Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
04 Aug 2022, 11:45am
Trying now on phone (Iphone 11). Hmm, not good. Very difficult to navigate to squadron discussions and search what is new. All time needed heavy scrolling is bad including menu How I can return to old Inara look? Personally for phone Im big fan of old appearance
04 Aug 2022, 11:46am
Strange, it used to be correct. If I edit it in Inara would it change back on the next fdev import?

Yep, the ship names were mixed-case originally in the journal, but then at some point Frontier changed that long time ago and are all upper-case. To prevent having all imported ship names in upper-case, I am changing these on import. But, if you will edit your ship, the lower/uppercase will stay as you have put it there and won't be overridden by the in-game name until the in-game ship name will change to something else (the name still must match).

Martind ForlonTrying now on phone (Iphone 11). Hmm, not good. Very difficult to navigate to squadron discussions and search what is new. All time needed heavy scrolling is bad including menu How I can return to old Inara look? Personally for phone Im big fan of old appearance

Thanks, I will take a look on the Iphone 11 appearance, what will be possible to do with that. You can turn back to old Inara under "My profile", if needed.
04 Aug 2022, 11:52am
Maybe a font size setting will be a good decision. Takes too long to navigate long private messages on mobile. Imagine a page, full of private messages, which are 20-30 lines long (on a 1920x1080 desktop). Reading and navigating them on mobile became a real pain.
04 Aug 2022, 11:55am

Thank you for the feedback! I would however like to have some clarifications:
- What is your device screen resolution? A screenshot will help to get what you see, too.
- What you mean by "infos"?
- What exactly you mean by navigating? Going through things on the page? Using the menu? Something else? What you would like to have changed and how?

-Resolution is 720 x 1560
- missing information ---> look at picture "missing information". I have no Data or can only read half. Can`t zoom out.
- for example my cmdr infos (shipyard, credit balance, ranks, friend online) were on the old layout on my first cmdr page. With the new one I have to scroll through miles of page.

missing information

ranks new

ranks old

ships new

ships old

So, for me the old Layout works fine.

Last edit: 04 Aug 2022, 12:08pm
04 Aug 2022, 12:24pm
MeowersMaybe a font size setting will be a good decision. Takes too long to navigate long private messages on mobile. Imagine a page, full of private messages, which are 20-30 lines long (on a 1920x1080 desktop). Reading and navigating them on mobile became a real pain.

Will having less posts per page and/or jumping on the newest post on opening help with that problem? (At least jumping to the latest post is I thing that I want to do anyway)

-Resolution is 720 x 1560
- missing information ---> look at picture "missing information". I have no Data or can only read half. Can`t zoom out.
- for example my cmdr infos (shipyard, credit balance, ranks, friend online) were on the old layout on my first cmdr page. With the new one I have to scroll through miles of page.

Thank you for the screenshots, that was very helpful! I have adjusted the medal, ship, etc. sizes right now, so it should occupy less space. I still however need to take a look on those tables - they are apparently not working as intended and are cut off although they shouldn't (looks like a problem with the typically long German words). I will definitely fix that.

Last edit: 04 Aug 2022, 12:43pm
04 Aug 2022, 12:40pm
Where to find my ingame friends on the new Inara?
And do we still have the full list of Squadron fleet?
04 Aug 2022, 2:50pm
Thanks a lot, really a bit better. Just a bit, but better
Maybe the problem is that I belong to those 8% of men with color vision deficiency. I belive I see all colors, but the fact that I'm unable to pass some color tests or have problem with some sites convince me otherwise [img=20x20]/sites/general/js/sce/emoticons/smile.png[/img] For the color you've choosed I have to stare a few seconds on screen to start see the text clearly.

I see, I thought it may be a case. I tested the colors for the common color blindness types and it seemed to be alright. Can you please specify the type you are having (here or into PM), please? I will make tests for this as well and look for the possible adjustments/options.

Thank you. I really don't know the type. As I said, I was sure that I see all colors. I'm facing this problem mainly during medical tests. And my particular type of color deficiency is not very important, since others users may have other types.
If you will have time to add a couple of color themes - it will be more than enough. With your last color ajustment I see the site's text much better, so the problem is no longer that strong.
04 Aug 2022, 4:04pm
I never use the forums here but have to comment on this as I very much prefer the old(current) design. The new design is a clear example of how sites keep falling for the trap of this "popular" mobile/tablet-design trend where every button becomes gigantic and there's pointless whitespace everywhere. It's just going to make the users unnecessarily scroll down that much more on sites like Inara with loads of data to display.

I mean it's fine to have a responsive design for mobile/tablet's small screens with less info but please don't force that on desktop users. But I wonder though, how many people actually use a flipping mobile phone to seriously browse Inara? A decent size tablet I can understand having as a 2nd or 3rd monitor but surely the majority of users are on desktops? Either on a 2nd monitor or alt-tabbing.

NumaI'm sorry to say this Artie, but the new Inara design is terrible. I have unused side space due to the fixed format on a FHD monitor already, but on my home 3840x1600 screen it looks beyond ridiculous. A small narrow band in the middle which is the site, and empty spaces big as the milky way to both sides of it. 4K screen at work is even worse.

Yes, I decided to limit the width to improve scannability and readability of the content (amongst other). It's quite a standard approach across the various websites.

Just because something has become an "industry standard" or is used on many websites doesn't mean it is actually good. Drop-down menus, especially very large ones with sub-categories like in the new design are bad UX practices. We (users) can't see all the available options because by default they are hidden. We can't directly go to one spot and learn/memorize where things are located as well with menus like that. It goes against the very thing you mention, improved scannability and readability. It's technically "one click" to go to a page but in practice we have to move to one spot to hover, scan for the thing we are looking for and them move again to click. This is very slow to use.

I would say 95% of the important pages are under Galaxy, Data and Commander but nobody uses all of it equally. There's just too much but that's why the personalized shortcuts bar is so amazing, it lets everyone customize their most important pages into one favorite menu. But then I see this comment...
Artie What stuff specifically you would like to reach faster, please? Although the shortcuts were useful, I always considered them rather as a crutch than a solution, so I am not very willing to put it back. But I certainly would like to have things have reachable as quick as reasonably possible, so some further improvements can be made.

...and I just don't understand? Why would anyone want to lose a personalized quick menu? I honestly never use the regular main menu at the top, I only use the shortcut bar in combination with the left sidebar. So in that sense I can somewhat understand it being a crutch for the old main menu but it really is the ideal solution to the problem. Losing this personalized menu would IMO be the worst thing in moving to the new Inara. More so because it gets replaced by the dreaded dropdown-menus.

Just as example this is my shortcut bar:
Community goals
My crafting
My missing components
My inventory
Tech broker
My modules
My stored modules
My fleet
My fleet carrier
My credits
My favorites

One other thing I dislike, on the Commander pages you see your CMDR signature on top. That's fine for the main CMDR Overview page but it's there on every sub-page as well, credits, fleet, equipment, crafting-lists, etc etc. Nobody goes to those pages to see their signature so it's just wasted space pushing the essential information down more. On the new design I already have to scroll down way more but this makes it worse. (on old design the signature is just an option in the sidebar).
It also pushes down the breadcrumb-links which should be in the same spot site-wide. This also happens on the Squadron pages btw, I'd suggest putting any CMDR/Squadron header/logo under the breadcrumbs.

I was going to comment on some other whitespace/padding layout issues as well but I see some things have already changed for the better. Like on the Shipyard page I had only 2 ships per row when I first tried the new design but now it's back to 4 ships per row like it is for me on the old design. (on an old 2nd 1280x1024 monitor heh). It's more compactly displayed now and I dislike it much less. Another thing I noticed is the Inventory-'Components by type' page, that's a very nice improvement over the old design!

If the new design can be more compact for desktop users than the mobile/tablet version it might be usable but I still prefer the old design for now. I guess the biggest issue I have with the new design is the drop-down menus and missing shortcuts bar.

Last edit: 04 Aug 2022, 4:21pm
04 Aug 2022, 5:04pm
Where to find my ingame friends on the new Inara?
And do we still have the full list of Squadron fleet?

Either under My profile or Commander page right side. If you mean the full list of squadron fleet like all the ships members are having - it was removed. It was quite useless and almost nobody was using it anyway. The list of fleet carriers is still there, though.

Mkz Thanks a lot, really a bit better. Just a bit, but better
Maybe the problem is that I belong to those 8% of men with color vision deficiency. I belive I see all colors, but the fact that I'm unable to pass some color tests or have problem with some sites convince me otherwise For the color you've choosed I have to stare a few seconds on screen to start see the text clearly.

I was asking primarily to know on what I should take another look with testing, as for the all types it seemed acceptable. But, I will make yet another tweak and I hope it should be alright then.

DaftMavI never use the forums here but have to comment on this as I very much prefer the old(current) design. The new design is a clear example of how sites keep falling for the trap of this "popular" mobile/tablet-design trend where every button becomes gigantic and there's pointless whitespace everywhere. It's just going to make the users unnecessarily scroll down that much more on sites like Inara with loads of data to display.

Thank you for the feedback, I certainly appreciate the work you had with it!

All your feedback was registered, just a note about some points:
About mobile users - it's quite a large number (25%+) while tablet users are in minority (just a couple of percent). Not so small group to ignore. About the shortcuts - actually less than 1% of registered users were using other than default settings, so I see no point why to keep it. In general, I am not doing things because somebody else is doing it, I agree that's stupid, but because I have reasons for it.
04 Aug 2022, 6:12pm
Artie Will having less posts per page and/or jumping on the newest post on opening help with that problem? (At least jumping to the latest post is I thing that I want to do anyway)
Ah, I guess no. There's no problem in scrolling down all the way, just... the text is too big. I'm using an ordinary 6.5'' 1080x2340 Android mobile and... Well. The font is just giant. Same size as on AvalonGG's screenies, and it looks too big to be comfortable. Yeah, I know, not everyone has a sharp sight, but I have one, and I guess it's not only me who wants to make the stuff smaller.
04 Aug 2022, 7:26pm
Artie Will having less posts per page and/or jumping on the newest post on opening help with that problem? (At least jumping to the latest post is I thing that I want to do anyway)

Ah, I guess no. There's no problem in scrolling down all the way, just... the text is too big. I'm using an ordinary 6.5'' 1080x2340 Android mobile and... Well. The font is just giant. Same size as on AvalonGG's screenies, and it looks too big to be comfortable. Yeah, I know, not everyone has a sharp sight, but I have one, and I guess it's not only me who wants to make the stuff smaller.

That's odd, send me a screenshot please (here or into PM), also with a screenshot from Galaxy page for a comparison. I have a similar phone (size, resolution) and everything seems alright regarding the font size. I suspect it may be some bug.
04 Aug 2022, 7:39pm
Artie Will having less posts per page and/or jumping on the newest post on opening help with that problem? (At least jumping to the latest post is I thing that I want to do anyway)

Ah, I guess no. There's no problem in scrolling down all the way, just... the text is too big. I'm using an ordinary 6.5'' 1080x2340 Android mobile and... Well. The font is just giant. Same size as on AvalonGG's screenies, and it looks too big to be comfortable. Yeah, I know, not everyone has a sharp sight, but I have one, and I guess it's not only me who wants to make the stuff smaller.

OK, let's compare some screenies. This is the new Inara on my Nokia 5.3:

For comparison, this is Wikipedia:

Browser is Google Chrome with text scaling at default 100%. Screen size is 6.55 inches, pixel density is 268 ppi. As you can see, Wikipedia's font is larger. In fact most mobile websites seem to have larger fonts than the new Inara. Even Android's own system-wide font at default size isn't smaller than Inara's.

To me this looks like Artie is trying to keep things in line with broadly accepted standards. So if you have a problem with Inara's font on your phone, you should have similar problems with pretty much every other mobile site out there. Do you? If so, then Inara might be the wrong knob to tweak.
04 Aug 2022, 7:41pm
ArtieThat's odd, send me a screenshot please (here or into PM), also with a screenshot from Galaxy page for a comparison. I have a similar phone (size, resolution) and everything seems alright regarding the font size. I suspect it may be some bug.
That's just giant. Reading longer messages is a hell now.

04 Aug 2022, 8:09pm
presbyopia mode? Jiji
04 Aug 2022, 8:16pm
can confirm this

text old

text new

there is so much to scroll now. Before changes I only had to zoom with 2 fingers to make certain points bigger, but had much more Information on my screen.

THX for resizing ships and ranks... ranks are fine, but ships... have a look

Thx you for your hard work Artie, hope my criticism helps you.
It is very difficult for me to find parts that are for "now" interesting for me (for example a special question / post) and then search for the answer and "tab" between to form a proper answer

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