Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
05 Sep 2022, 9:40am
Hi all.

I've not logged into this site for some time and obviously noticed that everything has changed. I've done a quick search and can't find the answer so please excuse me if this question has been asked and answered a million times before.

I presume that this new layout is a work in progress and not yet completed. Is there a task list or release notes anywhere, in particular I am looking for what was the Squadron Organization page where you could put Commanders into Flights.

Many thanks.
05 Sep 2022, 10:37am
Yeah, the filter by custom tags for the missing components page is something I would like to do, as it solves the annoyances mentioned. But, as it requires a non-trivial amount of work, I cannot tell when it will be ready. But definitely high on a priority list.

JuvecuDon't know if anyone else has requested this yet. In the fleet sections, can we have the option to have the orange buttons at the very bottom of the page be near the top instead? Having to scroll all the way down past the entire loadout to get to the buttons to export/compare/update a target loadout is unnecessary. It would also be great to have the option to click on a module in the target loadout and be able to edit it right there rather than having to export to an external site, make the changes and then import here again.

Thank you, the site.

I prefer to keep them below, as there is supposed it won't be used too often. The typical scenario is that commander will export his current loadout to EDSY/Coriolis, tweak it there to some kind of a "final loadout" and imports it back as target loadout. Then, as the actual ship loadout is imported on game data import, the differences can be compared right on Inara and no further exports/imports are needed. As the target loadouts are usually a matter of considering many aspects of the ship performance, etc., I think it's better to keep it for the specialized sites (providing all details like power load, overall damage, shield strength, etc.) than waste time with the simple module edits here. Or do you have a specific reason/conditions why are you exporting/importing the loadout so often?

MutantKeyboardHi all.

I've not logged into this site for some time and obviously noticed that everything has changed. I've done a quick search and can't find the answer so please excuse me if this question has been asked and answered a million times before.

I presume that this new layout is a work in progress and not yet completed. Is there a task list or release notes anywhere, in particular I am looking for what was the Squadron Organization page where you could put Commanders into Flights.

Many thanks.

there may be some further tweaks and improvements made, plus the general improvements and new features in the future as usual, but the current version is "final". BUT, some things were deliberately removed, like the squadron organization, because almost nobody was using it and it just complicated things.
06 Sep 2022, 11:24am
JuvecuDon't know if anyone else has requested this yet. In the fleet sections, can we have the option to have the orange buttons at the very bottom of the page be near the top instead? Having to scroll all the way down past the entire loadout to get to the buttons to export/compare/update a target loadout is unnecessary. It would also be great to have the option to click on a module in the target loadout and be able to edit it right there rather than having to export to an external site, make the changes and then import here again.

Thank you, the site.

I prefer to keep them below, as there is supposed it won't be used too often. The typical scenario is that commander will export his current loadout to EDSY/Coriolis, tweak it there to some kind of a "final loadout" and imports it back as target loadout. Then, as the actual ship loadout is imported on game data import, the differences can be compared right on Inara and no further exports/imports are needed. As the target loadouts are usually a matter of considering many aspects of the ship performance, etc., I think it's better to keep it for the specialized sites (providing all details like power load, overall damage, shield strength, etc.) than waste time with the simple module edits here. Or do you have a specific reason/conditions why are you exporting/importing the loadout so often?

Since Inara does not show any ship statistics such as jump range, shield and armour information, etc., I find myself using the Export to EDSY button a lot if I want to check something like that quickly for any of my ships. This way I can see my exact current build for any of my ships in EDSY rather than having to keep a build saved on EDSY that might not always be exactly what I'm running. Just this morning I was wondering what the exact jump range on my Cutter is while I was sat in another ship at a different station to where my Cutter is currently docked.

It is great that I can click a button on Inara and view the exact build in EDSY, but the UI design requires one to scroll down past everything on the page just to click this button. If the button were at the top, or even both top and bottom, it would improve the flow of that part of the site. It is not so much about how often I export/import loadouts or how we think people are/should be using it, I simply figured I could contribute by pointing out a possible improvement to the site.

As for module editing directly on the loadout screens, I can see why that might be a fringe thing that would add complication where it isn't needed so I agree that it should be a disregarded idea.

Keep up the good work
06 Sep 2022, 1:49pm
Notice: There was an update of Inara made with various minor improvements and most importantly major internal changes. Hopefully nothing should be broken, but if you will register a problem, please let me know.

Since Inara does not show any ship statistics such as jump range, shield and armour information, etc., I find myself using the Export to EDSY button a lot if I want to check something like that quickly for any of my ships. This way I can see my exact current build for any of my ships in EDSY rather than having to keep a build saved on EDSY that might not always be exactly what I'm running. Just this morning I was wondering what the exact jump range on my Cutter is while I was sat in another ship at a different station to where my Cutter is currently docked.

I see, thanks for the details. Well, at least the jump range and cargo capacity was added to the fleet list right now (a standard ship update via game data import is required to get the values there).

Last edit: 06 Sep 2022, 2:09pm
06 Sep 2022, 7:08pm
Hi, I can no longer delete blueprints from my Crafting List, I can still update them but can't delete them - I confirm the deletion but nothing happens and the blue print si still present. I'm using Firefox with the English language.
06 Sep 2022, 7:11pm
Bug report:
Unable to delete completed/no longer relevant ship engineering blueprints. Click "X", then "OK", nothing happens, the "X" button remains highlighted blue. On page reload they are still there, obviously, and all the same could be done, to the same (no) effect.

Its getting cluttered, after fitting AX Anaconda...
06 Sep 2022, 7:19pm
Thank you for the report, fixed.
06 Sep 2022, 8:56pm
JuvecuSince Inara does not show any ship statistics such as jump range, shield and armour information, etc., I find myself using the Export to EDSY button a lot if I want to check something like that quickly for any of my ships. This way I can see my exact current build for any of my ships in EDSY rather than having to keep a build saved on EDSY that might not always be exactly what I'm running. Just this morning I was wondering what the exact jump range on my Cutter is while I was sat in another ship at a different station to where my Cutter is currently docked.

It is great that I can click a button on Inara and view the exact build in EDSY, but the UI design requires one to scroll down past everything on the page just to click this button. If the button were at the top, or even both top and bottom, it would improve the flow of that part of the site. It is not so much about how often I export/import loadouts or how we think people are/should be using it, I simply figured I could contribute by pointing out a possible improvement to the site.

As for module editing directly on the loadout screens, I can see why that might be a fringe thing that would add complication where it isn't needed so I agree that it should be a disregarded idea.

Keep up the good work

You can import all your ships to EDSY directly from Frontier API (using the EDSY import), you just need to activate your ship in the active session.
06 Sep 2022, 9:20pm
ArtieThank you for the report, fixed.

That was quick work. Thank you.
06 Sep 2022, 11:47pm
Hubo You can import all your ships to EDSY directly from Frontier API (using the EDSY import), you just need to activate your ship in the active session.

Thanks, I'll have a dig around
07 Sep 2022, 9:36am
I think, that ship export buttons should be moved next to "Edit ship" button. There should be enough space even for same spacer between edit and export button. What do you think Artie?
07 Sep 2022, 11:47am
Hey there.

I've tried to update my CMDR image, but this has lead to a missing / broken image in the top banner. I've tried variations of jpeg and png, larger than, smaller than and exactly 300x300, but no success. This was both on Firefox and Chrome.

Anyone else got that issue? Thanks.

Edit: It's shown correctly in the settings page and here, but also missing in the signature image.
07 Sep 2022, 1:10pm
Helmut GrokenbergerHey there.

I've tried to update my CMDR image, but this has lead to a missing / broken image in the top banner. I've tried variations of jpeg and png, larger than, smaller than and exactly 300x300, but no success. This was both on Firefox and Chrome.

Anyone else got that issue? Thanks.

Edit: It's shown correctly in the settings page and here, but also missing in the signature image.

The problem was fixed, thank you for the report (for the signature image, you may need to disable/enable it, I need to take a look if the avatar change is triggering its refresh properly).

HuboI think, that ship export buttons should be moved next to "Edit ship" button. There should be enough space even for same spacer between edit and export button. What do you think Artie?

I will think about that, but I still prefer to keep it below as less frequently used feature. I will rather think about providing some extra ship information there, as it seems the primary reason was to get those than to export the loadout for further tweaking.
07 Sep 2022, 1:17pm
07 Sep 2022, 3:37pm
Two Bugs.

1) Two of my ships jump range is extraordinarily large: JUMP RANGE 34,844,000.00 Ly. NICE. Only two ships report jump range and cargo capacity. All other ships report "-" for both jump range and cargo capacity. This is broken.

2) In trying to import my "Ship Loadout" for "Target Loadout", it over-writes my current ships loadout and does not import the loadout to "Target Loadout". This is broken.


Last edit: 07 Sep 2022, 4:00pm

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