Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
17 Aug 2022, 11:09pm
This may be a weird request, but is it possible to have fleet folders to add organization?

Multiple roles

Additionally, possible sort feature for fleet? Sort by (small,medium,large),(ship manufacturer), etc

I constantly run into issues when looking at my fleet trying to find the one ship to look at it's details.
18 Aug 2022, 5:33am
EmpyriusThis may be a weird request, but is it possible to have fleet folders to add organization?

Multiple roles

Additionally, possible sort feature for fleet? Sort by (small,medium,large),(ship manufacturer), etc

I constantly run into issues when looking at my fleet trying to find the one ship to look at it's details.

I know this sounds weird, but better than folders, Tags.
18 Aug 2022, 8:08am
Artie, I cannot find my bookmarked stations and megaships in new UI. Any hints?
18 Aug 2022, 8:35am
18 Aug 2022, 9:44am
18 Aug 2022, 10:23am
EmpyriusThis may be a weird request, but is it possible to have fleet folders to add organization?

Additionally, possible sort feature for fleet? Sort by (small,medium,large),(ship manufacturer), etc

I constantly run into issues when looking at my fleet trying to find the one ship to look at it's details.

I know this sounds weird, but better than folders, Tags.

There is a sort in the ship list table and you can also filter by the ship role there. Also, the main fleet view can be re-ordered as you wish (drag&drop via small icon in the bottom right corner of each ship card), so you can put your preferred ships to the top, for example.

EpisparhArtie, I cannot find my bookmarked stations and megaships in new UI. Any hints?

Also, those are below the search input on the station, star system, etc. searches and as quick links on the respective station, star system, etc. detail pages.
18 Aug 2022, 11:26am
I found a small visual bug. On the squadron join request page, the player's "Verified" badge is missing the blue background.
18 Aug 2022, 1:15pm
I have some QoL feature requests.

It will be nice to be able to add equipment to the crafting list by clicking on some button next to the commander's equipment.

Crafting grade should be a dropdown list (1-5) instead of edit field.

Last edit: 18 Aug 2022, 1:28pm
18 Aug 2022, 1:35pm

for the trade routs, would it be possible to get longer routs currently its 2 stations back and forth even if the distance is set to 80, why not a setting for making a loop or a long trek where you can set the distance of the loop/trek and your jump range, similar to but i believe that y'all can do better (theirs gets wonky under a 40Ly jump range)
18 Aug 2022, 1:50pm
Is there a way to search for stations where you're mostly friendly with local factions?
18 Aug 2022, 2:38pm
I appreciate your work in creating this new format Inara but it isn't working for me at all. I prefer to use the old style, however day before yesterday my link brought me straight here and after logging in it is my only option.

Is it possible for me to return and only view the previous and how would I achieve this? Someone please PM me, even finding the Discussion Headings is a chore now.

Best Regards,

Old man having change issues. (Long live Horizons.)
18 Aug 2022, 4:20pm
Request: It would be kinda nice to have the current, active Community Goal on the front page, since it's usually a big thing people want to know about.

As an aside, I really appreciate you combing through these suggestions, bug reports, and issues; your dedication to this site is certainly not going unnoticed!
18 Aug 2022, 7:07pm

Greybeard SeawolfA minor niggle, on the Hanger/Fleet I have repeatedly entered and saved my ship names in all caps as they are in game but the Fleet page randomly reassigns the names to lower case over time. I re-did them and saved all of them yesterday and today my FC and one of the ships has reverted to lower case

For the fleet carrier, yes, it may change the name if it was all uppercase (I do not want to have station/FC names in the listings "shouty"). For the ships it should keep the format, unless the ship name changes.

I just updated and all 22 of my ships and my carrier have reverted to lower case. I have checked in-game and the ships are all named in uppercase
18 Aug 2022, 9:07pm
Greybeard Seawolf
I just updated and all 22 of my ships and my carrier have reverted to lower case. I have checked in-game and the ships are all named in uppercase

You are right, there indeed is/was a problem, sometimes renaming the ships although it shouldn't. I will deploy a fix for that tomorrow, my apologies for the complications.

Tala WrenRequest: It would be kinda nice to have the current, active Community Goal on the front page, since it's usually a big thing people want to know about.

As an aside, I really appreciate you combing through these suggestions, bug reports, and issues; your dedication to this site is certainly not going unnoticed!

I generally want to avoid a duplication of the content between the pages and I was thinking about the placement of the CGs to the front page as it was, but then decided to leave it just in the Galaxy, as people are visiting this page anyway, so it shouldn't be missed.

Kirky007I appreciate your work in creating this new format Inara but it isn't working for me at all. I prefer to use the old style, however day before yesterday my link brought me straight here and after logging in it is my only option.

Is it possible for me to return and only view the previous and how would I achieve this? Someone please PM me, even finding the Discussion Headings is a chore now.

Best Regards,

Old man having change issues. (Long live Horizons.)

There is possible to switch to the old Inara under "My profile". The old version will not stay here forever through, so the sooner you get used to the new version, the better.

Jack'lulIs there a way to search for stations where you're mostly friendly with local factions?

Not at the moment, but interesting idea. I suppose you want that for the missions, right?


for the trade routs, would it be possible to get longer routs currently its 2 stations back and forth even if the distance is set to 80, why not a setting for making a loop or a long trek where you can set the distance of the loop/trek and your jump range, similar to but i believe that y'all can do better (theirs gets wonky under a 40Ly jump range)

I am not entirely sure about it, to be honest. I was doing some tests earlier and although it may rarely provide some interesting results, the simple A-B roundtrips are in general a safe bet on the profits. Also, it has much lower performance costs on the server, as everything best trade route related isn't exactly cheap to calculate.

HuboI found a small visual bug. On the squadron join request page, the player's "Verified" badge is missing the blue background.
I have some QoL feature requests.

It will be nice to be able to add equipment to the crafting list by clicking on some button next to the commander's equipment.

Crafting grade should be a dropdown list (1-5) instead of edit field.

Thanks, I will fix that. I may take a look on the equipment together with the shipmodules-to-craftinglist. The edit fields are here by purpose, as often you may not want to upgrade from 1 to 5, but for example from 3 to 5, because you bought the gear from the vendor. And also, you may not always want to upgrade to 5 at given moment, for various reasons, thus it's kept flexible.
19 Aug 2022, 5:15am
Jack'lulIs there a way to search for stations where you're mostly friendly with local factions?

Not at the moment, but interesting idea. I suppose you want that for the missions, right?

I also been thinking about something like "mission bubbles" where there are only few populated systems within a certain distance that guarantee that you will be getting mission to only those and between them.

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