Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
23 Aug 2022, 10:24pm
24 Aug 2022, 5:51am
OK @Artie
I kinda get used to the new layout;
and I highly appreciate the new search function!

But there's still one thing I really miss;
the direct list of ingame friends.

I pretty often add some other commanders, joining our squadron, to my friendlist.
But it's much harder now to see, if they have an Inara profile and to send them a friend request here, too.
I honestly wish back that small little feature of ingame friends.

24 Aug 2022, 9:34am
Hi Artie,
Probably the same thing as Sir_Duke’s request but I can’t seem to find a way to send/receive private messages on my Cmdr profile. Am I missing something?

It’s a work-in-progress for me navigating the new Inara but I’m slowly getting used to it.
As always your work on this amazing site is highly appreciated - if somewhat challenging recently

Aha, found it under ‘My Profile’, persistence has been duly rewarded

Last edit: 24 Aug 2022, 9:45am
24 Aug 2022, 12:19pm
My biggest and only real gripe with the new version is that everything is huge and there's lots of "inefficient" spacing IMHO, even in the "shrunken" mode that's been offered. It doesn't address the fact that I'm having to scroll a lot more because everything takes up so much more space. I'm doing a side-by-side of the crafting lists for example and in the older version I could see so much more.

Old Inara

New Inara
24 Aug 2022, 12:36pm
Hi Artie,

Since yestarday I can´t login with one of my account ( I have 3 account , each one linked a one Frontier account ).

So one of them ( with have user login: ronaldo_od ) without the e-mail I can´t login because the new layout haven´t accepted the user without the email part.

Exists other way to to that ?? ( old layout ) or it is a bug / issue ???

If intension is change that ok, but what I can do to change the user login kkkkkk

Fly Safe o7
24 Aug 2022, 12:45pm
Hi Artie,

I have to imagine that this has already been requested, but when searching for really anything (commodities, stations, bodies, etc.), it would be nice to be able to sort by multiple categories (eg. supply and price ascending/descending, system distance and station distance, etc). I have no idea how difficult it would be to code such a feature, or even if it is possible, but this would be a nice addition.

Otherwise, I have no current issues with the new website. To me it looks cleaner, and is easy to use.

Last edit: 24 Aug 2022, 12:50pm
24 Aug 2022, 1:16pm
HuboIt will be nice to be notified about the need of restoring the link with frontier server. Now we have to check it out occasionally.

It's there already. It's just making a couple of retries first before informing user about the problem (red button with the error message), because often it may be just a temporal problem (game server's maintenance, usually recoverable error with partial journal received, etc.).

Nemo LomenHi Artie,

This has probably been asked for already, but it would be nice to have the number of items in a list displayed at the top of the list.

I've encountered 2 lists so far where the number of items returned from the current search would have been nice to have: My Fleet/Ship List and Personal Equipment.

Ship Modules already does this when fltering in the filter selections but not if no filters are selected and other lists can probably benefit from having this statistic displayed as well.



I am not sure that I understand it correctly - you mean the number of ships owned and numbers of weapons/suits owned should be displayed somewhere, right?

M. V. Coehoorn
Thank you for the quick intervention Does that mean that the last few hundred jumps and few thousand FSS scans I did in the few days will not count towards my trophies though?
I believe my problem might be caused by the epic games issue I read about just now. Didn't see it before, unfortunately. o7

It still will, almost all the stats for the medals are taken from the in-game stats (except Thargoid stuff and some values for the Samaritan medal), so it shouldn't hinder your progress.

BL1PHow do you add an image to the title of a Bulletin Board post ?

This is my post, just wondering what im doing wrong

There is no option for that, the images there are the squadron logos for the squadron promotion posts.

Sir-DukeOK @Artie
I kinda get used to the new layout;
and I highly appreciate the new search function!

But there's still one thing I really miss;
the direct list of ingame friends.

I pretty often add some other commanders, joining our squadron, to my friendlist.
But it's much harder now to see, if they have an Inara profile and to send them a friend request here, too.
I honestly wish back that small little feature of ingame friends.


Ah, yes, due to the bigger account-commander separation in the backend, I want to have the Inara friends related to the account and not to the commander. But good point about keeping the general friends overview on Inara/game, I will think about that.
24 Aug 2022, 1:25pm
Silver TafferHi Artie,
Probably the same thing as Sir_Duke’s request but I can’t seem to find a way to send/receive private messages on my Cmdr profile. Am I missing something?

It’s a work-in-progress for me navigating the new Inara but I’m slowly getting used to it.
As always your work on this amazing site is highly appreciated - if somewhat challenging recently

Aha, found it under ‘My Profile’, persistence has been duly rewarded

Yeah, it's now related to the general account, same as with the contacts and account settings.

LosbotMy biggest and only real gripe with the new version is that everything is huge and there's lots of "inefficient" spacing IMHO, even in the "shrunken" mode that's been offered. It doesn't address the fact that I'm having to scroll a lot more because everything takes up so much more space. I'm doing a side-by-side of the crafting lists for example and in the older version I could see so much more.

Well, it was a popular demand to see all the blueprint components there and I needed to put it somewhere. But, you can utilize the custom tags and filters - edit your items there, put any tag or tags you wish and you can filter by it and get the stuff you are interested in more easily. For example, you can set tags for the individual ships there, so you won't need to scroll through the whole list all the time. But I will consider moving the buttons elsewhere to save some space, too. Thanks for the feedback.

SimilarMotionHi Artie,

I have to imagine that this has already been requested, but when searching for really anything (commodities, stations, bodies, etc.), it would be nice to be able to sort by multiple categories (eg. supply and price ascending/descending, system distance and station distance, etc). I have no idea how difficult it would be to code such a feature, or even if it is possible, but this would be a nice addition.

Otherwise, I have no current issues with the new website. To me it looks cleaner, and is easy to use.

Hello, it's probably not mentioned anywhere (which I apparently should do), but you can multi-sort the outputs by shift+click to sort by multiple columns. The main sort parameter is still the one set, but the secondary parameter sort can be made this way.

SimilarMotionHi Artie,

I have to imagine that this has already been requested, but when searching for really anything (commodities, stations, bodies, etc.), it would be nice to be able to sort by multiple categories (eg. supply and price ascending/descending, system distance and station distance, etc). I have no idea how difficult it would be to code such a feature, or even if it is possible, but this would be a nice addition.

Otherwise, I have no current issues with the new website. To me it looks cleaner, and is easy to use.

Hello, I will drop you a PM.

Last edit: 24 Aug 2022, 1:35pm
24 Aug 2022, 3:06pm
Hello, it's probably not mentioned anywhere (which I apparently should do), but you can multi-sort the outputs by shift+click to sort by multiple columns. The main sort parameter is still the one set, but the secondary parameter sort can be made this way.

Ah, lovely. Thanks for the quick response!
24 Aug 2022, 3:15pm
BL1PHow do you add an image to the title of a Bulletin Board post ?

This is my post, just wondering what im doing wrong

There is no option for that, the images there are the squadron logos for the squadron promotion posts.

24 Aug 2022, 6:08pm
Nemo LomenHi Artie,

This has probably been asked for already, but it would be nice to have the number of items in a list displayed at the top of the list.

I've encountered 2 lists so far where the number of items returned from the current search would have been nice to have: My Fleet/Ship List and Personal Equipment.

Ship Modules already does this when fltering in the filter selections but not if no filters are selected and other lists can probably benefit from having this statistic displayed as well.



I am not sure that I understand it correctly - you mean the number of ships owned and numbers of weapons/suits owned should be displayed somewhere, right?

Yes, something like these...

Ship Count

Personal Equipment Counts
24 Aug 2022, 6:27pm
Greetings Artie,
it’s only recently that I’ve had the opportunity to check out the new Inara on my home PC (which is where I normally use the website). Here goes my feedback; it’s going to be a long read

First things first, most pages are broken (a particularly nasty example here) in my currently preferred browser, Seamonkey. However, I do not consider it a big deal; I am well aware that the rendering engine of the current Seamonkey release is very dated, so I probably will have to migrate fully to Firefox, anyway.

The new menu is definitely an improvement, as it makes it easier to find stuff.

While I do have a customised shortcut bar in the old Inara, I do not really miss it; I have not used it often, relying mostly on keeping the interesting tabs open. (Yeah, I’m the kind of geek who keeps several browser windows, most with several tabs, open all the time… )

The slightly increased size of the main font is OK to me (my eyesight is not getting better with age, after all ). The inter-row spacing in tables feels a bit excessive, though. Also, I think 40px is also a bit much for the height of the tab bar (the quickmenu class in the CSS).

A lot of people here have complained about the fixed maximum width, and I think they are right. It should be up to the user to decide how wide they want a website’s contents to be. A user can always make the browser window narrower if it is too wide to scan the text well (see: logbook), but not many users will know how (or be able) to override a fixed maximum width in the CSS.
That said, I’ve got the impression you’re not going to change your mind about that Anyway, the current max-width of 1400px is acceptable for a 1920px-wide screen, although it does cause more text wrapping in some places (e.g. list of ship modules) than I would like.
(FWIW, I figured out how to override the max-width using the Greasemonkey extension. If the wrapping starts to bother me, I will do just that, and maybe add something to reduce the table row spacing, too. )

Speaking of the ship modules list: I would like to have a filter for all engineered modules, regardless of the blueprint. The current “Any blueprint” filter reads like it would be that, but it is not. (Perhaps rename it to “Any blueprint or no blueprint”, and add an actual “Any blueprint” filter? Same about experimental effects.)

I very much appreciate the improvements in the Engineering & Inventory and Crafting sections: blueprint tags, seeing all blueprint components (whether missing or not), the new “Unlock Requirements” tab. However, what would be really great would be an ability to use blueprint tags also in the Missing Components section. Why? Because currently there is no way to distinguish between components that I need now and components I will need at some point. The first is important for knowing what to look for, the second for knowing which components I can get rid of safely (very important for personal equipment due to the pathetically low in-game limits on assets & data).
Oh, and I recall suggesting this already, but for me, it is essential to be able to add unlock requirements to the missing components list. Indeed, that is why I cannot yet fully rely on Inara when managing my data & goods (as there are some engineers I still have not unlocked, but intend to), and have to resort to a hand-crafted spreadsheet. And yes, I am aware that some unlock requirements are messy. (My spreadsheet does handle them quite well, but unlike Inara, it does not have access to my inventory…)
Hm, an idea. Perhaps provide an “extras” feature where users would be able to create their own quasi-blueprints with arbitrary components? That ought to be easier than trying to code in all of the cases, effectively shifting the burden of dealing with all the complications onto the user…

BTW, there is a minor bug in the Crafting List: if I edit a blueprint and create a new tag, or delete a blueprint with a unique tag, the list of tags does not update until the page is refreshed.

The “Awards Progress” section on the “Ranks, awards and reputation” page is very much appreciated — thanks!
However, Firefox does not draw the progress bars correctly — the width is nonzero at 0%:

I have figured out it has to do with the padding-left and padding-right attributes of the div.progressbar span class — if they are both removed, then the progress bar is drawn correctly, but of course then the text also “sticks” to the left margin. Perhaps you need to have a separate <span> for the percentage text (or just add a &nbsp; before and after).

Squadron roster: I am missing the current ship & location columns (for CMDRs that allow the info to be shown).

The one page I am missing in the new Inara is The reason I have been using it is to know whether EDMC has already sent the latest in-game events or not. If it is not too much trouble, I would like that info back

Also, it would be nice to be able to know when the next auto-import of game data is scheduled (the new “Import game data” starts the fetch immediately, unlike the old one which requires a second click while showing the info).

Finally, additional suggestions for commodity search: min. supply/demand ought to be an edit field (like in EDDB) rather than a drop-down list (otherwise people like me will keep asking you to add more values).
Also, I would prefer the additional options to stay opened once opened (perhaps until the page is reloaded).
Also, it would be nice for the column sort to stay unchanged after a new search (also perhaps until the page is reloaded).

All in all, thank you a lot for all the hard work you put into Inara, even if I do not agree with all of your decisions regarding the said website’s design

Last edit: 24 Aug 2022, 6:42pm
24 Aug 2022, 8:10pm
ArtieWell, it was a popular demand to see all the blueprint components there and I needed to put it somewhere. But, you can utilize the custom tags and filters - edit your items there, put any tag or tags you wish and you can filter by it and get the stuff you are interested in more easily. For example, you can set tags for the individual ships there, so you won't need to scroll through the whole list all the time. But I will consider moving the buttons elsewhere to save some space, too. Thanks for the feedback.

I understand and greatly appreciate all of the work your doing, which is why I became a supporter. I get frustrated at times when I have to code for the equipment that I work on so what you're doing is truly appreciated and valued. Anything that you can do to help out as many of us, means that we'll keep coming back here & supporting it, as this site is a valuable resource to many of us. Thanks for listening to our gripes and entertaining our whims.
25 Aug 2022, 5:05am

how do I search in the new layout for the nearest outfitting with a specific module in a specific power-space (LYR)?

In the new layout I only find "power" for the nearest stations search (additional options) but in outfitting I don't have additional options.

Edit: yes, this is not possible in the old too, but on eddb.

Cmdr netchild.

Last edit: 25 Aug 2022, 6:08am
25 Aug 2022, 7:17am
how do I search in the new layout for the nearest outfitting with a specific module in a specific power-space (LYR)?

There is no need for that, just put module or modules there and check "Just discounted" option. It will search in all discounted stations/star systems, not just LYR.

Sampi OgonekGreetings Artie,
it’s only recently that I’ve had the opportunity to check out the new Inara on my home PC (which is where I normally use the website). Here goes my feedback; it’s going to be a long read

All in all, thank you a lot for all the hard work you put into Inara, even if I do not agree with all of your decisions regarding the said website’s design

Thank you for the detailed feedback and bug reports! It's certainly appreciated and I will address some of the stuff mentioned in the next Inara updates.

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