there can be some adjustments made. For example, I have added the squadron's related minor factions right to the main menu as it felt painful for squadrons' BGS planners previously, so it's just a click away.

The feedback about the components page and engineers noted, thanks again for the input.
06 Aug 2022, 8:09pm
Hello Artie

First up: I 200% appreciate all your work and the huge gift you have given us with Inara and can safely say, as many others would agree, that playing Elite effectively without it would be almost impossible.

I prefix my post with the above statement in hope that the following is received merely as an observation and not a complaint.

My feedback below is a personal gut-feeling first impression, a chain of thoughts as they came to me. I have yet to invest a decent chunk of time exploring the in-development site but felt that a snapshot of my instinctive first reaction might still be somewhat useful, even if it will likely be in contrast to the majority response.

  • I felt immediately lost - this is somewhat understandable and often expected when using a "new" system, but in this case it felt more than that
  • the personal shortcuts I rely on so heavily for fast site access were gone
  • the new roll-over menu on PC, while tidily organised in concept, felt very busy, too wordy and hard to navigate quickly
  • the show/hide menu feature felt distracting and got in the way lots, I kept popping it up by mistake and this was frustrating because it hides content
  • having to open the menu and find the nav item I wanted felt so much slower than using existing static menus
  • on mobile, it felt even harder to find things - having to tap the hamburger menu first felt a step backwards and was a real pain
  • it consequently took me a long time to find the pages I needed
  • the various sections/boxes on each page (eg Galaxy/News etc) were hard to distinguish and no longer stood out from each other with their new uniform visual styles (perhaps this is planned to change)
  • this compounded the general feeling of "where is everything?"

I'd like to emphasise the feelings above were first impressions and not actual functional feedback, as I've yet to get stuck into the various data mining/BGS aspects, or look at the various forms or useful query string formats.

To summarise, it felt like the new version made the following points worse for me personally:

> Make the site less overwhelming and easier to navigate.
> Improve the site experience on mobile devices and lower screen resolutions.

I hope this feedback does not offend, I understand the need for progress and updates to the site, and support your efforts.

06 Aug 2022, 10:03pm
Yep, the ship names were mixed-case originally in the journal, but then at some point Frontier changed that long time ago and are all upper-case.

FYI, Frontier changed it again at some later point (I think around Update 11) and now it is possible to enter ship names in mixed case again. Of course it is not visible in the game (unless you set the language to Russian, in which case the game uses mixed-case fonts throughout), and names that were forced to all upper-case stay that way until the player changes them.
06 Aug 2022, 10:14pm
I noticed that new CMDR names are now all upper case, at least if you start the game in Odyssey.
06 Aug 2022, 10:25pm
Yuna SakashiroI noticed that new CMDR names are now all upper case, at least if you start the game in Odyssey.

That indeed seems to be a case... it looks like somebody just hates lower case.

A.CyprusHello Artie

First up: I 200% appreciate all your work and the huge gift you have given us with Inara and can safely say, as many others would agree, that playing Elite effectively without it would be almost impossible.
I hope this feedback does not offend, I understand the need for progress and updates to the site, and support your efforts.


It's a valuable feedback, not offending at all, thanks!

I would like to have a couple of clarifications:
- About the busy menu: was it caused by the amount of items there or that there should be more space between the items (like slightly bigger line height)?
- I am not sure what you mean by show/hide menu feature. There is meant that the top menu was opening although you just wanted to click the main menu category or something else?
- About the section/boxes distinguishion - was it for the desktop resolution (multiple columns) or mobile resolution (one column)?
06 Aug 2022, 10:58pm
Ace McKool
Please bring back the Set As Current Location button when viewing a system page. That was extremely useful to search stuff around any given system without having to copy/paste the system name.

Also please bring back the clock, very useful as well.

Last but not least, a petition long time due: for material trader search please add material type as an additional search filter.

Thanks! o7

Hello, the button will be back. The specific material trader type search noted, thanks for the feedback.

I see the button is already back! Thank you!

And for the record, I'm loving the new look and feel. It does take some getting used to, but so far no complaints.
07 Aug 2022, 5:13am
Hi Artie,

The Avatar Images in in the thargoid war report pages are cut on the edges.


Which makes my avatar read

Last edit: 07 Aug 2022, 5:33am
07 Aug 2022, 8:11am
I am glad to be able to see the requirements for each tier of the awards in the "Awards Progress" section. I don't remember being able to do that in the old version. Thank you!
07 Aug 2022, 8:45am
ArtieAh, it seems that I have slightly misunderstood the question - for the other fleet carriers' bartenders it's currently based on updates of their respective owners. For example The Profanity mentioned was updated quite a long time ago, so the listing may be wrong (it's always good to pay an attention to the update time). This may improve once the EDDN schema for the bartenders will be made and the respective tools feeding the network will send the data, so anybody will be able to update that same as the commodity markets. But until then, it's the way it is.

Ok , then I can make it more so as to Diligently collect data on my sales trips to the Carrier, and so my Explorer rank increase . It holds a play , there's a lot of time lost to travel .
07 Aug 2022, 9:35am
Yuna SakashiroI noticed that new CMDR names are now all upper case, at least if you start the game in Odyssey.

I think this was added with FCs update. Same applies for ships.
07 Aug 2022, 10:18am
I have a QoL suggestion/request if it hasn't been made yet. When you run a search for stations, it would be helpful if the station is a fleet carrier to display its docking status (open/friends only/closed) so we could get a quick summary as to whether we could dock without having to inspect each carrier individually.

New interface has so far been great! Thanks for this fantastic tool.
07 Aug 2022, 11:22am
Hi Artie,

I have found another bug. I am not able to change the order of the ships at the commander fleet page using the touch or pen.


Last edit: 07 Aug 2022, 11:32am

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