Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
22 Aug 2022, 7:11pm
22 Aug 2022, 9:27pm
501 General Venatorsmall "bug" report:

The german translation for mercenary rank "deadeye" is on Inara "Scharfschütze". Ingame it is called "Kunstschütze"

thats all, o7

Thanks, I will adjust that. By the way, aren't you willing to take a look on the German translations in general? There are currently things missing and/or needing a revision due changes in the translations, so any help is welcome...

Cpt CrazyglueReally enjoying the new version especially in portrait mode 2nd or 3rd screen!! Where are my "missing components" for engineering blue prints list? Still would like cmdr icon to let me know I'm logged-in & current. Miss the update button but I realize you're shooting for real time. All in all VERY happy..Thankx.....

All stuff should be found under "Commander" menu, including journal imports, etc.

Fauconv1) At this moment in LP 460-60 there is a war AND a civil war. But when u go in DATA->search nereast->misc (nearest star system : BD+17 4808 / nearest war and civil war), u only see the civil war.

2) I looking for war or civil war which concerne an empire minor faction. It should be cool if u can add :
2.1) a filter by allegiance, in DATA->search nereast->misc
2.2) a filter to say if values in "minor faction state" are added with an OR or with an AND, in DATA->search nereast->minor faction

thank u

It appears there are both conflicts listed in the Misc search. For the minor faction search, please just make two searches (for war and civil war). I will probably add the AND/OR switch there, but meanwhile this is the way for a case like this.

KiksunatorThe new UI is missing at least one Controlling Faction State in Data > Search Nearest > Star systems: the "None" option, which is a valid faction state.

Ah, right, I have removed it by mistake. I will put it back, thank you for mentioning it.

HuboSmall bug: Verified tag will disappear when the CMDR is changed (ex. rank) on squadron roster edit page.

Thanks, I will take a look at that.
22 Aug 2022, 11:51pm
Fauconv1) At this moment in LP 460-60 there is a war AND a civil war. But when u go in DATA->search nereast->misc (nearest star system : BD+17 4808 / nearest war and civil war), u only see the civil war.

You probably don't understand how it works.
All the data on Inara are contributed by the players from the live game. Use E:D Market Connector to help and contribute the fresh data by yourself.
(Always check the updated date and time of the data.)

There is a miss understanding :
In inara when u go in system's information u can see the war AND the civil war. inara has the information. But in the search result page only the civil war appear.

... and of course i already use EDMC

Last edit: 22 Aug 2022, 11:58pm
23 Aug 2022, 7:10am
Fauconv1) At this moment in LP 460-60 there is a war AND a civil war. But when u go in DATA->search nereast->misc (nearest star system : BD+17 4808 / nearest war and civil war), u only see the civil war.

You probably don't understand how it works.
All the data on Inara are contributed by the players from the live game. Use E:D Market Connector to help and contribute the fresh data by yourself.
(Always check the updated date and time of the data.)

There is a miss understanding :
In inara when u go in system's information u can see the war AND the civil war. inara has the information. But in the search result page only the civil war appear.

... and of course i already use EDMC

Sorry, my bad. I have misunderstood you and I have missed the point.
23 Aug 2022, 12:48pm
Jack'lulSmall suggestion:
Link fleet carrier name & registration to "station" profile when details have been hidden by the owner to make it easier to obtain public information about the carrier. (CMDR's profile page)

Thanks, adjusted.

What I meant is, for example, if you open my profile in incognito mode make the carrier's name or registration link to this page: because this is public data anyway
23 Aug 2022, 1:05pm
What I meant is, for example, if you open my profile in incognito mode make the carrier's name or registration link to this page: because this is public data anyway

Yes, the FC location link now leads to such page. I didn't want to have the FC name link to lead there as it may be confusing (some links may lead to the details on CMDR's page for "unrestricted" carriers, some to the station page for the private ones), so I am altering the location link instead as it seems to be a lesser evil. Maybe I will further adjust it with some link like "view station page" or so, to make it more clear.
23 Aug 2022, 2:28pm
What I meant is, for example, if you open my profile in incognito mode make the carrier's name or registration link to this page: because this is public data anyway

Yes, the FC location link now leads to such page. I didn't want to have the FC name link to lead there as it may be confusing (some links may lead to the details on CMDR's page for "unrestricted" carriers, some to the station page for the private ones), so I am altering the location link instead as it seems to be a lesser evil. Maybe I will further adjust it with some link like "view station page" or so, to make it more clear.

Oh right, that makes sense! Thanks!

Perhaps adding some kind of icons there would be a nice touch

Last edit: 23 Aug 2022, 2:38pm
23 Aug 2022, 3:48pm

The bitácoras logbooks, can disappear? I lost one.
23 Aug 2022, 4:08pm

The bitácoras logbooks, can disappear? I lost one.

Please re-check their visibility, you may need to set them as "finished (public)", but depends your intention. Also, there was one removed, probably by mistake, so I have restored it.
23 Aug 2022, 4:11pm

The bitácoras logbooks, can disappear? I lost one.

Please re-check their visibility, you may need to set them as "finished (public)", but depends your intention. Also, there was one removed, probably by mistake, so I have restored it.

Ok, thanks Arti, i not remember if i erase it, i think that not, but i dont Know. The visibility only squadron for bgs questions. Thanks a lot. :-)
23 Aug 2022, 4:27pm
I've been unable to update my commander data since the 21st. The link to Frontier server keeps breaking, but doing it manually has no effect either, putting me in an endless loading screen or spitting out an error message about "partial data" and the last complete upload being 21st. What can I do?
23 Aug 2022, 4:46pm
M. V. CoehoornI've been unable to update my commander data since the 21st. The link to Frontier server keeps breaking, but doing it manually has no effect either, putting me in an endless loading screen or spitting out an error message about "partial data" and the last complete upload being 21st. What can I do?

Please try again, I have adjusted your import date a bit to skip the problematic journals, so it should work now. The problem usually is with frequent in-game relogging as Frontier's server has some trouble with it and refuses to server journals of such sessions. Reducing the relog frequency should help with that. With the partial data error, trying to import a bit later should often help, too (this error may sometimes happen even without relogging).
23 Aug 2022, 7:01pm
It will be nice to be notified about the need of restoring the link with frontier server. Now we have to check it out occasionally.
23 Aug 2022, 7:07pm
Hi Artie,

This has probably been asked for already, but it would be nice to have the number of items in a list displayed at the top of the list.

I've encountered 2 lists so far where the number of items returned from the current search would have been nice to have: My Fleet/Ship List and Personal Equipment.

Ship Modules already does this when fltering in the filter selections but not if no filters are selected and other lists can probably benefit from having this statistic displayed as well.


23 Aug 2022, 10:23pm
M. V. CoehoornI've been unable to update my commander data since the 21st. The link to Frontier server keeps breaking, but doing it manually has no effect either, putting me in an endless loading screen or spitting out an error message about "partial data" and the last complete upload being 21st. What can I do?

Please try again, I have adjusted your import date a bit to skip the problematic journals, so it should work now. The problem usually is with frequent in-game relogging as Frontier's server has some trouble with it and refuses to server journals of such sessions. Reducing the relog frequency should help with that. With the partial data error, trying to import a bit later should often help, too (this error may sometimes happen even without relogging).

Thank you for the quick intervention Does that mean that the last few hundred jumps and few thousand FSS scans I did in the few days will not count towards my trophies though?
I believe my problem might be caused by the epic games issue I read about just now. Didn't see it before, unfortunately. o7

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