Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
20 Aug 2022, 10:32pm
Tala WrenRequest: It would be kinda nice to have the current, active Community Goal on the front page, since it's usually a big thing people want to know about.

As an aside, I really appreciate you combing through these suggestions, bug reports, and issues; your dedication to this site is certainly not going unnoticed!

I generally want to avoid a duplication of the content between the pages and I was thinking about the placement of the CGs to the front page as it was, but then decided to leave it just in the Galaxy, as people are visiting this page anyway, so it shouldn't be missed.

This was mostly just spurred by the most recent CG, which didn't have a GalNet article associated with it for some reason; I just like knowing at a glance that there's a CG happening, is all, kinda like how the old Inara design had the stripped down info in a box on the landing page. That's what I had in mind, like just the CG name and location, with the rest of the info in the actual spot in Galaxy.
20 Aug 2022, 10:48pm
LukozerSo... anyone know why inara is no longer updating ship loadouts?

Which ship(s) exactly, please? I will take a look...
21 Aug 2022, 12:52am

Thank you, I've found the problem - it was caused by not registering that you have returned from the ship launched fighter to the main ship (it's there to prevent importing loadouts of the other player ships while in multicrew). I am flagging it correctly on fighter destroyed, but forgot about the fighter docked event.
I will fix that as soon as possible.
21 Aug 2022, 6:59am
Artie is it possible integrate a list of the commanders that subscribed your picture gallery (more or less as you can see the list of the commander that give a "Shiny" to a single photo)?

I think would be nice know who are your followers, at least for say "thank you" to them
21 Aug 2022, 12:05pm
Mac4In the galleries, I think (but am not sure) the old Inara would remember what folder you last used to upload your pictures from. If so, that would be handy.

It was not a thing - I want to force people to think about the category they put their image in and not mindlessly use whatever they set last.

I think you misunderstood me. I think the galleries used to remember I take my ED pictures from my folder ...Steam\userdata\...\359320\screenshots . Whereas now it defaults to >This PC >Desktop, and so I have to look it up each time.
21 Aug 2022, 12:13pm
I think you misunderstood me. I think the galleries used to remember I take my ED pictures from my folder ...Steam\userdata\...\359320\screenshots . Whereas now it defaults to >This PC >Desktop, and so I have to look it up each time.

Ah, I did, my apologies. The upload folder is not something I can affect, it's a browser's thing. It usually remembers the last folder where you downloaded stuff to and is using it for uploads, too. But depends on the browser.

Grecale80Artie is it possible integrate a list of the commanders that subscribed your picture gallery (more or less as you can see the list of the commander that give a "Shiny" to a single photo)?

I think would be nice know who are your followers, at least for say "thank you" to them

Possibly yes, I will think about it. Thanks for the suggestion.
21 Aug 2022, 1:40pm
Hey Artie,

I noticed that when I upload an image and add the system name it no longer searches for matches. Not sure if this is intended or not.
Apologies if this was mentioned in prior discussion.
21 Aug 2022, 4:37pm
Hi Artie,

We're having issues editing Squadron documents.

Myself and another commander are trying to edit the same document. On New Inara, the text edit field often doesn't match what's in the document, aka I can't see his edits.
On the Old Inara, the text edit field is showing the document from a while ago, without the new edits, even mine.
I've tried relogging, clearing the cache and forcing a refresh. Going to a new browser seems to only give the latest version once, then it doesn't show the edits.

The other commander is reporting the same problem and he said he's done a few edits already but they keep disappearing.

It's to the point that we can't trust if the document we're editing after we click the Edit button is actually the latest version.
The only way we can reliably collaborate on the document is that I now edit the source on a local copy, add the edits from the other commander and paste it in the edit field.

Thanks for looking into this!

Last edit: 21 Aug 2022, 5:22pm
21 Aug 2022, 5:22pm
Reise LangHey Artie,

I noticed that when I upload an image and add the system name it no longer searches for matches. Not sure if this is intended or not.
Apologies if this was mentioned in prior discussion.

Yes, it's intended, I want to keep it more universal as a location in general. Thanks for the report.

Cluster FoxHi Artie,

We're having issues editing Squadron documents.

Myself and another commander are trying to edit the same document. On New Inara, the text edit field doesn't match what is in the document, aka I can't see his edits.
On the Old Inara, the text edit field is showing the document from a while ago, without the new edits, even mine.
I've tried relogging, clearing the cache and forcing a refresh. Going to a new browser seems to only give the latest version once, then it doesn't show the edits.

The other commander is reporting the same problem and he said he's done a few edits already but they keep disappearing.

It's to the point that we can't trust if the document we're editing after we click the Edit button is actually the latest version.
The only way we can reliably collaborate on the document is that I now edit the source on a local copy, add the edits from the other commander and paste it in the edit field.

Thanks for looking into this!

Yeah, there is a stuff saving the document locally (to prevent possible loss of text in certain situations), which doesn't work very well with the collaborative efforts. I have turned it off, so it should work as expected now.
21 Aug 2022, 10:06pm

Thank you, I've found the problem - it was caused by not registering that you have returned from the ship launched fighter to the main ship (it's there to prevent importing loadouts of the other player ships while in multicrew). I am flagging it correctly on fighter destroyed, but forgot about the fighter docked event.
I will fix that as soon as possible.

Ah, that would explain why it's done it again just now but with a different ship... I was in my SLF earlier in this session as well.
22 Aug 2022, 12:25am
small "bug" report:

The german translation for mercenary rank "deadeye" is on Inara "Scharfschütze". Ingame it is called "Kunstschütze"

thats all, o7
22 Aug 2022, 2:23am
Really enjoying the new version especially in portrait mode 2nd or 3rd screen!! Where are my "missing components" for engineering blue prints list? Still would like cmdr icon to let me know I'm logged-in & current. Miss the update button but I realize you're shooting for real time. All in all VERY happy..Thankx.....
22 Aug 2022, 3:22am
Cpt CrazyglueWhere are my "missing components" for engineering blue prints list?

>Commander >Inventory and Crafting >Missing Components
22 Aug 2022, 1:19pm
1) At this moment in LP 460-60 there is a war AND a civil war. But when u go in DATA->search nereast->misc (nearest star system : BD+17 4808 / nearest war and civil war), u only see the civil war.

2) I looking for war or civil war which concerne an empire minor faction. It should be cool if u can add :
2.1) a filter by allegiance, in DATA->search nereast->misc
2.2) a filter to say if values in "minor faction state" are added with an OR or with an AND, in DATA->search nereast->minor faction

thank u
22 Aug 2022, 5:15pm
The new UI is missing at least one Controlling Faction State in Data > Search Nearest > Star systems: the "None" option, which is a valid faction state.

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