Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
07 Sep 2022, 4:19pm
Thanks, the problem with the jump range was fixed (the values will be updated at the next import again). There is technically impossible to overwrite current ship loadout with the target loadout, are you sure about it? Wasn't it some update made from 3rd party tool via API or so? Screenshots and clarifying which ship it is will help, as it also may be some odd display issue.
07 Sep 2022, 4:30pm
ArtieThanks, the problem with the jump range was fixed (the values will be updated at the next import again). There is technically impossible to overwrite current ship loadout with the target loadout, are you sure about it? Wasn't it some update made from 3rd party tool via API or so? Screenshots and clarifying which ship it is will help, as it also may be some odd display issue.

I'm sure. It does not over-write the current ship, but it does not import a ship configuration from Coriolis or EDSY into the "Target Loadout". It just takes you back to the "current ship" tab after trying to import one. No ship configuration ever loads into the "target loadout". It's broken.

I assume there would be the current ship configuration under "Ship Loadout" and then the one you want to compare to current ship configuration under "Target Loadout", from Coriolis or EDSY?
07 Sep 2022, 4:36pm
Ah, you mean the import process - yes, Coriolis doesn't provide the data in the required format, so it doesn't work (until Coriolis will start to export loadouts in SLEF format). From EDSY currently doesn't work an import via button there (I must solve it with Taleden because he must do some changes on his site to make it work), but if you copy&paste the SLEF export data from there, it will work.
07 Sep 2022, 4:37pm
ArtieAh, you mean the import process - yes, Coriolis doesn't provide the data in the required format, so it doesn't work. From EDSY currently doesn't work an import via button on EDSY (I must solve it with Taleden because he must do some changes about it), but if you copy&paste the SLEF export data from there, it will work.

Yes. The problem seems to be the import in JSON format and not SLEF format. I tried to import a JSON, but that failed.

Now, all my ships have "-" for both jump range and cargo capacity. No values for these are imported.
07 Sep 2022, 6:24pm
I might be missing this option, but how can we disable Auto-Updates?
07 Sep 2022, 8:20pm
Cluster FoxI might be missing this option, but how can we disable Auto-Updates?

I was wondering the same thing! I had been switching back to the old site just for that toggle switch.
08 Sep 2022, 10:29am
Now, all my ships have "-" for both jump range and cargo capacity. No values for these are imported.

Yep, it will be updated at the next ship loadout update (as it's taken from that journal event, it's triggered on swapping ships, game session start, etc.).

Cluster FoxI might be missing this option, but how can we disable Auto-Updates?

DarwinI was wondering the same thing! I had been switching back to the old site just for that toggle switch.

It's not available, as I believe it's not needed? It was there initially to prevent possible problems with Inara API updates collisions in the early days of implementation, but it should be now safe to run both at once, so there is no reason for it.
08 Sep 2022, 6:35pm
Hi Artie
Where has german language gone? No more selection at the bottom of the page.
Switch to old Inara, set german and switch back to new is working :-)

AND GPL is missing the "participate" button in Mission board.
I know you think nobody used it. But we did, and now its gone :-(

Thanks for all the work you invest into Inara.
08 Sep 2022, 6:44pm

It's not available, as I believe it's not needed? It was there initially to prevent possible problems with Inara API updates collisions in the early days of implementation, but it should be now safe to run both at once, so there is no reason for it.

I'm sorry but I think it is needed. Otherwise please give us the option not to have auto-updates, while being able to do manual one-time updates.

I use updates punctually and turn them off right away. The reason is that I don't want to give my API consent for a set period of time. I actually don't want Inara to go dig into my Frontier journal files every 24h to update systems and stations all the time. However I'm OK for Inara to do it once when I want it to.
08 Sep 2022, 7:03pm
I agree with Progenitor Robbie Farley here,

There are times I don't want Inara to go grab system info from my journal files. Same reason there are times I have EDDN off.

Biggest reason is that freshly updated systems tend to attract attention and traffic, random or not.

Thanks again for the time Artie!

Last edit: 08 Sep 2022, 7:37pm
08 Sep 2022, 7:06pm
Floyd 09Hi Artie
Where has german language gone? No more selection at the bottom of the page.
Switch to old Inara, set german and switch back to new is working :-)

AND GPL is missing the "participate" button in Mission board.
I know you think nobody used it. But we did, and now its gone :-(

Thanks for all the work you invest into Inara.

Hello, yes, as announced a couple of days ago, until some languages (German language included) will be fully translated for the latest additions and some existing strings fixed, it won't be available for selection (because some strings are simply wrong due that). There is possible to still use it, but it won't be publicly offered until the translations will be fixed.

The participation button as removed exactly for the reason you mentioned - almost nobody was using it.

Progenitor Robbie Farley
I'm sorry but I think it is needed. Otherwise please give us the option not to have auto-updates, while being able to do manual one-time updates.

I use updates punctually and turn them off right away. The reason is that I don't want to give my API consent for a set period of time. I actually don't want Inara to go dig into my Frontier journal files every 24h to update systems and stations all the time. However I'm OK for Inara to do it once when I want it to.

Would you like to explain why you do not want to give the consent for that? Only thing that comes to my mind is that you may be afraid some market data of nice trade routes will be exposed, but it has no effect on it (there are no market data in the journal). As the general star system/station information is coming from other players anyway, I don't think it's the reason, too?

Cluster FoxI agree with Progenitor Robbie Farley here,
There are times I don't want Inara to go grab system info from my journal files. Same reason there are times I have EDSM off.
Biggest reason is that freshly updated systems tend to attract attention and traffic, random or not.
Thanks again for the time Artie!

Well, the "freshly" updated is due the auto-update nature anything within the 24-hours range, that isn't exactly fresh. Also, why such star systems should attract an attention (especially as there is no list of what systems were updated recently)?

Last edit: 08 Sep 2022, 7:17pm
08 Sep 2022, 7:35pm
Believe me they do for multiple reasons, but good to know about market info, up to date prices attract even more traffic...

Looking at neighbouring systems you can see which ones had activity lately. For faction intel, sometimes you want to check it out.
Influence shifts attract traffic, faction states attract traffic, signs of life attract traffic. Sometimes we don't want to attract traffic.

I also run BGS tests once in a while in backwater regions. I swear if I leave EDMC on or Inara auto-updates, some tourist or recon ship is going to fly-by, show up on the traffic panel and invalidate results.

Such is the nature of the beast I guess.
09 Sep 2022, 5:06pm
BrainjaxHi, is it possible to auto generate crafting list items from the loadout comparison page of your hanger?

Inara knows the outfitting of my ship now and I provide it a target loadout. Is there an option to have inara generate crafting list items in order to reach the target loadout from my current build?

Wondering if this is still in the works?
09 Sep 2022, 8:51pm
Cluster FoxBelieve me they do for multiple reasons, but good to know about market info, up to date prices attract even more traffic...

Looking at neighbouring systems you can see which ones had activity lately. For faction intel, sometimes you want to check it out.
Influence shifts attract traffic, faction states attract traffic, signs of life attract traffic. Sometimes we don't want to attract traffic.

I also run BGS tests once in a while in backwater regions. I swear if I leave EDMC on or Inara auto-updates, some tourist or recon ship is going to fly-by, show up on the traffic panel and invalidate results.

Such is the nature of the beast I guess.

Well, as all the data are crowdsourced, I am not entirely fan of deliberately withdrawing the information that can be also seen on in-game galaxy map. Imagine a situation everybody is disabling their tools sending data over EDDN, etc. - it will quite hamper the usability of 3rd party tools. The BGS testing purposes are a valid reason, though - as I assume those are rather limited and not happening often, for such thing please simply unlink the account temporarily.

Wondering if this is still in the works?

Not in the active development at the moment, but still on the list. There is simply a ton of other things I would like to finish first.
09 Sep 2022, 10:44pm
Hello Artie, firstly thanks for all the work you do for us. Secondly, can you help me? LOL I know I just checked a few of the 'top 10 things people say to me' list, but they're both equally true.

I am unable to fully properly sync with fdev and import information. Now, that's not to say I have actually seen any discrepancies - in fact, my flight log (which i use while hoping from station to station within a system on the hunt for tier 3 engineered equipment) seems to be updated like, within a few seconds at most. The real problem here is the giant red icon that says there's an issue with my auto-update, but then again i havn't scoured every corner so maybe all modern daily logs are fine but its having an issue syncing old data or something.

I tried to look around for a solution to this problem, including 'turning it off and back on again' so to speak by revoking authorization to inara through fdev site, then relinked yet still had the sync issue; no success.

Any insight into how to solve this issue would be gladly welcomed! Thanks again

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