Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
28 Aug 2022, 11:38am
KiksunatorNot sure if this has been reported yet, but the engineers "Find nearest material trader" buttons are broken. They don't search for stations with material traders but any and all stations instead.

Thank you, fixed.

Thanks. How about that "None" controlling faction state in Search nearest > Star systems? Seems to be missing as I'm writing this, still.
28 Aug 2022, 12:19pm
Nullx8i have a suggestion: when one have a Loadout target, on the comparison page, it would be nice to remove the things that do already match, since they are not relevant to the comparison anyway, and this would make the compare tab some sort of "shopping list" as you only see the things that are missing or need to be worked on (eg, buy stuff or engineering not completed)

Artie I would like to add an option to put the differing modules into the crafting list via some button, so I guess it will be solved by it.

well sort of, unless that includes a shopping list
some items are not "essential" to operate, but "good to have" and when I have nothing better to do I do go around to get those things done, some are just a simple purchase in outfitting while other require some engineering grind.

if that would be all on the same page, that would be epic actually, like
you need this and that to get that blueprint working .. but you also need to buy this and that ... somethings like that.
28 Aug 2022, 1:45pm
Thanks. How about that "None" controlling faction state in Search nearest > Star systems? Seems to be missing as I'm writing this, still.

It's there already?

well sort of, unless that includes a shopping list
some items are not "essential" to operate, but "good to have" and when I have nothing better to do I do go around to get those things done, some are just a simple purchase in outfitting while other require some engineering grind.

if that would be all on the same page, that would be epic actually, like
you need this and that to get that blueprint working .. but you also need to buy this and that ... somethings like that.

The crafting list is basically the "shopping list" and you can further adjust it via custom tags, so you can put there tags like the mentioned "essential", "good to have", etc. and filter by it. So it will be just about an easy option to add a differing module into the crafting list without a need to enter all the parameters manually.
28 Aug 2022, 5:04pm
Thanks. How about that "None" controlling faction state in Search nearest > Star systems? Seems to be missing as I'm writing this, still.

It's there already?

Ah shoot, so it is, my bad!
29 Aug 2022, 9:06pm
2Artie: would be possible to add images for personal equipment? Ships have nice hangar with visuals, so maybe there can be added something for suits too.
29 Aug 2022, 11:35pm
INARA states incorrect federation rank (incorrect by 6 ranks) i wish i had the rank it stated....
30 Aug 2022, 5:09pm
Hmm, one more question about the "Controlling faction state" field and its behavior Artie: if it's a multiselect field and a faction can only have one state, shouldn't the search see the selected states as OR and not AND statements?

Example: if I select "None" and "Boom" states, I get no results since there aren't any factions with multiple states and the states I selected are clearly being searched as:
  • factions that have states "None" AND "Boom"
instead of:
  • factions that have states "None" OR "Boom"

Don't know if there's some technical limitation as to why the UI and actual search don't really match, but I'd imagine it's down to some query tweaking?
30 Aug 2022, 5:40pm
Karina Forlon2Artie: would be possible to add images for personal equipment? Ships have nice hangar with visuals, so maybe there can be added something for suits too.

Possibly. I have it on the list already, so I may a take a look on that later on.

The-RogueINARA states incorrect federation rank (incorrect by 6 ranks) i wish i had the rank it stated....

Looks like a problem with the ranking events being written into journal twice on promotion, once with a correct rank, once with the wrong rank. If I recall correctly, it's a problem of the Horizons game version, which should be hopefully solved with the 4.0 game update. For now please just remove the achievement log entry, the rank itself should get correct at the next game session start (and its import).

KiksunatorHmm, one more question about the "Controlling faction state" field and its behavior Artie: if it's a multiselect field and a faction can only have one state, shouldn't the search see the selected states as OR and not AND statements?

Example: if I select "None" and "Boom" states, I get no results since there aren't any factions with multiple states and the states I selected are clearly being searched as:
  • factions that have states "None" AND "Boom"
instead of:
  • factions that have states "None" OR "Boom"

Don't know if there's some technical limitation as to why the UI and actual search don't really match, but I'd imagine it's down to some query tweaking?

There can be multiple states per faction, for example Civil liberty + Boom + Public holiday, thus the condition is made as AND. For that reason, None + Boom will not work, because it's contradicting each other (the faction cannot have no state and some state at once). It's made as AND because for OR condition an user can do multiple searches with different states to get the desired results, but not for AND.
30 Aug 2022, 6:04pm
ArtieThere can be multiple states per faction, for example Civil liberty + Boom + Public holiday, thus the condition is made as AND. For that reason, None + Boom will not work, because it's contradicting each other (the faction cannot have no state and some state at once). It's made as AND because for OR condition an user can do multiple searches with different states to get the desired results, but not for AND.

Oh, I hadn't realized there can be multiple states. Don't even know if the game UI can show multiple faction states...

I still have a suggestion: if the state "None" is selected along with any other state, could it have a special OR handling? For example, if I want to find systems with either "None" or "Boom + Civil liberty" states then the "None" state would be a separate OR condition. Don't know if this would complicate things unnecessarily.
31 Aug 2022, 2:35am
I'm encountering an issue where my data won't import correctly from FDEV.

GAME JOURNAL IMPORT 2022-08-21 Download failed

There was a problem with Frontier's service while requesting the data. Please wait a couple of hours and then try to repeat your request.
[httpCode: 0, fetchCode: 28]

I don't know if this is an Inara issue or an FDEV issue?
31 Aug 2022, 9:52am
Karina Forlon2Artie: would be possible to add images for personal equipment? Ships have nice hangar with visuals, so maybe there can be added something for suits too.

Possibly. I have it on the list already, so I may a take a look on that later on.


Hello Artie,

one more possible request: Can be please for ships list added some important info columns like for example jump-range?

Last edit: 31 Aug 2022, 12:03pm
31 Aug 2022, 10:52am
Is it posible when searching for commodities to have multiple items searched at once ?

For example I wanted to find a carrier that was selling Guardian Relics and Guardian Tablets and Guardian Orbs but I could only search for one item at a time.
Is there a way to search two or more items at once ?
31 Aug 2022, 11:02am
SyraelHey all,

Sorry to ask but how can I organize my squadron now?
Where are the flight groups and all that?


Those are not present anymore, as almost nobody was using it and it just complicated things.

Hi Artie,

Thanks for the info. I would really love to see those again, because this would add so much to the atmosphere in Elite and roleplay squadrons.
Also the complex rank system makes no sense without this feature. E.g. Flight Leader, Flight Group Leader when you can't see who they lead.

31 Aug 2022, 11:58am
Hi Artie,

One tiny thing: the carrier's balance is apparently categorized as a fleet detail, not a credit/asset detail and visible even if credit/asset details are set to be hidden.
31 Aug 2022, 12:17pm
it would be really nice to have an additional Loadout feature, (basically just a copy of the existing one).

like we all have our "dream boat" which would be nice to store somewhere, but that may require multiple steps, so the idea is to have a final loadout, where the "dream boat is in" and the current Target loadout, for the next steps to complete,
For an example, some upgrades may require changing items as a whole (like downgrading the powerplant to a smaller size) but that won't be possible prior to volume/mass engineering due to the lack of available power so the "final loadout" would have the smaller powerplant, while the Target loadout still holds the curent/a larger one for the time being or something like that.

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