Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
31 Aug 2022, 4:26pm
KiksunatorOh, I hadn't realized there can be multiple states. Don't even know if the game UI can show multiple faction states...

I don't think it can; some salvageable materials favor a given system state, or in the case of several states, they will spawn the associated materials at random. So while you can try to pin those down, it can be a very haphazard and frustrating process, since what you thought you found may not be the dominating factor.
31 Aug 2022, 5:56pm
Oh, I hadn't realized there can be multiple states. Don't even know if the game UI can show multiple faction states...

I still have a suggestion: if the state "None" is selected along with any other state, could it have a special OR handling? For example, if I want to find systems with either "None" or "Boom + Civil liberty" states then the "None" state would be a separate OR condition. Don't know if this would complicate things unnecessarily.

That will be rather confusing. But as mentioned earlier, I have the "OR" switch on the list, so let's see...

Sir JuiceI'm encountering an issue where my data won't import correctly from FDEV.

GAME JOURNAL IMPORT 2022-08-21 Download failed

There was a problem with Frontier's service while requesting the data. Please wait a couple of hours and then try to repeat your request.
[httpCode: 0, fetchCode: 28]

I don't know if this is an Inara issue or an FDEV issue?

It's a problem with Frontier's server refusing to serve the journals for game sessions with heavy relogging, typically. Please try again, I have adjusted your import date, so it should work now.

Martind Forlon
Hello Artie,

one more possible request: Can be please for ships list added some important info columns like for example jump-range?


BL1PIs it posible when searching for commodities to have multiple items searched at once ?

For example I wanted to find a carrier that was selling Guardian Relics and Guardian Tablets and Guardian Orbs but I could only search for one item at a time.
Is there a way to search two or more items at once ?

Hmmm... maybe. I need to check the possible performance implications first and also how to handle the outputs. But noted, as it may be useful...
31 Aug 2022, 6:00pm
Hi Artie,

Thanks for the info. I would really love to see those again, because this would add so much to the atmosphere in Elite and roleplay squadrons.
Also the complex rank system makes no sense without this feature. E.g. Flight Leader, Flight Group Leader when you can't see who they lead.


Yeah, I was thinking about removing those ranks as well, but decided to keep them as even without the rigid structure, squadrons may still want utilize it or they can simply just decide to ignore them completely.

LifesAJourneyHi Artie,

One tiny thing: the carrier's balance is apparently categorized as a fleet detail, not a credit/asset detail and visible even if credit/asset details are set to be hidden.

Yeah, the all fleet carrier details are based on its own privacy settings (but all the public stuff like market, etc. is still visible in the station details) as it seems to be a more clean option. So if you do not want to share any details like credits, budget, jump history, etc., you can set its privacy setting accordingly.

Nullx8it would be really nice to have an additional Loadout feature, (basically just a copy of the existing one).

like we all have our "dream boat" which would be nice to store somewhere, but that may require multiple steps, so the idea is to have a final loadout, where the "dream boat is in" and the current Target loadout, for the next steps to complete,
For an example, some upgrades may require changing items as a whole (like downgrading the powerplant to a smaller size) but that won't be possible prior to volume/mass engineering due to the lack of available power so the "final loadout" would have the smaller powerplant, while the Target loadout still holds the curent/a larger one for the time being or something like that.

That sounds like quite a complication of things, so rather not...
31 Aug 2022, 6:24pm
BL1PIs it possible when searching for commodities to have multiple items searched at once ?

For example I wanted to find a carrier that was selling Guardian Relics and Guardian Tablets and Guardian Orbs but I could only search for one item at a time.
Is there a way to search two or more items at once ?

Hmmm... maybe. I need to check the possible performance implications first and also how to handle the outputs. But noted, as it may be useful...

That would be great! Something similar to when we are searching for the multiple ship equipment.
31 Aug 2022, 6:39pm
ArtieYeah, the all fleet carrier details are based on its own privacy settings (but all the public stuff like market, etc. is still visible in the station details) as it seems to be a more clean option. So if you do not want to share any details like credits, budget, jump history, etc., you can set its privacy setting accordingly.

Oh, I didn't know about addition privacy settings for carriers. Now I know. Thanks!
02 Sep 2022, 1:34pm
the material pages do lack a way to find exchange possibilities.

as example if one needs somethings that can be up or down traded, the detail page doesn't really tell us that this is a possibility.

like currently it says "you have xx / you need xx"
adding something like "you have xx that can be exchanged for xx"
02 Sep 2022, 3:10pm
Searching for multiple commodities at once would be really useful, my use case for that would be if I take a bunch of missions to source/donate some cargo and want to make the least amount of trips to gather all of them. It's mostly simple enough to figure it out based on economies and a "how do get all the cargo for my current missions" button might be too niche and convoluted.
02 Sep 2022, 9:06pm
Nullx8the material pages do lack a way to find exchange possibilities.

as example if one needs somethings that can be up or down traded, the detail page doesn't really tell us that this is a possibility.

like currently it says "you have xx / you need xx"
adding something like "you have xx that can be exchanged for xx"

Exchange possibilities are here:

… although admittedly it’s not obvious if you’re on your Inventory page. Perhaps, in addition to the “View Crafting List” button, a “View Exchange Possibilities” button would help.
03 Sep 2022, 6:37pm
Well, I was experimenting with the multi-commodity search, it's still reasonably fast, but with the current setup (as the outputs, sorting, etc. are primarily made for trading) it's a mess and hard to understand and also a little bit hit and miss with a larger number of commodities (or with very different commodity categories). I suppose its only or at least primary use is for buying stuff for missions, right? I was thinking about some search extra with a simplified output and conditions, which may provide best matches (like if user is searching for 5 different commodities, it will search for stations having all 5 and if none found, having at least 4 of them and so on).
03 Sep 2022, 10:50pm
Sampi Ogonek
Nullx8the material pages do lack a way to find exchange possibilities.

as example if one needs somethings that can be up or down traded, the detail page doesn't really tell us that this is a possibility.

like currently it says "you have xx / you need xx"
adding something like "you have xx that can be exchanged for xx"

Exchange possibilities are here:

… although admittedly it’s not obvious if you’re on your Inventory page. Perhaps, in addition to the “View Crafting List” button, a “View Exchange Possibilities” button would help.

yeah I'm using this page .. and just set the quantity for things I am not actively "working on" to 0 so the list does only reflect what I am currently trying to accomplish,

I know not exactly a "effective way" of doing it, on my end.
03 Sep 2022, 10:58pm
ArtieWell, I was experimenting with the multi-commodity search, it's still reasonably fast, but with the current setup (as the outputs, sorting, etc. are primarily made for trading) it's a mess and hard to understand and also a little bit hit and miss with a larger number of commodities (or with very different commodity categories). I suppose its only or at least primary use is for buying stuff for missions, right? I was thinking about some search extra with a simplified output and conditions, which may provide best matches (like if user is searching for 5 different commodities, it will search for stations having all 5 and if none found, having at least 4 of them and so on).

This sounds good enough to me.
04 Sep 2022, 6:56am
I suggest that when one is looking at the stations in a system there is a way to filter out fleet carriers and/or installations. Right now the filter only allows you to look at one specific thing (carriers, stations, ect) instead of being able to look at multiple things while not seeing stuff you don't want to look through.
04 Sep 2022, 10:56am
Just a notice - I will make an Inara update early next week and during that I will be forced to disable any language with unfinished translations, because some strings may stop to make sense or it will be simply a mess. Namely Spanish, German and possibly also French and Turkish language. There will still be possible to use that language when already set by user, but won't be available in the options in the page footer. As all the translations are a community effort, made for your fellow commanders, it lies on your shoulders - if you are interested in helping with that, please see the respective thread and/or contact me for the details.

ProtoculturejunkieI suggest that when one is looking at the stations in a system there is a way to filter out fleet carriers and/or installations. Right now the filter only allows you to look at one specific thing (carriers, stations, ect) instead of being able to look at multiple things while not seeing stuff you don't want to look through.

Hmmm... maybe (as there are changes how the filters work needed for such thing). I will at least improve the sorting by station type meanwhile, which will help with that a bit.
04 Sep 2022, 3:46pm
Sampi Ogonek Exchange possibilities are here:


yeah I'm using this page .. and just set the quantity for things I am not actively "working on" to 0 so the list does only reflect what I am currently trying to accomplish,

I know not exactly a "effective way" of doing it, on my end.

I am doing the same myself. Right now there does not seem to be any better way …

… which is why I suggested that the missing components page could make a good use of blueprint tags. Keeping fingers crossed that Artie will be able to implement it soon.
04 Sep 2022, 3:50pm
Don't know if anyone else has requested this yet. In the fleet sections, can we have the option to have the orange buttons at the very bottom of the page be near the top instead? Having to scroll all the way down past the entire loadout to get to the buttons to export/compare/update a target loadout is unnecessary. It would also be great to have the option to click on a module in the target loadout and be able to edit it right there rather than having to export to an external site, make the changes and then import here again.

Thank you, the site.

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