Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
01 Sep 2015, 4:09pm
"can do almost everything"

what that "almost" mean? except what finaly?

you can change it like : "can do everything, except blablablabla..."

just another detail, the "Post a reply" (when it is on the top) pass above the banner

P.S: Cool job! your new background is adopted haha

Last edit: 01 Sep 2015, 4:26pm
01 Sep 2015, 4:41pm
Sarren: Thanks, it's pretty far star, no surprise it was not in the database.

Lien_leposh: I am afraid that I cannot help you too much with it. There is some price history stored, but very limited, without exact dates (and no supply/demand records) and calculated for price reliability. I expect it is a stuff you will need. Anything other is publicly visible there.

Laynor: Ah, fixed/clarified both.
01 Sep 2015, 6:12pm
I notice that the LOGO in INARA/MOBIUS are bigger than our wing's logo.
is it possible to have it at the same size than other ?
01 Sep 2015, 6:38pm
Laynor: It depends in the logo side aspect, it tries to fill whole space as much as possible. So for example square emblem will fit space better than wide thin logos (which otherwise will be below the signature text when fitted to height).
02 Sep 2015, 4:52am
Artie can you make the number of pilots per flight scale-able to a large number like 100 or infinite perhaps using something like a repeating table?  Currently we are only allowed 7 members, but we we have a large number of pilots who would like to join the flights and we would have to create dozens of flights to accommodate everyone.

Also we have a large amount for Squadron and flight leaders; is it possible that Squadron Leaders and Flight leaders be assigned to flights as regular pilots without loss of their rank? We also like to have some of the squadron leaders fill Flight leader positions without demotion

I have a squadron leader who would like to lead a flight, but with the current structure they are unable to be assigned.

Are Commanders able to add themselves to flights or must they be assigned?  

Last edit: 02 Sep 2015, 9:18am
02 Sep 2015, 9:35am
Veyder: Unfortunately, I wont' increase members per flight from two reasons:
- I have other plans with it and it needs more or less unified structure of flights and squadrons between different wings. That's also why are current limits for flights/squadron leaders set. There should be adequate count of these roles and if there is more of them that needed, there is a question why to give these managing roles to so much people. But that's choice of every wing, of course.
- it will break whole idea of TOO&E, army-like structure. Maximum size of flight (8 commanders) shouldn't be higher that squadron minimal size (9 commanders)

There is no reason to have 100 commanders in one flight, it will loose it's sense. Flight should be taken like small groups of friends, knowing each other, playing often together. Squadrons then may be larger "thematic" groups of these flights, which are connecting (for example) combat oriented players, traders, explorers, etc. I am not sure if it will be better to add option for having "backup" Squadron leader to Squadrons, or allowing Squadron leaders to form regular Flight (which looks weird). I will think about it...

Flights can be created and managed only by Flight leaders (just their own flight) and Squadron leaders, but regular pilots may leave the flight. Squadrons can be created and managed just by Squadron leaders (just their own squadron). Both can be made by  (deputy) Wing commander too, for any flight/squadron, of course.

Last edit: 02 Sep 2015, 9:50am
02 Sep 2015, 10:23am
ArtieVeyder: Unfortunately, I wont' increase members per flight from two reasons:
- I have other plans with it and it needs more or less unified structure of flights and squadrons between different wings. That's also why are current limits for flights/squadron leaders set. There should be adequate count of these roles and if there is more of them that needed, there is a question why to give these managing roles to so much people. But that's choice of every wing, of course.
- it will break whole idea of TOO&E, army-like structure. Maximum size of flight (8 commanders) shouldn't be higher that squadron minimal size (9 commanders)

There is no reason to have 100 commanders in one flight, it will loose it's sense. Flight should be taken like small groups of friends, knowing each other, playing often together. Squadrons then may be larger "thematic" groups of these flights, which are connecting (for example) combat oriented players, traders, explorers, etc. I am not sure if it will be better to add option for having "backup" Squadron leader to Squadrons, or allowing Squadron leaders to form regular Flight (which looks weird). I will think about it...

Flights can be created and managed only by Flight leaders (just their own flight) and Squadron leaders, but regular pilots may leave the flight. Squadrons can be created and managed just by Squadron leaders (just their own squadron). Both can be made by (deputy) Wing commander too, for any flight/squadron, of course.

Not arguing... but regarding real military structure 7 persons per flight is very restrictive especially to Groups with large numbers... We would love to utilize your structure however our goal is to have 1000 commanders... imagine us having to create 140+ groups to accommodate everyone instead of 10 of groups of 100 cmdrs

I urge you to alter the structure to be more in line with real world organizations like the USAF and RAF


A Squadron is considered to be the basic unit in the USAF. Squadrons are usually made up of several flights (typically four), a few hundred people, and eight to 24 aircraft.


A Flight is the smallest official capacity in the Air Force and usually ranges from a dozen people to over a hundred, or typically four aircraft. The typical flight commander is a Captain with the flight NCOIC or "flight chief" typically being a Master Sergeant. Letter designations can be used, such as Alpha Flight, Bravo Flight, etc.


Although not officially recognized, an Element is well known to be the smallest unit in the Air Force. Typically, a flight is broken up into 3-4 evenly distributed elements. The typical element leader is a Technical Sergeant.

RAF Structure


A flying squadron is an aircraft unit which carries out the primary tasks of the RAF. RAF squadrons are somewhat analogous to the regiments of the British Army in that they have histories and traditions going back to their formation, regardless of where they are based, which aircraft they are operating, etc. They can be awarded standards and battle honours for meritorious service. Whilst every squadron is different, most flying squadrons are commanded by a wing commander and, for a fast-jet squadron, have an establishment of around 100 personnel and 12 aircraft.

The term squadron can be used to refer to a sub-unit of an administrative wing or small RAF station, e.g., Air Traffic Control Squadron, Personnel Management Squadron etc. There are also Ground Support Squadrons, e.g., No 2 (Mechanical Transport) Squadron which is located at RAF Wittering. Administrative squadrons are normally commanded by a squadron leader.


A flight is a sub-division of a squadron. Flying squadrons are often divided into two flights, e.g., "A" and "B", each under the command of a squadron leader. Administrative squadrons on a station are also divided into flights and these flights are commanded by a junior officer, often a flight lieutenant. Because of their small size, there are several flying units formed as flights rather than squadrons. For example No. 1435 Flight is based at RAF Mount Pleasant in the Falkland Islands, maintaining air defence cover with four Eurofighter Typhoon aircraft.
02 Sep 2015, 10:41am
Can flights be made entirely optional for Squadrons? I was thinking of setting up two Squadrons in our group, one for PC/MAC players and one for XBOX players and slotting our members into the appropriate groups for that. It's what we've been doing on our official web site with our members, would be nice to replicate that effort here if possible.

We obviously don't need flight for that. Just being able to put pilots into one squadron or another would do. Is that a possibility? Or is there a better way?
02 Sep 2015, 10:48am
Yes, I was rather counting aircrafts for flights (4 in RAF and USAF) than living personnel, as each commander there is flying their own machine and not doing purely service or administrative work, so that's why flights there are having 3-8 members. I have no fear about increased and time exhaustive "administrative work" due this - wings are growing continuously and there is usually no huge member count increase in short time, so flights can be added continually with no pain. Also, each Flight leader can create flight on their own, so there is no need to be made just by higher ranks. However, number of flights in squadrons (currently 3-6) may be increased when needed.

As another benefit of this structure I see dedicated managing of members. For example, I can imagine that Flight leaders will manage their flights and will keep an eye if "their" members are still playing the game (I will add some indicators there) and manage their flights accordingly. Also, Squadron leaders may manage just their squadrons and flights in it. In the end it will save the work for higher ranks than without this structure. There are dedicated roles and it helps to handle larger count of wing members rather than without any structure or structures with large member count.

For example: Squadron leader will notice that members of some flight are not playing for long time. Then he can remove or disband whole flight (if the whole flight is inactive), in edge case kick out the members or poke assigned Flight leader to do something with it (if he is active and doesn't noticed it earlier). And (deputy) Wing commanders must do.... nothing, it will keep his hands empty for any other activities.
02 Sep 2015, 10:53am
Zatzai: Flights are the basic "building" elements and I have additional plans with it, so it's rather requirement (also from reasons mentioned above). But, you can establish flights purely from PC/Mac and Xbox players and form them into squadrons. There is no big deal with it, just Flight leaders are required (and as they are having very limited set of rights, it should not eventually cause any harm to your wing here).
02 Sep 2015, 10:58am
How about 24 members per flight? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease with a cherry on top!

Last edit: 02 Sep 2015, 11:03am
02 Sep 2015, 11:10am
;) Well.... I can increase the count from current 3-8 to 4-12, so 50% increase, it may be acceptable compromise.

And additional examples how flights may be used: I can imagine dedicated flights within any squadron that acts mainly as refueling and repair service for their squadron (especially for exploring oriented squadrons). I can imagine dedicated scout flight for combat oriented squadron which will be actively looking for conflict zones. Another dedicated flights for PvP actions, etc. It will also may have benefit for wing members. For example when they are struck in space without fuel - they will know which commanders may help them out and similar...

Last edit: 02 Sep 2015, 11:16am
02 Sep 2015, 11:45am

I think you should seperate the wing's management and the rank.
We probably all want to
Put some squadron leader without let them edit post or accept/deny new players or else
02 Sep 2015, 2:15pm
Are the number of flights and squadrons proportional to the number of members in a group?
02 Sep 2015, 2:18pm
Laynor: Yep, it may be handy. I will probably separate this with additional discussion thread settings.

Veyder: Both are unlimited, as far as there can be members/leaders assigned, there is no additional restriction. So, they are somehow proportional to number of members, but just by it's principle, no hard limits applied.

note:  I just increased max. number of flights in squadron to 8, which will be probably better.

Last edit: 02 Sep 2015, 2:23pm

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